death train

Chapter 2043

The conductor said, "that's just an opportunity. I don't deny that there was a conflict between human beings and artificial intelligence at that time, but the reason for the emergence of mechanical riots is still the apostles. If the apostles don't appear, human beings may not come to that point."

Ming Hai held out his hand and said: "you are unreasonable. You deny what happened with what didn't happen. Although I don't like the will of the world, even if I am a monitor, I can at least be sure that the will of the world is fair. You must do something to make everything happen, and you are different."

The conductor said, "can't I be fair?"

Yecha said: "yes, no one can be fair, because they can think and have their own will and will. Even if they have selfish desires, they will not be fair. Relatively, there is no such thing as the will of the world."

"What a surprise." After the end of the train, I thought, "I should be able to understand you."

Ye Cha said: "I understand. I just don't recognize it. Looking back at everything on the death train, you are indifferent, cruel and indifferent to life. Of course, I have no right to blame you. I never think I'm a good man, but because of this, I can't agree with a bastard who is not as good as me to dominate everything."

"What a pity," said the conductor

All of a sudden, Gaddis, who has been standing in the corner of the wall, said: "doomsday, civilization, and destruction are none of my business. I just don't want to stay in that huge prison. I want to return to this world. Whoever blocks me, I will kill anyone!"

Gaddis's body, burst out of obvious anger, and then toward the direction of Ming sea.

Minghai doesn't care about Gaddis at all. This guy's head is clamped by the door before he shoots himself. Can he kill himself?

If it's the conductor, Ming Hai is still a little worried.

A former monitor who should have died is still alive and can evade the law of the world's will. That means that he has the ability to fight against the world's will. He can't tell if there is a way to kill Minghai.

But not Gaddis.

Minghai directly ignores Gaddis, but at this moment, Gaddis suddenly changes his target and attacks towards Ye cha.

The bronze sword in Gaddis's hand was cut out and cut down towards Ye cha.


Ye Cha didn't hesitate to put out his sword and collided with the bronze sword.

After receiving the next sword, ye Cha reached out and grasped the bronze sword of Gaddis, then raised it cruelly and said, "you want this thing, don't you?"

Gaddis suddenly chuckled and said, "it's a pity that I didn't kill you when I met you for the first time."

Ye Cha said, "do you think you have a chance to kill me?"

When ye Cha asks, Minghai suddenly reaches out his hand and grabs Gadis.

But in this moment

The conductor's figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Minghai, stopping Minghai abruptly.

Ming Hai's fist collided with the conductor's palm. With a roar, they pushed away towards the rear.

At the same time, Gaddis looked at Ye Cha and said: "those who can help you can't help you for the time being. Now, let's have a good time. No one can disturb us."

At the moment of Gaddis's words falling, the big bronze sword bloomed with dazzling light.

This is the sword as if in response to the general, constantly trembling, issued the sound of the sword.

Gaddis said softly, "endless sword field, the place where the sword is buried!"

With the light cheering of Gaddis, the surrounding space suddenly twisted and crisscrossed. The torn space was like a big mouth, swallowing Ye Cha and Gaddis directly.

Ganlin quickly stretched out her hand, but at the moment of touching the leaf brake, the leaf brake and Gadis suddenly disappeared.

It was dark all around, but it only lasted for a short time, and then there was light.

Ye Cha looked up and saw that it was a desolate red soil, full of swords everywhere. There were thousands of swords everywhere.

Ye Cha swept the sword, then looked at Gaddis ten meters away and said, "can you ask me a few questions?"

"Yes." Gaddis said with a smile: "the land of burying sword is burying sword, but also burying bone. The undead one of us can't get out of here, so we have enough time."

Ye Cha said, "dongfangyu, right?"

Gaddis's face turned ugly and said, "don't mention the name to me. I'm Gaddis. I'm Gaddis."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "so, I understand. It seems that you don't want to die for him. Otherwise, you don't need to fight with me."

Gaddis is another sword soldier of Dongfang Yu. According to Dongfang Yu, if ye Cha dies or another sword soldier dies, Dongfang Yu will be able to leave the original place and return to the world.

In this case, Gaddis obediently let yecha kill, Dongfang Yu's plan is completed, he will return to this world.Unfortunately, dongfangyu's plan does not seem to be very good, there have been continuous deviations.

Gemini, Virgo, yecha and marfarian join hands to make a sword, which makes Dongfang Yu have to teach yecha to use the sword instead of the sword.

What's more sad is that there seems to be a problem with the separation of another sword soldier. Gaddis is not willing to die for Dongfang Yu.

Gaddis sneered: "he is too naive, I do not deny that he gave me life, but why should I listen to him for this? I get the meaning of life, is to pay for his life? No, I want to live, I don't want to die! "

Ye Cha shrugged, but he understood the contradictory emotion.

Dongfang Yu got Gadis out just to let him die. It's natural for Dongfang Yu to think that Gadis is his own swordsman, who gave him his life. But in essence, Dongfang Yu thinks Gadis is his own thing.

But, just like parents have children, can they ask their children to commit suicide? It depends on whether the child wants to!

Yecha said, "what's the matter with the identity of Noah's Apostle?"

Gaddis said, "if you want to ask dongfangyu, how can I know? At that time, I didn't wake up

Ye Cha said: "well, what's your deal with the conductor? It's the conductor who will hold Minghai for you, right? Ming Hai can fight against you, because you should not have been born, and you are not a real Noah's Apostle. Therefore, if you want to kill me, you must first resist Ming Hai. "

Gaddis did not deny: "yes."

Ye Cha nodded and then said, "I have no problem. Come on."

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