death train

Chapter 2023

The shadow step of Ye Cha is continuous, the figure is continuous flashing, the white light is constantly shrouded, shooting down on the death carriage, but it's meaningless if ye Cha can't be covered.

Attack, must hit to cause damage.

In a short time, ye Cha came to the son of light, and the son of light stretched out his hand to push forward. The light in the air quickly formed a cross and fell, but not towards Ye Cha, but towards the son of light.


Ye Cha's fist fell on the cross and was directly blocked down. Then he swept the cross with his sword and cut it open.

The son of light appeared, but in this moment, a light column suddenly appeared, but no longer fell from the air, but from the son of light's chest.

This is quite beyond the leaf Cha to expect, have never seen Mo Xi use such attack.

Caught off guard, the leaf brake was blown out directly, rolled continuously at the top of the car, and then stabbed down towards the top of the car with a sword. The leaf brake stabilized his figure.

As soon as he raised his head, the light column fell again in the air. Ye Cha quickly took a ghostly step to avoid the light column again.

Going forward, the son of light doesn't have any melee ability. At least in yecha's impression, Moxi didn't use any melee ability, and the son of light probably doesn't, so as long as he is close to the son of light, he can end the battle.

However, the son of light obviously won't let Yasha do what he wants. If melee ability is the weakness of the son of light, there is no doubt that the son of light will try his best to make up for his weakness.

This time, the light did not condense into anything, but appeared in front of the son of light, layer by layer, like a wave, towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha scolded. This move was also easy to avoid. The light probably covered the horizontal position of five or six meters, but the key was to move horizontally to avoid five or six meters

The leaf brake fell off the train of death. However, the leaf brake also has a way to deal with it. Since it can't run, it can fly by itself.

Ye Cha wanted the paper God to make paper wings, but just then

The sound of the river running!

Ye Cha was stunned. Then he saw that the river Styx appeared on the top of the son of light. Then, the river Styx suddenly poured down from the air and fell on the son of light.

The body of the son of light immediately twisted and wriggled in the Ming River, and then the body began to rot, turning into balls of rotten meat, which was completely corrupted by the Ming River.

Gan Lin jumped down from the top of the Styx River, fell to the side of the leaf brake, and then said: "look at the top."

Ye Cha looked up into the air, and then his pupils shrank.

The death train's

Front of the car!

The leaf Cha dark scolds oneself to be silly.

The death train is very long, very long, so long that if we keep a straight line all the time, this space can't even accommodate the death train.

So, the death train occupies the air, and the shape is actually like the snake game often played when I was a child. It constantly twists and turns, forming a piece of space in the air.

What's more, snake is a plane square game after all. The death train can not only change the direction and circle, but also have three-dimensional circles of different heights, and then slowly wriggle, impact and destroy everything around.

Leaf brake now run to the position, look up, 60 degrees angle just can see the front of the death train.

To tell the truth, ye Cha is really the first time to see the front of the death train.

Even when I was on the death train before, I went up and down. Every time I entered the platform and looked at both sides, I couldn't see the front and rear of the train at all. Of course, the blade brake didn't care about this, so I went to the front or rear of the train to have a look.

Therefore, it is the first time that the blade brake has seen the front of the death train.

Frankly, it's nothing strange.

The front of the death train is a very general train head. The structure of the bullet head has an arc in the front end, lights on both sides, and single-sided glass above.

There is nothing worth mentioning, just like the train head in everyone's impression.

But there was a strange feeling, as if it were alive.

The left and right lights feel like eyes. When ye Cha looks at them, it feels like the death train is looking at itself.

A feeling of palpitation!

Ye Cha suddenly felt that he had goose bumps on his arm. Without any reason, he felt palpitations, just like the darkness in front of him, unable to see hope. Even in the darkness, there was a beast staring at him.

Suddenly, the leaf Cha feels the cheek a piece of ice cold.

Ye suddenly fierce return to God, and then see Ganlin palm on his face, that cold feeling, is Ganlin palm temperature.

Gan Lin soft voice way: "how?"

Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "nothing, send me up."

At this point, ye Cha knew that he had no way back, and no one here had any way back.As for Gan Lin's appearance, it's to remind Ye Cha that there's no need to keep running. As long as you keep jumping up where the carriages of the death train cross each other, you can get closer to the front of the death train faster.

Of course, in addition to jumping up, it is also necessary to move forward. After all, the death train is not fixed, but has been moving, and the front of the train is not fixed in a position.

Ye Cha looked up again, and the front of the car was gone, or to the left. With the carriage moving completely, the front of the car was covered.

At the same time, Gan Lin didn't talk much. She raised her hand directly, and the river Styx appeared again, slanting to a higher place, connecting with a carriage above.

Leaf brake stepped on the river Styx quickly forward, toward the car above.

But in this moment, the force angel's arm appeared again, quickly rolled towards the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha entangled the sword with Li angel's arm, but suddenly he felt that the temperature around him was suddenly getting higher.

Ye Cha felt something, and immediately turned back and yelled to Gan Lin: "be careful."

Meteorite from heaven!

A huge fire ball came down from the sky, with a very hot breath, making the heat wave rolling around, falling down in the direction of the river Styx.

The power of Yan's son!

The intention of the fireball is very obvious, that is to break the Styx.

But Ganlin didn't flinch at this time. Taking a deep breath, Ganlin suddenly stretched out her hands towards the front.

"Follow my call." Gan Lin whispered: "hell earth giant!"

Goo Doo, goo Doo.

Bubbles began to appear in the river Styx, and then the huge body of the earth beast came out of the river Styx, and raised its head to meet the fireball falling from the air!

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