death train

Chapter 2004

Sword is definitely a physical attack, but sword light is not.

Dr. wittsell is very clear, otherwise he would not dodge.

After a sword, ye Cha turned over in the air and fell back to the river Styx.

Ye Cha looked at Dr. wittsell and said, "are you going to work hard?"

Dr. wittsell said with a smile: "there is no such plan for the moment. Besides, you are Aries. I don't think he will like me to take his prey."

Ye Cha said: "if so, why do you want to catch up? Or, to prevent us from leaving, are you going to die here? "

Dr. wittsell said: "death is really not a terrible thing for me. Look at me now, it seems that I look very good. I have great strength and almost eternal life."

Dr. wittsell held out his finger and swayed it gently.

"Everything has its advantages and disadvantages." Delicacy, delicacy, and even the last taste of food, even though I was a taste tester of Michelin 3-star before the end of the world, I enjoyed the food at the end of my working life. But now you look at me, I can't even taste the sugar and salt. Even if you put the herring cans in front of me, I won't feel sick in the face of Witt Sal. Because I can't enjoy any food or drink any more, and I don't even have touch. I touch my wife's cheek like sandpaper. I hold up my daughter's body, but I can't feel any weight. So I kill them, because I really don't want to feel the feeling of nothingness. "

Ye Cha said, "it's your choice."

Dr. wittsell said: "yes, so I don't regret it. The world is fair. I get what I give. However, many people are just like me. Before I get it, they yearn for it. After I get it, they feel empty. Therefore, death is nothing to me. I'm tired of everything."

"Then, for whom did you die?" Ye Cha squinted and said, "conductor?"

Dr. wittsell did not deny it and said directly, "yes."

"I'm curious about the role of the conductor in CommScope," he said

Dr. wittsell said: "in fact, the story about CommScope has a follow-up. Before the end of the world, only Wayne was left among the three giants of CommScope. Adams and Karem were all dead. To tell you the truth, in my opinion, Wayne was really a incompetent guy. His assets came from his father's will. At the same time, his father left a complete team of consultants Helping him manage these things, including investing in CommScope, is also the result of the consulting team. "

Ye Cha said: "at least he knows people well and makes good use of them. He will become one of the giants of CommScope only after listening to the opinions of the consultants."

"Ha, you're right." Dr. wittsell laughed and said, "I mean incompetence, which means Wayne's talent. But as you said, Wayne still has some shining points. At least he has no bad habits and is good at listening to his subordinates' opinions. Unfortunately, being too independent is not a good thing. His Advisory Group encouraged him to kill Adams."

Ye Cha said: "are we off topic? I'm not interested in what kind of person your boss is. "

Dr. wittsell said: "he is not my boss. After the end of the world, Wayne's incompetence was exposed. Without the people around him, he didn't know what decision-making was. He was afraid, he was cowardly, he was incompetent, and he felt guilty. At that time, he was the only one who could stand up and stabilize the situation, but he retreated."

Ye Cha said: "I can see that from entering this place, I can see that you are the real master of CommScope."

Dr. wittsell said with a smile: "at least it's not Wayne. He killed himself in the second month of his doomsday."

Ye Cha said: "well, back to the previous question, is it the conductor?"

Dr. wittsell said, "I can't answer your question because I've never met him before. He comes to me every time, you know? I was very afraid at that time. He seemed omnipotent. Sometimes, when I turned on the computer, he would appear on the screen. Sometimes, when I sat on the sofa for a rest and opened my eyes, he would stand behind me and talk to me. I didn't even dare to look back. He was like a shadow, always following you, no matter what, you can't get rid of him. "

As Dr. wittsell spoke, there was a look of memory on his face, and some fear.

After a moment, Dr. wittsell continued, "but is that important? Later, I found that it didn't matter, because he could help me realize my dream. He gave me many things I had never seen before and opened the door to a new world for me. People like you would not understand how excited I was at that time. The end of the world was a source of fear for you, but it was different for me. The end of the world was paradise and I got a lot of unprecedented knowledge, You don't need to worry about any research. You can have as many living samples as you want. The most important thing is that he can provide me with countless materials. I can do many researches, many researches that I never thought of. "Yecha said: "so, the conductor is the master behind CommScope?"

Dr. wittsell said with a smile: "probably, I said, I have never met him, but I am willing to do anything for him for everything he gives me."

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes, looked at Dr. wittsell, and suddenly said, "no, there's still one person missing. You didn't tell the truth."

Dr. wittsell said with a smile, "Oh? Where didn't I tell the truth? "

Ye Cha said: "it's true that the conductor has contact with you, and it's true that you help the conductor, but the manager of CommScope can't be the conductor, nor can it be you."

Does the conductor control CommScope?

Yecha thinks there must be some reasons, but the conductor doesn't need to use CommScope to do things for himself. Why?

There's a death train!

A conductor's task is full of people working for the conductor. What is CommScope? In addition to the monster, the conductor of the constellations will not be able to work with the vice conductor at all.

What's more, from Dr. wittsell's words, we can see that CommScope can get to the present stage without the assistance of the conductor, so that they can produce enough research results and have a foothold in the end.

Well, what if it wasn't funded by the conductor?

CommScope is nothing!

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