death train

Chapter 2032

They didn't understand what ye Cha meant, but they soon understood.

Ye Cha directly transposes to Gan Lin's body and cuts out the river Styx in front with a sword.

Gan Lin immediately realized that she was directly in front of the carrion man in yecha, and the river Styx rolled back towards the carrion man in yecha.

Mohi quickly came to the position of marfarian.

Marfarian, no matter how stupid she was, immediately rushed to other people's carrion. Isn't

just as like as two peas?

After changing the position, ye Cha should know the weakness of the carrion man, but it's hard to say if the carrion man changes his opponent.

Second, you can play Tianji horse racing.

Yecha and Ganlin exchange, the difference is not big, but Moxi exchange with marfarian, the holy light of Moxi restrain marfarian's power of death, naturally restrain carrion.

Marfarian changes positions with the weaker ones, and the weaker ones will be replaced by the stronger ones. Or he can directly help the others to fight against each other and continue to fight against each other. Anyway, there is no Moxi carrion man, and there will always be one more on their side.

Ye Cha has brought the sentence "trees move, dead people move and alive" into full play. As soon as you change your position, you can make everything alive.

What's more, if you kill a carrion man and immediately support others, layer by layer, you can contain the carrion man.

About a quarter of an hour, except for yecha and Ganlin's carrion people, all other carrion people were killed.

And Gan Lin and ye Cha's rotten people

It's really hard to deal with!

Nie Po low scolded a, toward the front continuous launch missile, and then toward Ye Cha angry way: "you have nothing to do so many ability and weapon do what?"? Can I use it? "

Ye Cha's carrion people are difficult to deal with, because there are too many abilities and weapons, which is also the reason why Ye Cha is omnipotent. It can be used in close combat, long-range, medium range, bombing attack, defense skills and dodge ability.

This means that ye Cha has nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, he can play with a few hands and is not afraid of any attack. It is very difficult to kill.

Ye Cha said, "what's the use of telling me this now? Kill now

Nie sighed and complained. What else could he do?

Nie po said as he took off the metal ring from behind and was about to throw it at the rotten meat man in yecha.

But just then


A Styx river flowed from below, and then a huge water column burst into the sky and hit Nie Po hard, knocking Nie Po down from mid air.

Mafalian quickly took out his hand and cut off the water column with his black lightsaber, but for a moment

A huge bony hand stretched out from the cracked water column and seized malfarian.

Nie Po sighs again, ye Cha is troublesome enough, and a woman is more troublesome.

It's hard to tell the type of Ganlin.

It can't be said that it's a melee type or a long-range type. Her ability is similar to that of a puppet division. In fact, she does have the title of a puppet master, and she has xenobiotics from the underworld under her hand.

But this is not Ganlin's only ability, just as yecha does not rely on the alien species to eat, Ganlin does not rely on this to eat.

Moreover, rather than relying on alien creatures, Gan Lin relies on summoning. White bones, ghosts, and underworld warriors all belong to the summoning ability.

But this is still not all Gan Lin's ability, the underworld, the underworld, and even Gan Lin's ability of mind manipulation.

In Nie Po's words, this woman and ye Cha are really a pair of collaborators. Gan Lin's is not like Ye Cha's miscellaneous abilities. She has a headache when she looks at them. Her abilities mainly come from the power of the underworld and the recovery of the dead, and she also has some auxiliary abilities.

However, the result is the same. Gan Lin is as omnipotent as yecha. Her ability can be divided into many types, such as long-range, close combat, medium distance, and area coverage. Close combat is the only obvious weakness, but it can be escorted by alien creatures and summon a bunch of Styx soldiers from the Styx River, just like a small army.

In terms of the degree of trouble, Gan Lin is still on the top of yecha. To deal with yecha's carrion people, at least he can get close to them. To deal with Gan Lin's carrion people, he knows that they can't do close combat, but he can't even get close to them.

In fact, Gan Lin's carrion people are really better than ye Cha's. Ye Cha's carrion people are ye Cha's fighting power when he leaves the death train, which is not equal to Ye Cha's own strength. Gan Lin's is not the same.

After psychological scolding for countless times, Nie Po winked at Ye Cha, thinking that he still had to rely on close combat.

Ye Cha cooperates with Nie Po too much. He immediately understands and rushes forward.

"Full fire."

Nie Po gave a low drink, and then the weapon compartments of all parts of his body ejected at the same time, revealing the missile launcher. The metal ring behind him began to accumulate energy and prepare to launch the energy beam.

Nie Po plans to bomb Ye Cha with all his strength to open a gap so that ye Cha can kill Gan Lin's carrion people and engage in close combat.But, in this moment!

A golden unicorn appeared and quickly passed over Nie Po's head. Then it turned into a square golden seal and fell down.

Huang Qiyin of Jin Chenxi!

Nie Po looked forward and saw Gan Lin summoning Jin Chenxi from the river Styx.

However, Jin Chenxi's body does not have the breath of a living creature, her eyes are dull, her skin is ruined, and she is like a zombie.

Call of the dead!

Although it is the dead summoned from the river Styx, Jin Chenxi's strength is not compromised.

In the face of Huang Qiyin's landing, Nie Po is extremely puzzled. Is he going to change the attack target to resist Huang Qiyin, or is he going to continue to help Ye Cha open the gap?

Fortunately, Nie Po didn't tangle for a long time, because

They also have the river Styx!

not resigned to playing second fiddle, as like as two peas of gold, which appeared to be the same as Kim, and the arm appeared with the dragon's tattoo, one blow went out into the air.

Green Dragon Seal!

The double print collided in the air, and the space around seemed to start shaking violently.

At the same time

Boom, boom, boom!

Nie Po can finally rest assured to attack, and the continuous launch of micro missiles will open a gap in front of the skeletons.

Those skeletons will soon be able to heal, but at least there is a gap for a moment, which is enough for yecha.

Ye Cha shuttles through the scattered flames and comes to Gan Lin's carrion man. He raises his sword to chop down.

Yecha's carrion people want to come to the rescue, but they are entangled by mafalian and Moxi. They have no chance to get close at all and are completely suppressed.

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