death train

Chapter 2019

Ye Cha's sadness didn't last long, because now is not the time to be sentimental.

Aries death, finally no entanglement leaf brake things, leaf brake will look at the train of death.

At the other end, there is also a big war under the death train. Countless people are attacking the death train. This time, people are united.

Whether it's the death train or the apostles walking.

Because, at last, everyone has the same goal.


When all people have the same goal, without any interest disputes and positions, unity can really appear.

Gan Lin is in the front, because she also wants to live. Moreover, as the Deputy conductor, only when she stands in the front can she bring hope and fighting will to other people.

Gan Lin really knows how to use others to do things for her, but she also knows that she has to do things now, and she has too many reasons to do things.


The next moment, the river Styx appears in front of Gan Lin again, bumping towards the front and towards the death train.

The roar appeared, the river Styx hit the death train, constantly pounding, rolling up water waves, layer by layer, continuously bumping into the death train.

But it's not enough!

That's not enough for a dead train!

Gan Lin bit her teeth, then took out a knife and cut the palm open.

Tick, tick!

The blood drips down and melts into the river Styx.

"I'm here, watching you, dotted with the night sky. You and I, like two groups of flames, illuminate each other. I once knew your name, I once remembered your face, and I was intoxicated with your voice..."

"Year after year, I feel your call. Even if I sink into the river Styx, I will never let the flame go out. I will no longer accept your embrace, enjoy your love, and sink into your glory. I have no choice but to deliver my soul to you."

"I am the Lord of the underworld. The underworld is called by me for three thousand miles. My will is your blade. Let's start fighting. My soldiers, soldiers from the underworld, feel my will and follow my call, so that there will be no living things in this world."

Ganlin murmured, and with Ganlin's murmur, the Styx suddenly began to turn violently, the Styx rolled up a layer of waves, water splashing.

The next moment

Goo Doo, goo Doo!

The surface of the river Styx keeps bubbling, and then one by one the soldiers of the underworld stand up from the river Styx, stride forward, and rush towards the death train.

Through the Styx, the underworld warriors can come directly to the front of the death train, and then continue to attack.

But in this moment

The black light flashed, and then the black beam reappeared, bombarding the front.


There was a huge roar, accompanied by the passing of the black light beam, the sound of explosion sounded continuously, and black light balls appeared around.

The underworld warrior was enveloped by the black ball of light, constantly tearing and roaring, his body constantly splitting, and finally turned into ashes.

Gan Lin took two steps back and spilled blood from the corner of her mouth.

But at this time, a palm on Ganlin's back, will help Ganlin.

Gan Lin side face a see, immediately smile a way: "you come."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "well."

Gan Lin white leaf Cha one eye way: "at this time, you should kiss me, that just romantic."

Ye Cha looked at the white bones floating in the netherworld River and said, "it's romantic to step on the corpse?"

Gan Lin sighed: "what a boring man."

Ye Cha said: "I think you should have known this for a long time after you have tried countless times. Besides, you'd better think about how to leave here."

Gan Lin was quite upright and said, "it's not easy to kill."

Ye Cha said: "if it's not easy to kill, it's also necessary to kill. I've come to this point. I don't want to fall short. I already know where the conductor has gone."

Ye Cha said as he drew his sword.

Gan Lin said: "use the move you used before? I lend you my strength? "

Ye Cha said, "no need."

Gan Lin said, "why? You can't be alone. "

Ye Cha said: "if you lend me the power of the underworld, you will be half useless. I can't protect you in the present situation."

Gan Lin suddenly laughed and said, "this is the happiest thing I've heard recently."

Ye Cha left his mouth and said, "when we fight together, I will protect whoever we change."

"It's the most unpleasant thing I've heard recently," Gan said

The leaf Cha rolled a white eye, then way: "send me over."

While ye Cha was talking, he jumped up. At the same time, the river Styx was surging at his feet, rolling up the water wave and holding it on the sole of Ye Cha's feet, sending Ye Cha to the front of the death train.Ye Cha slowly clenched the sword and took a deep breath. Then his momentum suddenly became sharp.

This is human sword!

At this moment, ye Cha is a sword.

It's a sharp sword!

The next moment, ye Cha's sword intention is booming!

Sword meaning is sword meaning, never sword!

Therefore, the meaning of sword can never directly affect the battle, usually it can only show the prestige, or make the sword more powerful.

However, the sword spirit that ye Cha sent out at the moment was extremely sharp.

Around the death train, there are still some people stepping on the river Styx, are constantly attacking, but in this moment can not help but stop.

Those people can't help but step back and leave from the front of yecha. In other words, they give up the road ahead to yecha, so that yecha can face the dead train.

Because everyone has a feeling that they will be torn to pieces by the sharp sword.

And when those people get out of the way, ye Cha suddenly jumps out to the front, comes to the death train, and suddenly draws his sword.

The sword, came to the moment of death train, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Because that sword is called yiyanwannian!

At a glance, I saw ten thousand years, and then I came here with that sword after ten thousand years.

No sword!

No sword light!

No sword shadow!

It seems that there is nothing!



On the carapace of the death train, there was a loud noise, and then the carapace suddenly left a crack.

The cracks slowly spread towards both ends, growing bigger and bigger. Finally, the car suddenly split and became two pieces.

Looking at another broken carriage, ye Cha could hear cheers from all around. However, ye Cha frowned and didn't feel surprised because of the sword.

Heaven, earth and man are the most important things in Oriental Jade's Kendo, and even the core and foundation of Oriental Jade's kendo.

The human sword has been out, and it only causes this kind of damage. Ye Cha is not happy, but feels disappointed, and


Fear the power of death train!

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