death train

Chapter 1982

There is a door at the end of the passage. Ye Cha looks at Nan Rong and says, "how about the next life?"

Nanrong Zhishi rolled his eyes and said, "this thing is called divination, not fortune telling, or you can think that any danger can be counted."

The leaf Cha way: "that you calculate."

Nanrong Zhishi said, "I mean it's more advanced than you think. In that case, do you think you can use it if you want?"

Ye Cha sighed: "then you should use it at the key time. What did you use just now?"

Ye Cha is suspected to be behind the horse. But ye Cha is definitely not used just now. The fighting in the passage has been over for a long time. Otherwise, the blood will not dry up. Therefore, the danger may be very small.

However, there's nothing to say after using it. Ye Cha smashes the gate with one punch.

Behind the door is a space, which looks like an experimental area. There is an octagonal hall, surrounded by laboratories. As for the specific purpose, the blade brake is not clear.

Besides, there are still bodies all over the floor.

Nanrong Zhishi looked around and said, "eight gates, how can I get there?"

Each side of the octagonal hall is a laboratory, but the laboratory has a door to leave, in other words, there are eight options.

"Wait a minute."

Ye Cha suddenly stops, and then comes to the front of a corpse.

Nanrong Zhishi looked at Ye Cha and said, "do you know me?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "well, Xiong Dazhi, but we used to call him little fat."

Ye Cha said while squatting down, reaching out to explore the little fat man's breath.

But in this instant, the little fat man suddenly stretched out his hand and grasped Ye Cha's wrist!

After all, the little fat man looked very miserable. His whole body was covered with blood, and his left hand was broken. His face was pale and bloodless. He really looked like he was dead.

"Ye cha..." Little fat man weak way: "you also came."

"Well." Ye Cha said, "don't talk."

Yecha took out cell repair solution and prepared for injection.

The little fat man waved his hand and said, "I've used it. I can't help you..."

Cough, cough

The little fat man suddenly coughed violently and spat out a mouthful of blood, which was even mixed with some internal organs.

"Watch out for five people." The little fat man gritted his teeth and said, "it's terrible. Maybe With Noah The apostles. "

Little fat man's voice gradually decreased, every word was extremely difficult, and finally completely lost his voice, his eyes were dim.

Ye Cha was silent for a while, then he reached out and closed the little fat man's eyes.

Nanrong Zhishi looked at the silent Ye Cha and said, "it seems that you are not as cold-blooded as I imagined. I can feel your anger."

"Probably." Ye Cha got up and said, "you go first."

If it's someone else, ye Cha may not be so angry, but little fat man is not the same as ye Cha, ye Yue and Nie Po.

Like Nie Po, ye Cha and Nie Po are very rational people. They don't rely on their feelings, but on their rational analysis. What kind of decisions should they make.

Little fat is a little different. Little fat is a perceptual type. Even if ye Cha leaves the train of death, little fat has never stood on the opposite side of Ye cha. Little fat's idea is that even if he doesn't help Ye Cha, he won't fight ye cha.

This is the reason why little fatty didn't appear in front of Ye Cha with Nie Po.

"Unfortunately, it was a wrong choice." Ye Cha grinned and looked at the corpse and said, "if you are with Nie Po, maybe you don't have to die."

The leaf brake talks at the same time, on the body continuously gushes the electric current.

Nanrong Zhishi frowned and said, "what do you want to do?"

Ye Cha said indifferently: "kill people."

Nanrong Zhishi said: "you are not such a cool person. Yes, the other party has left. You can't find them now, and..."

"No, I'm calm." Ye Cha pointed to the little fat man's body and said, "how long do you think this injury can last?"

The injury of the little fat man is more serious than expected, not only the superficial injury, but also the internal organs are all smashed. Normally speaking, they should die on the spot, and their physical quality is extraordinary. Moreover, the little fat man was injected with cell repair fluid, so he was relieved.

"But it's just a breath." Ye Cha said: "it's good to last half a minute, at most one or two minutes, so the other side hasn't gone far."

Nanrong Zhishi said in a deep voice: "the other side can kill the guide!"

Ye Cha said: "don't waste my time. I want you to go away. Can't you understand me?"

Nanrong Zhishi sighs, no longer persuading, but does not leave, but retreats to the corner.

The next moment, the electric current on the leaf brake suddenly burst out, and it poured out madly towards the four sides, from the ground, the glass windows of the surrounding laboratories were shattered by the earthquake, the electric current broke through the metal door, and then it poured into the channel madly, making the sound of "Zila, Zila".After a while, the current gradually dissipated.

The leaf Cha low drinks a way: "roll out for me."

Behind the laboratory door in the southeast, a middle-aged man slowly walked out of the corridor, entered the laboratory, and then came to the hall.

The man looks in his early 40s, with curly brown hair, tall, about 1.9 meters tall, muscular, wearing a white robe, a bit like a priest's robe, with a huge wooden cross on the back, almost as tall as a man.

"Answer me two questions." Ye Cha said, "I can make you die a little more happily."

The middle-aged man showed a disdainful expression and said, "what a big tone."

Ye Cha said, "first question, who are you?"

"I'm silver wolf. You can call me that." "As for who I am, I don't think I need to explain too much to two dead people," the middle-aged man said contemptuously

Ye Cha said: "well, second question, aren't you five people?"

"Silver wolf said:" clean up two fish, I think one person is enough

Ye Cha nodded. He made a noise to attract the other party back, but the other party obviously didn't care much, or thought highly of himself, and only sent one back to see the situation.

Ye Cha said: "good. After two questions, you can die."

It's too late!

Leaf brake toward the front hand, a current toward the front gush out, quickly into a thunder column, toward each other bombardment.

"A small skill in carving insects."

The silver wolf stood still and stretched out his hand.


Thunder column hit the silver wolf's palm, then burst into pieces, into countless arc scattered.

"There's a sense of apostolic power." Nanrong said, "is this guy an apostle of Noah?"

Nanrong Zhishi uses interrogative sentences. The master of the power of the apostles is either the son or the apostle of Noah. However, the feeling of the other side is not much like the apostle of Noah, because the feeling of the Apostle's power is very weak.

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