death train

Chapter 223

It's still raining!

Li Xuanhe lay on the ground, convulsing constantly.

All of a sudden, a figure appeared in front of Li Xuanhe. He was wearing a black uniform, embroidered with gold, a hat, a neat white beard, and was very appropriately trimmed.

Li Xuanhe struggled and said weakly, "conductor, help me."

"Why did I save you?" The conductor said with a smile, "it's a fight of your own choice. It's fair and just. It's completely under the rules approved by the death train. Besides, you think I don't know what you've done behind your back?"

Li Xuanhe suddenly called out, "here you are, all of them, all of them."

The conductor suddenly squatted down, pointed to the leaf brake and said with a smile, "do you think it's because of this boy that I realize the existence of the slave area? No, you're wrong

The conductor's face, showing disdain and ridicule, incomparably strong.

The conductor said, "I have known for a long time that you take the things from the death train to the top management of CommScope. I have also known for a long time that you are in collusion with CommScope. I have also known for a long time that you have set up a slave zone to capture human beings and work for yourself."

Li Xuanhe's eyes suddenly stare at the boss.

The conductor continued, "do you think I'm stupid? How can we develop so many things with the ability of those scientists at CommScope? What they have is just "realistic" technological power. It's difficult to extract zombie virus. It's you who give them new source of disease, abnormal virus and other things from the death train that make them make a breakthrough. "

Li Xuanhe's face looked frightened and said, "if so, why don't you stop me?"

The conductor said with a smile, "what do you want to do? Think I can't guess? Unfortunately, you are too naive to think that you can resist the death train, and I am different from you. "

The conductor suddenly stood up and looked at the distant sky with a deep expression.

"I've been serving the death train for more than 3000 years. I'm loyal, but..." The conductor said, "I don't approve of this collapsing World and the illusory light. If possible, I want to hold the light in my own hands."

With a strange smile, the conductor looked at Li Xuanhe and said, "before the end of the world, I had contact with CommScope. The development of their genetic biological agents was still the information I provided."

Li Xuanhe was stunned, then laughed and said: "so it is. I know. Everything is your conspiracy. I'm just a chess piece, right? Or the pieces you abandoned, you just want to use me to avoid those guys, and even, I build the slave zone, you let the people of CommScope induce me! "

The conductor said, "you've been doing very well, but you have to do something superfluous. The rules of the death train are not allowed to be destroyed. You want to destroy it, so you're punished. Of course, I've given you a chance. Unfortunately, you lose."

The conductor looked sideways at the leaf brake.

"You think he wants to die with you? No, this battle has been dominated by him, and he will come back to life soon. " Maybe the conductor is smart enough to let me replace him

"You won't make it." Li Xuanhe used up his last strength and yelled: "they will kill you. You can't stop them or replace them."

The conductor said with a smile, "we'll see."

At the moment when the words fell, the conductor waved his hand casually, and the body of the leaf brake became transparent, including the things scattered around and belonging to the leaf brake, which also became transparent until they disappeared completely.

The conductor retreated slowly until his figure was completely in the dark and disappeared.

The rain is still falling on Li Xuanhe.

The pain of acid rain corrosion has been completely unable to give Li Xuanhe any feeling, because Li Xuanhe has completely lost his voice.



Ye Cha screamed, and suddenly sat up. His whole body had been soaked with sweat.

The next moment, ye Cha looked up and looked around. Suddenly, he found that he had returned to the death train. Now he was in the death carriage, lying on his bed.

Of course, only the blade brake.

The death carriage was empty. There was no one else except the leaf brake.

"What's going on?"

Ye Cha looked down at his body, naked, because the injury caused by the explosion has completely recovered.

Ye Cha said: "people information view."

A moment later, ye Cha's face showed a regretful expression.

"It is."

Twelve trials of immortality (fantasy ability): every time you pass a trial, you will get a chance to resurrect your body. If you succeed in the third trial, you will get hard armor. If you succeed in the sixth trial, you will get rigidity. If you succeed in the ninth trial, you will get crazy. If you succeed in the twelfth trial, you will get the will of the unyielding warrior. At present, you have completed the trial (3 / 12) and the number of resurrections (2 / 3), the fourth trial content: kill 15 kinds of variant zombies with gold 3 star or above, progress (6 / 15), kill five kinds of ancient zombies with platinum 1 star or above, progress (1 / 5)In the twelve trials of immortality, the number of resurrections has changed to (2 / 3), which means that yecha used up the number of resurrections once when fighting with Li Xuanhe.

Of course, there must be regrets, but that's all.

Ye Cha never thought of dying with Li Xuanhe from the beginning, because he could revive.

Therefore, dying together is just a strategy and tactics. Yecha plans to kill Li Xuanhe with a chance of resurrection. After all, Li Xuanhe's ability is really terrible, even after being suppressed.

In this way, although the loss of a number of resurrection will make ye Cha feel quite sorry, at least Ye Cha's goal has been achieved.

"But how did you get back to the death train?" Ye Cha murmured: "moreover, since he is alive, does that mean that Li Xuanhe should be dead?"

Ye Cha sat on the bed and pondered for a while, then got up and went to the dining car.

Ye Cha thinks that he needs to figure out how he got back to the death train. Secondly, Li Xuanhe's also very valuable. Even ye Cha thinks that this may become his bargaining chip.

Although Ye Cha still doesn't understand what Li Xuanhe is doing or what he wants to do so far, he at least knows Li Xuanhe's purpose of killing himself.

It's obvious that the slave area is a business that can't be known by other big men with positions on the death train, is it?

Ye Cha thought and walked into the dining car.

The boss's wife suddenly laughed and looked at Ye Cha and said, "you finally wake up. I've been waiting for you for a long time."

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