death train

Chapter 2001


Ye Cha raised his head and roared, and then there was a tearing sound in his flesh and blood again.

Poof, poof, poof

In the position of the forearm, the three spines grew out, in a triangular state, wrapped Ye Cha's arm, strong, sharp and ferocious.


Ye Cha takes a deep breath, and then spits out the turbid air.

There was white smoke in yecha's mouth, which was hot and burning. At the same time, the green Hellfire sparks came out from the corners of yecha's mouth.

Ye Cha raised his right hand and squeezed his fist hard. The knuckles crackled. Ye Cha could clearly feel that his body was full of strength.

"Come on!" Ye Cha yells at ARIES: "fight on!"

Leaf brake feet a pedal on the ground, the ground steel plate issued a distorted sound, and then leaf brake toward the front rushed out.

Aries doesn't retreat. The damage caused by the leaf brake has now recovered to 7788. Aries obviously prefers the fierce hand-to-hand combat. In contrast, the apostles don't use much power.

Of course, the main function of Aries is not to use their fists when they collide with each other.

This time, it's the same!

Aries learn the appearance of the leaf brake, a fierce step on the feet force, and then the whole person toward the front ran out.

The next moment, their fists collided.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth and the muscles of his arm swelled.

Leaf brake can feel a huge force is constantly pushing themselves, the power of Aries is quite frightening.

However, reluctantly held up.

This is expected in the leaf brake, enter the demon dragon state, should be able to carry hard with Aries, but to better than Aries I'm afraid it's still very difficult.

It's not that demon dragon's physical enhancement is not large enough, and the percentage of enhancement, human's physical limit limits the enhancement range.

This belongs to the problem of upper limit, which can not be avoided.

But entering the demon dragon state, it is not only the physical aspect that is promoted.

Ye Cha suddenly opened his mouth and showed his dragon teeth, which was extremely ferocious.


Ye Cha opened his mouth and roared.

Long Xi!

Ye Cha roared, as if there were something flowing around, invisible and formless. Although you can't see it, you can really feel its existence.

And then


All around the ground and walls have split, the ceiling even collapsed directly, falling down. Aries in this with the leaf brake more force, this dragon breath out, but also let Aries touch less than defense, immediately was a blow to fly out.

After rolling on the ground for several laps, Aries holds his body with one hand and barely stabilizes his body.

But at this time, ye Cha had killed again.

Behind the Dragon wings open, leaf brake soared, came to the top of Aries, and then stretched out his hand toward the Aries virtual press.


Poof, poof, poof!

The sound of the flame beating rings, and then it burns up. Three dark green fire balls appear in front of yecha's body, and then they blow down in the direction of Aries.

Bang, bang, bang!

Fire hit the ground, and then continue to burst, blink of an eye, dark green Hellfire covered an area, constantly burning.

But, no use!

All of a sudden, Aries from the dark green Hellfire in the sky, toward the leaf brake again jumped out.

Bang, bang, bang!

The collision and bombardment from boxing to meat.

Both of them didn't use any fancy ability. Ye Cha looked at the one punch of Aries, which was also one punch, and then both sides began to punch.

The fists hit each other's body continuously, showing their teeth on both sides, and forced them to shoulder each other's fists.

In just half a minute, the two men shot dozens of fists.

And then



Yecha and Aries punch at the same time again, their arms crisscross in the air, and then yecha's fist blows on the face of Aries, and Aries's fist hits yecha's chest.

Boom, boom!

Two violent impact sound, leaf brake's back hit the ceiling, the ceiling to blow out a hole.

And Aries is hit the ground, the ground issued a "click, click" sound, and then inch inch crack, and then the ground collapsed, Aries will fall to the next layer.

But it's just a moment.

The leaf brake unfolds the dragon's wings and flies back quickly from the hole in the ceiling. When Aries falls to the ground directly, he jumps up and breaks the ground and appears again.Bang!


The two quickly approached each other, and again raised their fists to bombard each other.

Still is not avoid not flash bombardment, boxing to meat!

If we meet in a narrow road, the brave will win!

The next moment, two people at the same time toward the rear was blasted out, hard hit the wall.

Ye Cha covered his chest and showed his teeth in pain. He felt that he had broken at least two bones. However, the demonic dragon's state strengthened his body, which naturally included his physique, regenerative ability and self-healing ability. Such severe pain was just a moment, and soon recovered.

But Aries is faster!

When the chakra recovers, Aries has rushed in the direction of the chakra again.


The leaf Cha also doesn't care to get up, don't hesitate of lift palm toward front empty press to go out.

A group of dark green Hellfire appeared in front of yecha continuously, and then began to shoot continuously towards the front of Aries.

Bang, bang, bang!

Aries straight fist, will fly to the Hellfire to constantly smash, and then come to the front of the leaf brake.

Taking advantage of the Hellfire delay for a while, ye Cha also took the opportunity to stand up and meet Aries. The shadow behind him suddenly elongated and ran out toward the front.

The shadow of the leaf brake is like a rope, which quickly entangles the body of Aries and binds it.

In fact, this move doesn't work for Aries, because Aries also has the power of the shadow demon's Apostle, who can freely control the shadow. The leaf brake binds Aries, and then Aries can release the shackles by itself.

However, it will take a moment, and ye Cha will hit Aries in the face.

Aries is blasted out with a fist. In the demon dragon state of yecha, you can still bring some damage to Aries with your fist.

And in a blow after flying Aries, ye Cha immediately hands pressed to the ground, around Aries, a huge circle of hell fire lines suddenly emerged.

Ye Cha is going to kill, but


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and then the whole space suddenly vibrated violently.

The earthquake!

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