death train

Chapter 2030

Boom, boom, boom!

The buildings around kept making loud noises, and then cracked one by one, spreading from the top to the bottom, and even to the street, where huge cracks constantly appeared.

Jin Chenxi stood on the edge of the building with a look of fear on her face.

He also heard the cry of Ye Cha, but he couldn't move in a large range in his current situation.


Jin Chenxi suddenly raises her head and roars in the direction of the death train.

Jin Chenxi's voice is a bit angry, a bit hysterical, and a bit reluctant to follow the attachment to the world.

The next moment, Jin Chenxi's body suddenly burst open, countless pieces of meat mixed with bones, toward the surrounding blast fly out, a pool of blood slowly toward the surrounding spread.

Jin Chenxi died.

In addition to Jin Chenxi, two people, a steward and


Bestar was beaten half disabled in the previous counterattack. Facing the attack of the death train, he could only close his eyes.

It's all over.

Bestar whispered softly. Bestar didn't feel sad. On the contrary, he felt relieved.

This world is so painful, so sad, so cruel, the most important thing is that it makes people live so tired. A lot of times, Besta is thinking, why not die here?

Death may not be so terrible, maybe death will usher in a new life, at least

Not so tired!

However, Bestar has too much attachment, so he can't make up his mind.

It takes courage to live.

Death, too.

Now, Bestar doesn't need to struggle and make up his mind, because he has no choice, and the only thing he can do is close his eyes.

At the same time, ye Cha felt that he was in the storm circle. There were invisible forces around him, constantly pushing. At the same time, there was a strong tearing feeling, which seemed to tear his body to pieces.

Leaf brake clenched teeth, constantly back, the body constantly swing.

The attack of the death train lasted about half a minute, and for all people, this half a minute is like a passing day, endlessly bearing everything.

Half a minute later, the fluctuating force finally disappeared, but before the crowd could catch their breath, the death train moved slowly.

At the same time, with the death train moving, the carrion covered on the carriage suddenly twisted and wriggled.

Soon, the carrion formed a person.

That person is a pile of rotten meat, with the outline of human shape, in addition, is a pile of rotten meat, completely can't see where it looks like a person.

The first person quickly jumped from the front of the death train, stepped on the Styx, and then came to Ye Yue.

Ye Yue was shocked.

Ye Yue is not weak, but there are more people here than ye Yue. Ye Yue is the strongest Superman on the death train, but not the strongest.

Why did you attack yourself first? Do you want to choose soft persimmons?

"Words and spirits!" Ye Yue stretched out her hand toward the front and said, "chop!"

the carrion as like as two peas, and then reached forward.


The wind blade appeared in front of Ye Yue's body and chopped at her opponent. However, just when she was about to hit, the wind blade suddenly burst.

Ye Yue is stunned. If she feels right, the other party is also using the art of speech and spirit. However, she is using broken speech and spirit, directly breaking her wind blade.

Ye Yue no longer uses words and spirits, but spiritual impact.

Sure enough, ye Yue just launched a mental impact, and the other side also launched a sudden impact. The two mental impacts collided and then offset each other.

At the same time, a second carrion man appeared, this time, looking for Nie Po.

Without saying a word, Nie Po took off the metal ring behind him and threw it to the carrion man.

The metal ring is constantly rotating, extremely sharp, as long as the other side collides, it will be able to directly cut people.

However, at this time, countless pieces of metal armor appeared on the carrion man's body and quickly covered his body.

armor, as like as two peas, and the same sound as Nie Li.


The metal ring hit the opponent's chest, left a mark on the armor plate on the opponent's chest, and then was bounced away.

The carrion man stretched out his hand towards the front and opened the weapon cabin at the position of his forearm. Two missiles suddenly flew out and exploded in front of Nie Po.

Then a third carrion man appeared and jumped over the Styx.

Malfarian's corner of his eye was drawn, and the third carrion man was running towards him. Then he stretched out his hand and held it to both sides. Then two black lightsabers appeared.Marfarian always looked like an old gentleman. Of course, he was a real gentleman. Before the end of the world, he was still a noble and hereditary title.

Even so, marfarian has an urge to swear.

's dangerous intentions as like as two peas in the death train have been seen by Ma FA Lian. If the normal train is to make a match that is exactly the same as them, it is not so difficult.

as like as two peas, the ability to be physically identical is exactly the same. But the other person understands you, and you know the other person, because no one knows himself better than himself.

At this time, fighting experience and wisdom will play a decisive role. Malfarian doesn't think it will be inferior to a copied dummy.

But now they have been attacked by two rounds of death train, almost every one of them is injured. It's another matter to face the same self.

More fierce in the back!

The second Styx river appears!

Gan Lin's face is very dignified, the second river of the underworld appeared, crossed with her river of the underworld, forming a cross.

The next moment, the river Styx was bubbling with water. A carrion man rose from the river Styx. With his left arm raised, the carrion turned into a red fire Eagle again. At the same time, the carrion at his feet turned into a dark earth wolf.

And then

It's Ye Cha's turn!

Ye Cha looked at the same rotten people who appeared in front of everyone. When he was thinking about whether he could survive, the fifth one appeared.

The carrion man was also impolite. He opened his mouth and growled silently. Then his body began to show a fine dragon pattern. A pair of huge dragon wings spread out from behind and directly entered the state of dragon.

"Damn it

Just as ye Cha came to scold him, the rotten man had already punched him.


The sharp current surge sound sounded, and then an electric current appeared in front of the carrion man's fist, flying towards the direction of the leaf brake.

Ye Cha clenched his teeth, and it was also a blow.


The two electric currents collided and immediately made a huge explosion.

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