death train

Chapter 2041

I don't know how long later, the conductor said again, "I'm wrong."

It's a little puzzling for the conductor to say this, and he doesn't know who he's talking to, but soon everyone understands, because the conductor is looking at Minghai.

The conductor looked at Ming Hai, then pointed to the glass jar and said, "this is not apostle zero."

Ming Hai nodded and said, "well."

The conductor said, "you know where apostle zero is."

Minghai said, "I'm a monitor. Of course I know."

The conductor said, "will you say it?"

Minghai said, "if you want to know, why don't we exchange questions. You answer me, and I'll answer you."

"Yes," said the conductor

Minghai said, "who are you? For the end of the world, you are the redundant one, especially the existence of the death train. "

The conductor said with a smile: "because of the death of the train, so a lot of people live down, which makes the original doomsday process become wrong, right?"

Ming Hai did not deny it, but said directly, "yes."

It's a normal process for human beings to become extinct when the end of the world comes. Of course, it's impossible for everyone to die when zombies erupt. There must be someone who can survive.

The survivor human camp is the best proof that the people there survived without boarding the death train.

This does not belong to the interference of the will of the world. Those who survive are the kindling of civilization. Just like countless years later, maybe someone can find the remains of human civilization.

This is the mark of existence!

But the death train and the Apostle walking do not belong to this category. Ming Hai knows about the Apostle walking, but the death train and the conductor are not even clear about Ming Hai.

The conductor said, "it's normal that other people can't guess who I am, but you can't guess. I feel surprised, especially after you've seen the dead train."

Ming Hai doubts: "eh?"

The conductor said, "the apostles are the symbol of the death and birth of civilization. Who else can master this power besides the apostles of Noah? Or with the power of the apostles? "

Ming Hai fell into thinking, then took a deep breath and widened his eyes.

Ming Hai looked at the conductor and said, "are you a monitor?"

The conductor said with a smile, "yes, I am."

This question and the answer are unexpected. Ye Cha looks at Minghai. Isn't the monitor you?

"He was a former monitor," Minghai said

In this way, people seem to understand a little bit, but obviously they don't fully understand.

Ye Cha said: "when the end of the world comes to an end, what will happen to the monitors?"

"I will die." The answer to yecha is not Minghai, but the conductor: "but not after the end of the world, the monitor has a long life. Maybe you can understand the benefits given by the will of the world, but I personally think that is actually a kind of punishment. For a long time, you have been walking alone in the world, directly to the next civilization, witnessing the development of a civilization When the new civilization dies out, the new civilization will be born again. The monitors have completed their mission, and then they will die until the new civilization comes to an end. When the end comes again, the new monitors will be born again. "

Minghai said, "the question is, why didn't you die?"

If the conductor is the last monitor, then when Minghai appears, the conductor should be dead.

"I didn't say I was the last one," the conductor said with a smile

Ming Hai is even more surprised. If it was a long time ago, it is obviously more incredible.

Ming Hai said: "how did you do it?"

The conductor said with a smile, "there's always a way to do it. It's very complicated to say, but it's nothing more than prolonging life span and making the will of the world unable to find me. In fact, this method has no discussion significance."

Minghai is silent. There is no need to discuss this issue. If the conductor is true, no matter whether he gives the answer or not, he has done it and escaped the control of the world's will. It is meaningless to discuss how the conductor did it again.

"What is your intention, then?" Minghai said: "I don't understand. What do you want to do when you find apostle zero? Destroy everything? As a monitor, why are you against the will of the world? "

"Do you understand what the will of the world is?" The conductor didn't wait for Ming hai to answer, then he shook his head and said, "no, you don't know."

The conductor paced slowly, and no one spoke, which made the footstep very clear.

The conductor said: "the so-called world is a food chain and an inevitable process of evolution of different species. Sheep eat grass, wolves eat sheep, and humans hunt wolves. What is the role of human beings in this? Many people think that human beings are hunters and the top creatures. Facts have proved that there is a higher level of existence above human beings. Let me just ignore whether God exists or not, and think that God exists. Then, I ask, "what is the symbol of God?"Gan Lin said: "omnipotent?"

"Nothing is omnipotent." The conductor said with a smile, "if God is really omnipotent, then the will of the world is the foundation of the world. If he is omnipotent, I will not live."

Ye Cha said, "I don't think it's time to sell the story."

The conductor didn't like it and said with a smile: "or you can think about it. Grass is the most low-end creature. There is no right to choose. Sheep eat grass to live. Wolves eat sheep to live. What about people? Why do people hunt because wolf meat is delicious? "

Ye Cha said: "this is the balance of the biological chain. If there are too many wolves and not enough sheep, they will start to eat people."

Yecha still understands this, and it's very simple. There must be natural enemies in the food chain. For example, kangaroo is a specialty of Australia, or even a symbol of the whole country. Many people will understand kangaroo as a panda of China and a national treasure.

But in fact?

Australia will issue kangaroo hunting certificates every year to hunt a large number of kangaroos, because there are no natural enemies in the local area, which has reached the point of flooding. If not hunting, kangaroos will completely destroy the ecological balance and make the living environment of human beings worse. Of course, it is illegal to hunt without certificates. The purpose of this kind of hunting is not killing, but killing It's control.

The conductor pointed to Ye Cha with a smile and said, "well said. I think you understand. This is the so-called world will."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "because human beings are destroying the world? In the process of civilization development, it is bound to cause damage to the world

Pollution, global warming, Arctic ice melting and so on. Yecha understands it in this way. These are really caused by the development of civilization.

But the conductor shook his hand and said, "no, it's a challenge."

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