death train

Chapter 212


Feeling the severe pain, ye Cha was also stimulated to be fierce. He roared like a wild animal. Then he suddenly fell back and hit his elbow hard against the referee's back.

Ye Cha roared: "die for me!"


The referee waved his arm and hit yecha again. Even so, yecha still clenched his teeth and hit him with an elbow.

The piece of metal was flattened by a blow, and electricity continued to flow around it.

As soon as the referee's body was loose, he suddenly fell back on the ground.

"The mechanical circuit is disconnected, repeat, the mechanical circuit is disconnected..."

"Synchronization rate decreased, 97%, 82%, 75%, 60%..."

"Power source reconnection, attempt failed, power source reconnection, attempt failed..."

"The program tried to restart, the attempt failed, the program tried to restart, the attempt failed..."

"The system is silent, silent, silent..."

The arbiter didn't open his mouth, but there was a continuous mechanical electronic sound in his body. He said some inexplicable and incomprehensible words, until finally, the electronic sound became intermittent and completely silent.

And the arbiter is also change of motionless, so lie on the ground.

"You destroyed the golden arbiter, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: the first experiment of the arbiter."

The mysterious voice is also at this time, suddenly in the ear of Ye Cha, announcing the victory of Ye cha.

Ye Cha lay on his back, gasping.

Ye Cha felt that his whole body was in pain. When the battle ended and his whole body relaxed, ye Cha felt that he was very hard to move his fingers.

This is a battle of will. What ye Cha relies on is not strength, but will to survive.

I don't know how long it took for ye Cha to shake his body and stumble up. Looking at the referee on the ground, ye Cha suddenly opened his mouth and scolded: "Damn it."

The mysterious voice announced yecha's victory and the reward he got. When he heard it, yecha didn't respond. But looking at the referee on the ground, yecha realized what the reward was.

The son of a bitch's reward is a corpse.

"Is there something wrong?" Ye Cha said angrily: "let me carry a corpse back to the death train?"

Most of the rewards, indeed, come from zombies or ancient corpses. There's nothing wrong with them, but they are usually body parts, eyeballs, claws, and even internal organs, which can be cut or dug out.

Ye Cha's backpack also has a lot of plastic bags, which are used to seal these things. After you throw them into the backpack, you can take them away.

But now the so-called arbitrator's first experimental body obviously refers to the whole body of the arbitrator. How can we move it back? Even if it's broken, it can't be all stuffed into the backpack.

"That's not a bonus."

Ye Cha couldn't help scolding again.

Ye Cha sat down on the ground again and looked at the arbitrator in front of him. He was speechless for a while.

In fact, it's OK not to move. That's equivalent to giving up the reward.

But ye Cha is not willing to do so. The arbitrator is quite tough. If he moves the arbitrator back to the death train, maybe after paying enough skeleton coins, the landlady can make the arbitrator move again.

Think about it, ye Cha may have a chance to have an arbitrator as his own hitter.

How powerful is a thug who has infinite strength, is not afraid of zombie biting, completely obeys his own orders, and has absolute loyalty?

"Wait a minute." Ye Cha suddenly got a flash of light and picked up the backpack that had fallen to one side. Then he quickly looked for it, took out a metal box and whispered: "I have this thing. Can I make the arbitrator move again?"

What ye Cha is holding in his hand is the black gold arbiter chip, which ye Cha got in never night city. Ye Cha wanted to sell the dining car, but the landlady refused. Ye Cha has been throwing it in his backpack, almost forgetting the existence of this thing.

Yecha quickly came to the arbitrator's side, pulled out the Alaska whaling fork, and dug out the metal block that had been twisted by yecha.

"There's a play!"

Ye Cha's eyes lit up instantly. The metal block was just a cover. Under the metal block, there were thin wires on both sides, and there was a slot in the middle, which was used to insert the arbiter chip.

However, because of the impact, the gold chip inserted in the body of the arbitrator has broken into three pieces, which is probably the reason why the arbitrator fell into silence.

Ye Cha carefully buckled the broken arbiter chip, and then compared it with the black gold arbiter chip in his hand.

There are differences between the two chips. The broken arbiter chip is pure gold, while the one in yecha's hand is black, with a circle of black lines around it. At the same time, there are differences in some details.For example, there are different arrangements and different numbers of wafers on the chip.

, however, as like as two peas, the size of the two chips is exactly the same. It means that the black gold arbiter chip can be inserted into the arbitrator.

Ye Cha was ready to insert the black gold arbiter chip, but suddenly his forehead was sweating.

It occurred to him that something rather bad had happened.

If we plug in the black gold arbiter chip, the best situation is that the arbiter can act and obey himself, and the second is that the arbiter is still silent. This is actually a better situation.

The worst situation is that the arbiter moves, and then still attacks himself. Yecha feels that in his current state, he really has no spare power to fight again with the intensity just now.

In other words, even if there is spare force, it may not be able to bring down the arbitrator again.

Do you want to do it or not?

This is a problem. Ye Cha feels that he is fighting for his life. If he doesn't, he can only give up the arbiter. He can't carry a corpse back to the death train.

In particular, GE shujiu is still pursuing himself with people. According to the mission of the dark city, if you want to leave this city, you may have to break through the defense line of CommScope.

In this case, it's too hard for ye Chabei to fight all the way.

The leaf Cha thinks, then fiercely clench fist.

Why is the word adventure in the world?

Because, risk is always accompanied by huge benefits, may bring death, may bring wealth.

In this moment, ye Cha thought of his own survival law.

Most of those weak and incompetent people who cry and beg have become rotten corpses or a pile of loess, but they are still alive.

Yes, yecha has the answer.

Even, the answer suddenly becomes not about the arbiter, but, if you shrink back, then you are a weak and incompetent person, and you will lose the qualification to live in this world.

Ye Cha must keep his heart strong.

So, in fact, the blade brake has no choice.

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