death train

Chapter 217

Ye Cha looked at a figure rushing out and couldn't help laughing and said: "pay respect for your lofty friendship. You are really a great man."


Ye Cha suddenly opened fire and shot at the man.

However, if the other party suddenly exposes itself and rushes out, it will certainly not be just a pure desire to die. Naturally, there are still coping means.

The other side didn't know how to do it, so he put his hand in the air, and the bullet from the leaf brake deviated from the trajectory strangely. He even drew an S shape in the air and hit the ground in the distance.

The next moment, the man holding the woman, intends to save the woman.

The woman reluctantly raised her eyelids and struggled to shout, "go."

At the same time, the arbiter suddenly stood up from the side of the flower bed!

Ye cha in order to kill each other, set up a double insurance!

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The sound of machine gun fire rang out. Before the man could react, his body would burst into blood. Just in a moment, he was beaten into a hornet's nest by the arbiter, and his body was dyed red with blood. Then he held the woman and fell to the ground.

With a plop, the man lost his voice completely.

After the arbiter shot the other side, without any pause, he rushed to the teaching building where ye Cha was. Naturally, this was the preset order of Ye Cha at the beginning.

As for GE shujiu and another man, ye Cha will not be naive enough to use that woman to lure out one person, and they will continue to rush out.

"Asshole, asshole, asshole..."

Ge shujiu gritted his teeth and swore, raised his fist and blasted toward the wall until his hand was full of blood.

The man around Ge shujiu comforted him: "Ge Shu, calm down, we have no way out now. We have to kill him, in addition to completing the task, but also for revenge."

Ge shujiu gritted his teeth and said, "I know."

The man said, "what should we do now?"

Ge shujiu pondered: "he must have moved. Without bait, he won't stay in the same place. You go to a classroom on the third floor to observe. I'll detour from the playground."

The man nodded, and they immediately split up.

On the other side, ye Cha stood on the roof of another teaching building and directly pressed the radio wave exploration device on the ground. A moment later, dense red dots appeared on the screen.

However, there are only two red spots in the school. There is no doubt that these two red spots are Ge shujiu and his companions.

"It is."

Ye Cha left his mouth and was sure that the moving red dot should be Ge shujiu. This guy wanted to detour from the playground to get close to his teaching building and avoid his frontal attack position.

This was expected by yecha, even when yecha used the woman as bait.

Of course, if Ge shujiu did this at that time, it would be equivalent to giving up the woman directly. Ye Cha might not be able to lure anyone, but also put himself in danger.

But on the other hand, ye Cha's estrangement strategy is also successful. It's more wavering to announce that he will give up his companion than to watch his companion die.

However, GE shujiu was not as cruel as ye Cha imagined.

"Kill him!" Ye Cha pointed to the red dot in the teaching building and said, "I will deal with GE shujiu. Your task is to kill his companion. Do you understand?"

The arbiter stood behind the leaf brake, without any nonsense, and turned around and left.

Ye Cha looked at the figure of the arbiter and pondered whether he could reform the arbiter to a certain extent if he went back to the death train.

Because, at present, it is obviously inconvenient for the arbitrator to control.

The reason for the inconvenience is not that the arbiter is not obedient, but that he is too obedient. He completely relies on orders to act, which is to say, a muscle.

Of course, ye Cha also knows that he can't ask a biochemical person who doesn't have wisdom and thinking to think about how to fight on his own. Therefore, ye Cha hopes to transform the arbiter. At least he has to find a way to let this guy receive his own orders remotely.

At present, the arbiter's use is to receive orders, work, and then blow others up, or be beaten up by others. There is no on-the-spot contingency, and yecha can't change orders according to the situation.

"Of course..." Ye Cha murmured: "now is not the time to think about these."

The leaf Cha returns to mind and stares at the front.

At present, the most important thing is to deal with GE shujiu. Moreover, even if the arbitrator can accept the transformation, it is not the current thing. He has to wait to return to the death train. It is meaningless to think too much now.

Shuchaye's figure has been exposed for a long time.

But Ge Shu didn't shoot for a long time.

Ye Cha doesn't think he can kill Ge shujiu with one shot. Even Ge shujiu's men have a way to deal with the sniper gun. Ye Cha doesn't believe he hasn't, and if he doesn't hit with one shot, his position is exposed.In that case, it's better not to shoot.

Ye Cha quietly put away the msg90 automatic sniper rifle, put the gun box back into the backpack, and then left the classroom.

At the same time, GE shujiu has already entered the teaching building. He is also extremely vigilant. With a gun in his right hand and a knife in his left hand, he enters the teaching building carefully.

Ge Shu glanced at the corridor for a long time, wondering where ye Cha would hide.

First floor?

Ge shujiu doesn't think it's possible, but it's not possible for the top management. He doesn't think ye Cha is a fool. On the contrary, he has realized the horror of Ye cha.

This is a ruthless, and has a certain brain, otherwise will not come up with a woman as a bait.

If you can think of that way, on the one hand, it means that ye Cha is really cruel, and on the other hand, it means that ye Cha is very clever. That move is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy. It directly interrogates human nature and puts Ge shujiu in a dilemma, because it's wrong to choose.

So, since Ye Cha is not stupid, GE shujiu thinks that ye Cha can't wait for sniping in situ.

With this in mind, GE shujiu felt that it was meaningless to be entangled in what layer Ye Cha was hiding in. The other party should be hiding in a very suitable position for ambushing himself, not the so-called one.

Ge shujiu took a deep breath and decided to push forward slowly.

Ge Shu has been a veteran for a long time. He always sticks to the wall to prevent the leaf brake from suddenly coming out. Then he carefully opens the door of the classroom all the way forward, and then looks into the next room.

One, two, three

Ge shujiu continued to move forward. The structure of the teaching building is still very simple. Basically, there are only classrooms, and the things in the classroom are more simple. There are few places for Tibetans, such as desks, platforms and blackboards.

Until the last doo

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