death train

Chapter 26

"Is there a secret door?"

The leaf Cha startles to utter a voice.

In addition to the hidden vault embedded in the wall and the hidden door of the hound's insurance system, the study has a hidden space.

Because, after the wall sagged inward, the leaf brake saw that the edge had exposed the color of metal.

The leaf brake raises the gun, and then pushes a wall again, the wall is soon completely depressed, revealing an entrance.

The entrance is a little small, one meter high.

The leaf Cha vigilantly half bends over, the pistol clenches to aim at the front, slowly walked in.

Behind the secret door is a small space, square shape, about 15-6 flat appearance, surrounded by a metal cabinet, there is a metal table, with a metal chair inlaid on the ground.

Everything around can be seen at a glance, there is no zombie, ye Cha has nothing to worry about, put the pistol back into his waist, and went in.

This is a place that does not exist in yecha's memory.

In the previous life, ye Cha took his team to get the golden gene medicine. After killing the double headed dog, he left the villa and went to other places to look for the golden gene medicine. He did not find this secret door.

"What might we find out?"

Ye Cha murmured. First, he went to the metal cabinet. There were countless folders in the metal cabinet. Ye Cha casually opened several folders to have a look, which were all product information reports of CommScope.

Most of these product information reports are in research and unlisted, because unless it is a complete pharmaceutical formula, the product information reports on the market are of little value and do not need to be kept so carefully.

However, ye Cha is not interested in this. If you take out any information here at ordinary times, it will probably make commercial spies crazy. But in the end, it is meaningless.

Ye Cha casually turned over a few folders, then went to the metal platform and found something he was interested in.

"On May 20, the head office sent a document that the negotiation with tomorrow Star Machinery Co., Ltd. has been completed. The company will cooperate with the other party to carry out the arbiter plan, and the research laboratory will be established in never night city."

"On September 11, the plan has started for more than three months. At present, the bronze arbiter of experimental body 1 has failed. The headquarters of the company decided to make additional investment. I voted against it, but it didn't work. The headquarters is very interested in the arbiter plan."

"On October 28, the silver arbiter of experimental body 2 also failed. Tomorrow Star Machinery Co., Ltd. said that it would be successful as long as the power source could be solved."

"On January 1, the new year, I tried to win a prize and carried out the experiment of No. 3 heavy metal arbiter. I hope it can succeed, but it failed in the end. The headquarters finally has the plan to withdraw the capital."

"On February 7, after a new round of negotiations, tomorrow star company was willing to pay 25% of the shares as a price and reached an agreement with the company. The headquarters injected capital again and conducted the fourth round of experiments."

"On May 1, the No.4 Caishi arbitrator of the experimental body succeeded, and nearly a year's efforts paid off. However, the laboratory said that the Caishi arbitrator still had defects and needed to continue to improve."

"On August 9, we carried out the experiments of experimental body 5 and experimental body 6 successively, and the final results were perfect."

"On October 2, the black gold arbiter of the experimental body No.7 completed all the tests, and the headquarters was jubilant. The next step is to contact the military. If the negotiation is successful, it will not only bring huge wealth, but also further the company's reputation."

"October 20..."

Ye Cha turned over the notepad on the metal table.

It's a bit weird, like a diary, but it's not written every day. It's more like a record of the so-called experiment.

However, you have to say it's an experiment record. It's a bullshit experiment record. You don't even write about the experiment content and progress, but you write about the results. You also write about the acquisition negotiations within CommScope and your own feelings.

"What is this black gold arbiter?"

Ye Cha couldn't help being a little interested in this thing, and then he threw the Notepad aside. As soon as his eyes lit up, there was a key under the Notepad.

At first glance, the key is special, cylindrical, with many protruding micro cubes of different shapes on both sides. At the same time, the position of the key handle is also equipped with a chip, which should be used to scan when opening the electronic lock.

"Is this the so-called laboratory key?" Ye Cha laughed and said, "it's a little interesting."

Ye Cha tossed the key while thinking.

If it is possible, he would like to go to that lab to see what the black gold arbiter is. Moreover, since it is the lab of CommScope, maybe there are also gold gene pharmaceutics.

But keys are useless. Who knows where the lab is.


Suddenly, ye Cha's eyes brightened and he patted his thigh fiercely.

"I know!" Ye suddenly Meng got up and said, "it's the place."The laboratory must not be built in a place where there are many people. Secondly, since it is a laboratory under the name of CommScope, it must be built in the territory of CommScope.

In the southwest of never night city, there is a land bought by CommScope, where there is a research institute, but it is definitely not the research institute recorded in the notebook.

Because, there is a pharmacy research institute. Yecha has been there before and got a bottle of gold gene medicine there.

And that research institute is not just a research institute. There are residential areas and factory areas around it. It is an industrial park integrating experiment, production and workers' living.

Ye Cha vaguely remembers that when he got the gold gene medicament from the Research Institute and left, he saw a piece of barbed wire in the factory. Behind the barbed wire was a piece of wasteland with a sign forbidding entry.

Now I think that place is really a bit strange. There is nothing in that wasteland and there is no construction. Why should we put up a forbidden sign?

Secondly, a good industrial park suddenly has a piece of wasteland without construction. Why?

Think about it carefully, I always feel a little suspicious!

Ye Cha thought of this and couldn't help laughing: "it seems that God also wants me to go this trip."

The Research Institute was originally yecha's goal. Yecha planned to go to the research institute to get the final golden gene medicine. After all, yecha had also obtained the golden gene medicine there in the last generation. It would be much easier to find it again.

In this case, ye Cha was very interested to see what was hidden in the hidden Research Institute. It was unknown what might be dangerous and what might be great.

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