death train

Chapter 1995

I don't know what material this place is made of. It's so hard.

It's enough to tear down a two or three storey building with the fist of yecha and Aries, but the wall is not broken with one blow, and Aries is directly embedded in the wall like a cake.

Aries's body is also strong, injury is not heavy, but the heart is big but big, ye Cha a punch bang of his resistance is not.

Of course, the leaf brake is purely deceiving Aries.

Is manwang capable? Of course!

However, manwang's ability is also defective, and the defect is very obvious.

It is an unchangeable fact that the general attribute of physical fitness is unchangeable. Manwang ability can only change the attribute.

This is also the reason why Ye Cha didn't make any attack when he dodged the fist of Aries before, even he was very nervous and didn't dare to let Aries hit with a fist.

At that time, ye Cha's power was very low. I'm afraid that the blow was not enough to scratch. At most, it was the level of smashing people with cotton. In that case, what would you do to fight back? If you have a chance to fight back, ye Cha doesn't punch. Anyway, he can't cause any damage.

The reason for tension is the same. The physical defense brought by yecha's constitution at that time. As long as Aries hits yecha, yecha will be useless. It is likely to revive on the spot. Even if it does not die, it is probably half disabled.

In the same way, ye Cha's physical fitness is extremely strong in one second. He takes a punch from Aries hard, and nothing happens. But the speed of the punch is really not fast, and it can even be said that the tortoise climbs. Therefore, Aries never thought that ye Cha could blow himself out with one punch, and then he would take a punch from ye Cha foolishly. If it was a normal fight, ye Cha's fist would blow 100 times, probably not even one time It's too late.

The leaf brake is completely using the extreme adjustment attribute to cheat Aries, to create their own physical quality is stronger than the feeling of Aries.

The leaf brake adjusts the attribute once more, the toe is a little bit, come to the front of Aries instantly again.

Aries a stare eyes, not with the leaf brake face-to-face enemy, figure after a flash away.

The leaf Cha heart sneers a, this is the effect that oneself want.

With Aries melee hard fight, ye cha know that he suffered a loss, and suffer a big loss, no man Wang ability, simply can not carry.

Moreover, even if the leaf brake uses other abilities, the Aries iron heart forced close, on the speed of Aries, the leaf brake simply can't stop.

In this case, force Aries dare not close combat, although the last resort is actually cheating.


Aries quickly jump open, a low roar, body fire Sheng, and then a flame toward the leaf brake shrouded down.


Ye Cha is not afraid, because ye Cha also has the power of Yan's son.

However, not afraid does not mean that there is no harm. The power of the Apostle is not as good as that of Leidi. At least because of Leidi, yecha is never afraid of pure electric current attack.

In this case, ye Cha naturally didn't want to make a hard connection. Instead, he drank a low voice. His whole body was also full of flames, and then he blew out towards the front with a fist.

The two men's flames formed a fire fist in the air, and then pounded together. After a roar, the flame suddenly burst.

At the moment when the flame burst, behind the leaf brake, the black shadow darted out and flew toward Aries, but what I didn't expect was that the shadow of Aries also flew over, two shadows intertwined and pulled each other.

Ye Cha was stunned and said, "I don't believe you can also drink water!"

Ye Cha said, while absorbing the water in the air, condensing the water ball and bombarding towards the front.

aries as like as two peas, and the same water ball appears and crumbs together.

The power of water elves is quite useless where there is no water. I'm totally sorry for the name of apostolic power. Of course, yecha is also a temptation. It turns out that Aries can use all his apostolic power.

Ye Cha scolded, and Dr. wittsell really got out.

After all, this is certainly not Dr. Davis's work. At that time, when you were on the island, Aries had already shown great strength, but it was mainly physical. There were probably other abilities, but there was no time to show them. By virtue of the body alone, Aries was strong enough.

In particular, ye Cha's water spirit power has just awakened.

Yecha now understands why Dr. wittsell didn't intend to kill himself before, and why he has been pestering himself with something. That old bastard is mostly collecting his ability data through fighting, and then he has reformed Aries in this aspect.

Aries's blood comes from the leaf brake. Theoretically, the blood also contains the Apostle's cells and genes. It's also said that it can awaken the Apostle's power.

But what surprised yecha was that the strength of the two apostles was almost the same. The strength of the Aries apostle came from yecha's blood. It was impossible to be stronger than yecha, but it was not much different.

Ye Cha runs towards the side, continuously raises his hand to release the fireball, and Aries does not hesitate to make a hard connection, but the moment he receives the fireball, the two inflammations appear, quickly wrapping Aries.Boom, boom!

The sound of the explosion suddenly rings out, and the fire rolled up completely envelops Aries.

However, a moment later, Aries negative hand out of the fire, although there are some signs of scorched body, but it does not matter.

Ye Cha low scolded, his apostolic power is obviously useless, three kinds of apostolic power will not have too much effect on Aries, because Aries also has the same power.

Of course, this kind of thing is relative, the same attribute of the apostolic power, used from the hands of Aries, will not have much effect on the Yasha.

There will be no result in this fight. However, ye Cha thinks it can be consumed. After all, Aries is not strong.

Aries seemed to know what ye Cha thought, and said with a smile: "my body has become complete. Dr. wittsell has helped me to improve the circulatory hematopoiesis function. Even if I don't need to draw blood from your body, I can still keep normal."

The leaf Cha Leng for a while, immediately in the heart again low scold a, the biggest weakness of Aries unexpectedly did not have?

What are you pestering me for!

Ye Cha would like to ask, but know that this is nonsense, even if there is no weakness, his flesh and blood for Aries, is also a huge tonic, and even, can greatly enhance the strength.

Ye Cha took a deep breath. Since it didn't work, he had to change his moves.

It's too late!

When ye Cha raised his arm, the current surged immediately, and the electric arc was like a small snake winding Ye Cha's arm.

The next moment, the leaf brake a foot toward the front step out, then a punch Bang to Aries.

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