death train

Chapter 253

Scorn, disdain, condescending!

Prince Reinhart's eyes are full of such emotions. In the eyes of the ancient vampires, human beings are always inferior creatures, weak and incompetent.

But at this moment, the side wall suddenly "boom", a broken arm of the referee suddenly ran out, one hand hugged Prince Reinhardt, running forward.

Bang, bang, bang!

The arbiter ran forward with Prince Reinhardt in his arms, bumped into the wall continuously, kept the walls in a continuous state, and then used all his strength to push Prince Reinhardt to the ground.

At this time, yecha also jumped up from the ground, drew out the Nepal machete, came to Prince Reinhardt's front, and cut it down.

Yecha aimed at Duke Reinhardt's neck. With the blade of the knife, he cut it down directly. But at this moment, Duke Reinhardt opened his mouth fiercely and bit the Nepal machete directly.


The blade of Nepal machete made a clear sound. The solid blade was made two small holes by Duke Reinhardt's tusks, and there were many fine cracks around it.

Ye Cha was stunned. He didn't expect Prince Reinhardt to be so cruel.

In such a daze, Duke Reinhardt grabbed the arbitrator's clothes and threw him out.

Bang, the arbiter directly hit Ye Cha's body, and then they collided and hit the back wall.

There were countless cracks on the wall, and then a piece collapsed, and ye Cha and the arbitrator fell out.


Fall to the back of the wall, the leaf cha in the heart then clap Deng for a while, that the back of the wall unexpectedly is empty.

Because behind the wall is outside the castle.

The leaf brake and the arbiter fall down to the ground.

Ye Cha wants to use the shock wave to cushion the falling force. He should be able to suffer only a few minor injuries. However, the arbitrator is in trouble. The recoil force of the shock wave can't bear the weight of two people.

But at this time, two vines suddenly appeared, wrapped Ye Cha and the arbitrator in mid air, and then put them on the ground.

The leaf Cha Leng next, left and right a see a way: "corpse flower?"

There was no sign of corpse flowers around, but at this time, there was a loud noise in the distance, and then there was the rolling dust.

Ye Cha picked his eyebrows and said hello to the arbiter. He immediately ran to the place where the dust surged up.

The place where the dust surged up was on the edge of the courtyard of Tianguang castle. When ye Cha got to the place, he saw the vines dancing, but there were three people attacking the corpse flower.

Ye Cha immediately guessed that it was mostly Ye Cha that fell into the dark path. In order to find Ye Cha, Shi Hua drilled all the way to the ground. Instead of finding Ye Cha, she went straight out of the castle.

The next thing is a better guess. Three people who have just entered Tianguang castle will attack when they see a corpse flower around the courtyard.

Ye Cha didn't hesitate, running and imagining an endless bow.

Ye Cha didn't intend to explain to the other party that the corpse flower was raised by himself. He didn't have the Kung Fu to explain. He put on a penetrating arrow and shot at one of them.

With a puff, the arrow broke through the air and went straight through one of the men's thighs.

The arrow came very suddenly. The man had no defense at all. Then he fell to the ground, covered the wound and wailed.

Man's companion Leng for a while, after Er toward leaf Cha to shout a way: "what do you want to do?"

"Go away!" Leaf Cha cold voice way: "live or die, oneself choose."

The two companions of the man looked at each other, and then they showed fierce color on their faces, and suddenly they shot at Ye cha

However, the blade brake is faster!

Poof, poof!

The sound of breaking through the air was heard again, and ye Cha didn't hesitate to shoot another arrow through the air. The arrow flew across the air, spinning, with a strong spiral airflow, and nailed one of them on the wrist.

At the same time, the corpse flower is also taking the opportunity to attack, a vine suddenly from the ground under the feet of the other side, firmly tied the other side's ankle.

The next moment, ye Cha suddenly killed, the hand of Nepal machete forward.


The dull sound of the blade into the meat suddenly appeared. The Nepal machete cut the other side's neck directly. The man widened his eyes, whimpered in his throat, and then a bloodstain slowly appeared on his neck.


The man fell on his knees and fell.

Ye Cha's action was not slow, but he quickly pulled the Nepal machete across and collided with another man's weapon.

"Get out of the way." Ye Cha gritted his teeth and said, "get out of here."

At this time, there was a sound in the sky. Yecha looked up, but Prince Reinhardt whipped his wings and chased him.

"That's fast enough!"

Ye Cha murmured, and then he stretched out his foot and tripped over the man's ankle. Then he threw the man towards Prince Reinhardt.Poof!

As soon as Prince Reinhardt reached for his hand, his sharp nails opened the man's chest, and his whole arm went straight through his opponent's chest.


The man snorted, coughing and bleeding. At this moment, yecha suddenly jumped up from the rear, raised the Nepal machete, and cut it on Prince Reinhardt's shoulder.

Blade into the meat three points, ye Cha clenched his teeth and roared, hands holding the knife, Nepal machete forced to press down.

With a puff, Prince Reinhardt's entire left arm was taken off by the leaf brake and flew into the air.


Prince Reinhardt raised his head and roared. His shoulder made a sound of "sand, sand" and sprayed blood.

"I'll kill you." Prince Reinhardt roared, "no, I've changed my mind. I want to torture you. I want you to live like death."

Prince Reinhardt slammed his right arm, threw the man's body aside, and then made another move towards yecha.


Yecha's sharp horizontal bar, Prince Reinhardt's nails hit the Nepal curved sword, and then after a crisp sound, the badly damaged Nepal curved sword finally cracked completely and broke into three pieces.

"Damn it

Ye Cha looked at the Nepal machete in his hand. After a low curse, he threw the Nepal machete towards Prince Reinhardt.

Prince Reinhardt sidestepped to avoid dodging, then flapped his wings, and countless bats flew forward and rushed forward.

The arbiter decisively blocked the front of the leaf brake, allowing the bats to constantly impact and bite, and countless wounds appeared on his body.

At this time, Prince Reinhardt raised his leg and swept, hit the arbitrator's waist, then kicked him out again and hit him on the ground in the distance.

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