death train

Chapter 259

Of course, after experiencing three death train platforms, the survival rate has reached half, which is quite high. The death carriage battle is still meaningful. Those who can survive the death carriage battle are all elites.

While announcing the departure, the mysterious voice also announced the destination of the next station.

Welcome to the train of death, and I will lead you on the road of survival. "

"The death train will arrive at the ancient mountain city in three hours."

"Release task 1: find the gene of ancient zombie species."

"Release task 2: kill Santou mountain ancient species."

"Release mission 3: kill the resurrected Millennium corpse."

"In the three tasks, we must successfully get the gene of the ancient zombie species in order to get on the death train again."

"Two of the three tasks will receive special rewards."

"If you complete three of the three tasks, you will get special rewards and random fantasy skills."

Ye Cha also heard the mysterious voice, but he didn't care much. Anyway, he had to participate in the assessment of the steward, so he couldn't go to Gushan city. This task had nothing to do with him.

Ye Cha comes to the dining car and finds the landlady directly.

"Now I can tell you the content of the assessment task." The landlady said with a smile: "the third death war will be opened."

Ye Cha took part in the fight for the first time. He was in the No. 1 death car, and there was No. 2 death car in addition.

At present, the number of people in many carriages is pitifully low. Therefore, these carriages will be merged into No. 3 death carriage through the death carriage war.

"I'm going to take part?" Ye Cha frowned and said, "I think this assessment task is a little easier for me?"

In the face of ordinary human beings, the human beings in the war of death carriage still have a comparative advantage.

For the time being, the experience of others who have participated in a death carriage battle is extremely valuable, while others will be confused, afraid and need to explore.

Under such circumstances, ye Cha feels that if he wants to take part in another death carriage battle, his chances of survival will exceed 90%. It's really not difficult.

The landlady said with a smile: "of course, it's not that simple. As long as other people are alive, you will have a task. At the same time, you will be the public enemy."

Leaf Cha ponders for a while, shake head way: "don't understand."

The landlady said, "you will understand in a moment. Is there anything you need to prepare now?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "just a moment."

Ye Cha leaves the bar and goes directly to the dining area.

Ye Cha is more accurate in predicting the process of the death train. With more and more death train platforms passing by, we have more family members.

Especially in the death carriage, there are a lot of powerful guys and a lot of good goods in hand.

Therefore, the atmosphere of private trading has gradually formed. At first, people still have taboos. They are afraid that there are restrictions on the death train. After all, the rules of the death train can not be violated.

For example, fighting on the death train is fatal!

For example, if you don't want to get off when it's time to get off, you will die!

For example, if you want to get on the bus before you have time, you will die!

Moreover, the way of death is weird. It's irresistible to lose one's head directly. This silent way of killing people is really frightening.

However, after the transaction, the mysterious voice did not make any statement, so everyone was relieved.

At present, a tacit understanding has been formed in the No. 1 death carriage. Every time the death train returns to the next station, it is the time to trade with each other, and the place of trade is in the dining area of the dining car.

Sit down in twos and threes, show what's superfluous, and then choose from each other, bargain, exchange for skull coins, all of which are OK.

Ye Cha came to the dining area, took out the silver thorns and patted them on the table.

A bang, quite harsh, attracted many people's eyes.

Ye chashen said: "double gun, vampire gene, exchange melee weapon!"

Many people's eyes fell on the table in front of Ye cha.

Ye Cha is a strange existence in No.1 death carriage. His sense of existence is very low in everyone's eyes, but ye Cha is an existence that can not be ignored in everyone's heart.

The former is because ye Cha doesn't have any contact with anyone at all. There are only Ganlin, Xia Youran, baiziling and xiaopangzi, but they are only contact, not intersection.

Even, in addition to the above four, ye Cha did not say anything to anyone else.

Yecha is independent, which is the consensus of all people.

On the other hand, ye Cha is alone, but he can survive every time, which is enough to make him an existence that people can't ignore.

Secondly, ye Cha ranked first in the ranking published for the first time.

So, who can ignore the existence of Ye cha?

Ye Cha saw that there was no one to answer and continued: "is no one interested?"The little fat man said with a smile, "let me have a look?"

Ye Cha said: "whatever."

I. Q. is really good, but I don't think he's interested in bombs.

The little fat man did this just to help Ye cha. If he was the first one to come forward, other people would have no worries. When the little fat man walked away, he came forward one after another.

Ye cha in the small fat man left, small voice way: "owe you once, have a chance to return you."

The little fat man said with a smile, "little things."

Other people are taking things to look at one after another. Ye Cha doesn't care what they handle. Instead, he is on the death train. His own is his own, and no one can take it away.

To a certain extent, the dead train is an absolutely safe area. Even the conductor can't kill anyone on the dead train.

On the contrary, if the conductor wants to kill someone on the dead train, it must be the conductor who died.

So, there is no such thing as robbing things.

A moment later, there was humanity: "sword for gun, plus the bottle of vampire gene."

Ye Cha looked up, and it turned out to be Xia leisurely.

Xia Youran is very strong. Ye Cha knows this clearly. The stronger he is, the more things he hoards. It's normal.

However, as soon as Xia Youran's words fell, another middle-aged man immediately said, "this saber is for two guns."

Yecha is very satisfied. Only when there is competition can there be a price reduction.

Sure enough, Xia leisurely swept the other side one eye after the way: "only change the gun."

Ye Cha glanced at their things, then took out the Alaska whaling fork and said, "the saber is not suitable."

The middle-aged man nodded and said nothing more.

The Alaska whaling fork is indeed a little shorter, but it is not much shorter than the general saber. Therefore, changing a saber does not mean much to yecha.

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