death train

Chapter 235

Looking at ganchalin: "deep vision."

"Similar capabilities." Gan Lin said with a smile: "don't worry, I don't have the courage to use it for you. Besides, it doesn't work for you."

Ye Cha left his mouth, Gan Lin said, he did not believe a word.

However, it's true that Gan Lin doesn't dare to use it easily, because ye Cha believes that as long as Gan Lin is not a fool, she should know what will happen if it doesn't work for her.

The word "pity for fragrance and jade" does not exist in yecha's dictionary.

There are no men and women in yecha's dictionary, only irrelevant people and enemies.

At this time, the last three people are also killed, regardless of death is still effective, three people took their own life, and finally the vampire count left wing to cut down.

Ganlin said: "now it's your turn. There are only two werewolves left, and the count of vampire is also badly injured. They should not continue to fight, but have to leave each other."

Ye Cha nodded and said, "stay away from me, and don't let me find that you have any actions against me."

As ye Cha spoke, he opened the glass window on the side of the clock face and turned over to the outside of the clock tower. Then he climbed up to the roof, reached out to the void and pinched it. He fancied that there was an endless bow.

Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "thousand mile eye!"

The bell tower is about eight or nine hundred meters away from the warring riverside. It can't attack without using the range of a thousand mile eye to increase the endless bow.

At the foot of the leaf brake, suddenly an aperture appeared, and then with the leaf brake as the center, he pushed out towards the surrounding constantly.

As the aperture is pushed away, it seems that a transparent wall of hemisphere appears in the air, covering all areas within a radius of 1000 meters.

The leaf brake stretched out two fingers, buckled the bowstring, and pulled it away bit by bit.

A red arrow appeared on the string, and there were blue lines like electric current on the arrow.

Ye Cha drank softly and said, "Heaven's curse!"

Curse of heaven: shoot arrow rain at a circular area with a radius of 5 meters and a maximum distance of 100 meters. Attack the area for 3 minutes, with an interval of 6 hours.

With Ye Cha loosening the bowstring, the sound of breaking the air suddenly rang out, and then the Tianqian arrow flew forward.

The speed of Tianqian arrow is very fast. It turns into a red shadow in the air. When it flies to the top of the river, it suddenly bursts open.

The broken arrow suddenly began to split, and finally became dense, falling down like a torrential rain.

The werewolf's body is so strong that he directly wants to use his body to defend himself and get out of the area covered by the scourge arrows. But after only a few steps, he is covered with a lot of scourge arrows and becomes like a hedgehog. Then he falls to his knees with a "plop".

"You killed werewolves, cumulative number: 2, apocalypse reward: sharp teeth."

"You killed werewolves, cumulative number: 3, apocalypse reward: sharp claws."

Mysterious voice sounded, announcing that two werewolves had been killed by Ye cha. However, these two werewolves were not the main ones.

The count of the vampire is the big trouble.

The count of vampire has been infected with zombie virus and has been necropsied. The advantage is that the necropsied vampires are separated from the vampire group, and they no longer belong to the same species.

Therefore, the count of vampire appeared alone to fight with the werewolf. He did not follow other vampires, and the vampires who were not infected with zombie virus would not listen to him.

Of course, there are also troubles. The corpse count of vampire is much better than the ordinary count of vampire.

If it's just an ordinary count of vampires, ye Cha believes that one strike of heaven's curse is enough to kill each other in the case of heavy damage.

But not now!

In front of him, the corpsed vampire count was very fierce, waving his cloak, and a large group of black smoke flew out into the air. Countless bats flew out of the black smoke, and ran into the Tianqian arrow. Unexpectedly, he took the Tianqian arrow down.

Of course, the count of vampire did not retreat completely. The bats that flew out could not take all the scourge arrows. After three minutes, the count of vampire also had more than ten scourge arrows on his body, which was not easy to be hurt.

At the same time, at the moment when the arrow disappeared, ye Cha also fell from the bell tower. At the moment of falling, ye Cha did not forget to open his bow again, and imagined a cold arrow.


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly rises, and the ice arrow flies forward, reaching the count of vampire.

The count of vampire's eyes twinkled. He met the ice arrow and squeezed it in his hand. Then a layer of frost quickly climbed up the count of vampire's arm.

At this time, the leaf brake is also infinite close to the ground, leaf brake did not hesitate to blow a punch toward the ground.


With a bang, the shock wave hit the ground and broke a piece of the ground. At the same time, the recoil force was like a big hand. It lifted the leaf brake's body, overturned its body in the air, and then fell steadily on the ground, and then flew forward.Gan Lin licked the corner of her mouth, looked at the forward running Ye Cha and whispered: "it's really strong, but it's a pity that the magic sound ability is really invalid for you, otherwise you can have a very good hitter."

Gan Lin murmured and took out a gun box from the corner of the clock tower. After opening it, she took out an AWP sniper gun and quickly assembled it.

Ganlin's agreement with yecha is that yecha will help her kill a platinum ancient species. The key lies in the word "bang". Yecha's killing the count of vampire is not Ganlin's killing. Therefore, Ganlin must finish the last blow by herself.

At this time, ye Cha was also running fast. After crossing the street, ye Cha soon came to the riverside. Looking at the vampire count in the distance, ye Cha did not hesitate to imagine that he had an arrow again.


The sound of breaking the air rose again, and the explosive arrow flew forward, right behind the count of the vampire.

The count of vampire seems to have a similar ability of perception. Although yecha sneaks on the back of the count of vampire, the count of vampire looks like he has eyes. Before the explosive arrow hits, he turns back and waves his cloak.


The moment the explosive arrow hit the vampire earl's cloak, it exploded, and a huge fire appeared in the air, engulfing the vampire earl.

However, it was only for a moment. The figure appeared quickly in the fire group. The count of the vampire jumped back and broke free from the fire group.

Yecha raised the endless bow again, but the count of vampire obviously learned. Before yecha opened the bow, the count of vampire waved his cloak and released a large number of bats to cover yecha's sight.

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