death train

Chapter 201

"Appeal!" Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "it seems to take a little risk."

Yecha's decision is to climb!

Although the 50m wall behind the inclined wall is a straight wall with a vertical angle of 90 degrees to the ground, the outer wall is composed of square alloy plates with gaps between them.

Using those crevices, you can climb to the ground. Previously, the leaf brake had no way, because it slid down from the inclined wall, with strong momentum and inertia, the leaf brake could not stop the body moving forward.

Of course, even if the body, this is also a very difficult thing.

The gap of the alloy plate, just can barely let the finger hook in it, the most important thing is that the blade brake has no foothold.

In fact, this is similar to rock climbing, but in addition to grasping the rock with the help of the fingertips of both hands, rock climbing will also look for the protruding rock to step on. To climb down from the outer wall, the leaf brake can only rely on both arms, because there is no place to step on.

In addition, there are no protective measures, no anti-skid gloves, no magnesium powder, nothing, a little mistake will kill the blade brake.

But the brake has no choice.

After taking a deep breath again, ye Cha grabs the edge of the wall and starts to climb down.

This is absolutely impossible for normal people to do, whether it is strength, physical strength, balance and other aspects of the requirements, are beyond the limits of normal people.

However, ye Cha thinks he still has hope. After all, his current physical fitness is not normal.

Can normal people twist steel bar into twist with bare hands? Obviously, it can't, but the blade brake can, or many passengers on the dead train can.

Even so, the blade brake is very careful. The two fingers firmly buckle the gap between the alloy plates, first the one directly above, and then the side to let the body fall.

At the moment when the body falls, the leaf brake quickly catches the gap of the alloy plate below. After stabilizing the body, release the hand above, and the body falls again. After stabilizing the body with strength, it catches the gap on the side.

The next step is to start again and again.

Up, side, down, up, side, down

This seems to be a very simple process, but in fact it is very difficult. Even if the blade brake does not buckle the gap once, or the gap of the alloy plate is not as solid as expected, the whole body of the blade brake will fall down.

It's a double test of strength and luck.

At the same time, this terrain has no difficulty for the corpse flower. The corpse flower can wriggle forward against the wall, even if it is completely right angled, the corpse flower will not fall completely.

This more or less provides some help to the leaf brake. When it is absolutely impossible, the leaf brake can let the corpse flower pull itself.

Of course, it's just a short time.

Corpse flower is not strong enough, it is OK to pull the leaf brake for a short time, but if it is for a long time, the bearing capacity of corpse flower is not enough, so the leaf brake can only rely on itself.

Ten meters, twenty meters

The first 20 meters was not very difficult for the leaf brake, but after 20 meters, the body of the leaf brake began to have adverse reactions.

Even if it is super physical fitness, ye Cha can still feel the acerbity of fingertips, because the gap is very small, and the strength is almost concentrated on the front half of the fingers.

After climbing down for another ten meters, ye Cha's expression began to be ferocious, and his fingers began to tremble. However, 20 meters above the ground, ye Cha felt more at ease. If you use the shield of six flowers at this distance, you should not die.

Let corpse flower with vines to hold himself, leaf brake release hands, a little rest, and then continue to climb down.

About 15 minutes later, the leaf brake finally fell to the ground.

Unfortunately, the thing that greets Ye Cha is really disgusting.

A group of zombies in the moment of leaf brake landing, immediately surrounded.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate to pull out the silver thorns, then fired around.

Bang, bang, bang!

With the sound of gunfire, ye Cha blasted the heads of zombies around him, and then went all the way forward.

Ye Cha looks for the car, but doesn't find any cars around. Finally, his eyes fall on a motorcycle. After turning over, he fiddles with it, but it really starts.

As he left on his motorcycle, yecha looked back at the fort experimental base building of CommScope and found that the helicopter didn't take off again.

Ye Cha couldn't help squinting his eyes and said, "don't you chase me?"

If the other party's only purpose is to kill himself, it is obviously unreasonable not to pursue him. Ye Cha bet on what the other party is thinking.

At the same time, ye Cha is also thinking, why does the other party want to kill himself?

It's a huge mystery for yecha.

A madman in pursuit of killing?

The possibility is very small.

First, the guy who wants to kill himself is just a madman who pursues killing, so he should do it by himself, not by pretending to others.Second, from the contact with these people in yecha's previous life, they pursue killing in order to find a sense of existence in the last life. Rather than killing, they pursue fighting more precisely.

Killing or being killed can make people feel alive. This kind of person usually doesn't have a fixed goal. Just like the so-called serial killers, they all kill people according to their nature. They will kill people for some reason instead of staring at someone.

In this case, it means that the other party has a purpose.

So, what's the purpose? Have you ever offended anyone? Or who has offended himself?

Ye Cha couldn't think of it at all, because what he had offended, or what he had offended, now all became zombies or dead bones.

And, most of all, those guys who are chasing themselves are unusual.

Why kill them, no mysterious voice? Why can Jin Anyi catch up with the metropolis that only the experimenters can enter? Why did Ge shujiu come here by helicopter instead of passing through the platform of the death train like others and coming directly to the inside of the fort base?

Obviously, the person who wanted to kill himself was not an ordinary passenger on the death train.

Ordinary passengers have no such ability and right.

"Wait, right?" Ye Cha's eyes lit up and said, "is it someone who has a position on the death train?"

Yes, people with positions.

Other people may not be qualified to contact these, in fact, ye Cha is not qualified to contact at present.

However, because of the memory of the last life, ye Cha knows that some people on the death train have job titles, including steward, steward leader, deputy steward, deputy conductor, conductor and so on. At the same time, these people will also have special authority!

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