death train

Chapter 210

The leaf brake quickly rolled on the ground, the sole of the arbitrator's foot was printed on the ground, and the ground was instantly cracked.

Ye Cha turned over and shot the penetrating arrow, but he went straight to the feet of the arbitrator and smashed the ground which was already split. The arbitrator's body fell down involuntarily.

As soon as the arbitrator reached out, he grasped the edge of the big hole and quickly climbed up again.

But at this time, the leaf brake has already rushed to the front step, lift a leg to sweep a way: "give me down."


Ye Cha kicks the referee in the face, kicks him down from the hole, and then turns around to run quickly.

Distance, the blade brake needs to open the distance.

At present, the most powerful thing in Ye Cha's hand is the endless bow, and the bow, as a weapon, naturally needs a certain distance to play its power.

Moreover, the power of the arbiter is really terrible. Ye Cha really doesn't want to fight with this guy.

However, just as ye Cha ran five or six meters away, the roof in front of him suddenly made a loud noise, and then countless pieces of gravel flew up.

The shield of six flowers immediately appeared around the leaf brake, which stopped the stones splashing around.


The arbiter came out of the new hole, roared angrily, and then quickly rushed to yecha again.

"It's not going to stop!"

As ye Cha said this, his eyes closed slightly, and then three explosive arrows appeared, shooting at the arbiter continuously.

Samsung Lianzhu!

Three explosive arrows joined in a line and shot at the arbitrator in succession.

It may be that he suffered a loss before, but this time the arbiter learned to be good at it. Instead of hard connecting the explosive arrow, he waved his arm to block it.

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of continuous explosion sounded, the fire burst suddenly, and the rolling heat wave pushed away all around, making the air filled with a smell of scorch.

At this time, the arbiter suddenly jumped out of the fire and came to the leaf brake. He waved his arm and hit the leaf brake hard.

The pupil of leaf Cha shrinks, the left arm fiercely goes forward.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left hand stretched out, and a virtual purple scale boa constrictor circled around his forearm. Then in the next moment


Ye Cha directly spread out his palm and caught the referee's fist.

Even so, ye Cha still felt great pressure, and the snake bite of his left hand was always good. However, ye Cha now felt that he could not suppress the power of the arbiter. The grip strength, which had increased to 300kg, was still not the opponent of the arbiter.

Ye Cha's body was constantly pushed back by the arbitrator, his feet dragged across the ground, pulling out two marks.


The next moment, the arbiter roared again, his left arm suddenly protruded, and a hard blow hit his belly. Yecha felt that his stomach was like a river and a sea, and his body could not help curling up.


The arbiter took the opportunity to punch Ye cha in the face and smashed Ye Cha out again, rolling continuously against the ground.

"Er, ah..." Ye Cha sat up from the ground, twisted his neck and said, "it's so painful."

Dong, Dong, Dong!

But the arbiter didn't give ye Cha a chance to breathe. He ran again, stepped on the ground, made a dull noise, and quickly came to Ye Cha again.


The arbiter raised his arm and looked at him again.

Shake the body, the arbitrator from the ground to get up again, but in this moment, the second shock wave, hit the arbitrator again, the arbitrator again to fly out.

As soon as ye Cha's hand was raised, the endless bow appeared again, and then the cold air on the bow string was very strong. Ye Cha's fantasy tool showed a cold arrow. As soon as his fingertips were loosened, the sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded.


The arrow of cold ice was nailed into the right leg of the arbiter, bringing out a flower of blood.

However, before the blood flower fell from the air, it condensed into ice in the air. At the same time, the right leg of the arbiter was shot by the ice arrow, and a layer of frost appeared instantly, freezing the body of the arbiter.

Ye Cha activated his hands and feet for a while, and walked towards the arbitrator, saying, "you hit me just now. It's very cool, isn't it?"


Ye Cha went to the arbitrator, raised his hand and hit him in the face. Then he avoided the fist and kicked him on the knee.

Ye Cha said: "now it's my turn to fight back."

The arbiter's right leg was frozen on the ground, unable to move at will, ye Cha's figure flashed, came to the arbiter's side, and kicked the arbiter's waist.


The arbiter roared angrily and waved his arm randomly, but he couldn't hit the leaf brake around him.Ye Cha jumps up suddenly and kicks the referee's back again.

With a bang, ye Cha was stunned, and the arbitrator fell forward, raised his fist and blasted a fist toward the ground, which cracked the ground and broke the frozen ice.


The arbiter fiercely turned back, once again a blow out, will ye Cha give a blow blow fly out.

Ye Cha retreated three or four meters in a row, bared his teeth in pain, but didn't take care of his injury. Just after kicking the referee's foot, ye Cha heard an obvious metallic sound.

"Is the core part of the machine on the back?"

Ye Cha murmured, looking at the arbitrator rushing towards him again, but he didn't dodge again, because ye Cha had found his goal.

"Hard armor!"

Ye Cha murmured, and then the muscles of his whole body tensed. Then suddenly, on Ye Cha's body, the lines, like dragon scales, appeared all over Ye Cha's body.

Hard armor, the twelve trials of immortality. After three trials, the derived ability can stimulate the activity variation of gene cells in the body, make the body appear scaling phenomenon, improve the defense, immune infection, corrosion and dissolution effect in a certain period of time.


Ye Cha stood there, watching the referee's fist fall down, and directly welcomed him with a straight chest.


The referee's fist fell, feeling the impact force, ye Cha stepped back, and then carried the referee's fist down.

The next moment, ye Cha's left hand came out again.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha left hand forward, but did not attack any part of the referee's body, but grabbed the referee's tactical vest.

The leaf Cha low drinks a way: "give me crack!"

Hissing, with Ye Cha's sudden power, he tore the tactical vest and pulled it down from the arbitrator.

The arbiter was naked, and his skin was the same as that of a severely burned man. It was pitted and had a light red complexion.

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