death train

Chapter 268

Those standing on the roof of the strafe, have jumped into the car to escape.


The next moment, the explosion suddenly sounded, and the fire burst out and spread around.

Leaf brake is also taking advantage of this moment gap, quickly jump out of the car.

Ye Cha's speed is very fast, just like a running cheetah. He runs towards the side quickly. Meanwhile, in the process of running, he reaches out his hand and pinches the void, and grabs the endless bow in his hand.

At this time, a middle-aged man in the back of the car poked out his head as if to check the situation, but he didn't see anything. There was a silver flash in front of him, and then a silver arrow ran through the middle-aged man's head.

The others looked at each other, then nodded to each other, and jumped out from behind the car, intending to besiege Ye cha.

But also at this time, a building on the side, the third floor window suddenly opened, the arbitrator appeared there, set up a machine gun on the window.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The machine guns roared, the bullets rained down, and then the scream went on and on. The other side didn't expect that there was the referee.

All this is because the blade brake is very careful, always very careful.

If you want to live well in this world, you should be more careful.

Therefore, ye Cha seldom goes with an arbitrator. There are only two usages of Ye Cha for an arbitrator. The first is to send an arbitrator to explore the way, to be a pioneer, or to be a meat shield.

The second is to let the arbitrator follow him. When he encounters a battle, the arbitrator can come to support the surprise attack from the rear.

Of course, in addition, ye Cha has a third card, which is the corpse flower.

However, at present, it seems that the corpse flower card should not need to be played out, because the sudden appearance of the arbiter is a nightmare for those people.

With the falling of bullets, those people had no time to react, so they all fell to the ground, covered with blood.

A moment later, the arbiter stopped fire, and there was only one person left on the ground, struggling hard and climbing forward.

Ye Cha stepped forward, stepped on the other side's back, held a gun against the other side's head and said, "sorry, because this is the mission of the death train."


When the gun started, ye Cha hit the opponent's head directly.

After killing each other, ye Cha also carefully looked around, determined that there was no hidden accomplice, then turned over the car, and looked for a new car.

The two assessment tasks are actually quite difficult.

The first assessment task is pure killing. There is no reason. If ye Cha wants to pass the assessment, he must get 20 lives.

In fact, there are quite a number of people involved in the death carriage battle. Generally, the number of people involved in the death carriage battle ranges from 100 to 120, and the number of 20 lives is almost one fifth or one sixth.

From a purely homicidal point of view, this ratio is not very difficult. However, don't forget the existence of Ivan.

There is only one life, which can't be killed twice. Therefore, in order to complete the assessment task, Ivan has to get 20 lives.

Secondly, the existence of the death carriage war is to simplify the survivors on the death train and merge the carriages.

Therefore, even without Ye Cha and Ivan, the two executioners, the death carriage battle itself is also a killing, which comes from the cruelty of the death train.

In fact, yecha always felt that although the death train gave people hope to live, it always adhered to the jungle rule of natural selection and survival of the fittest.

Those weak and small people will be eliminated by the death train, and those who remain will naturally adapt to this cruel human.

In a way, it can be understood as powerful.

Therefore, this makes the leaf brake have to face another problem, if the start is too slow, maybe people are not enough to kill.

Fortunately, ye Cha has good luck so far. There were six last night, and now there are seven. More than half of the assessment tasks have been completed, while the death carriage battle only lasted about 36 hours.

If there is no accident, the blade brake should be able to complete this assessment task.

Ye chazheng thought, suddenly recovered, and then stepped on the brake, and then got out of the car quickly into the alley.

There's a fight!

The sound of gunfire and explosion came into Ye Cha's ears.

Ye Cha looks for sound and moves quickly through the roadway. About 300 meters away, ye Cha hides in an alley and looks out of the lane.

The scene outside the lane let yecha feel a little disappointed. It was not the fight between the participants in the death carriage war, but a human fighting with a zombie.

"Blood king?" Ye Cha raised his eyebrows and said, "it's a little interesting."

That zombie is a variant zombie. Its whole body is as red as a peeled skin, and its muscle lines are faintly visible. It's like a model without skin in a medical school.

At the same time, the mutant zombie is 2 meters tall and has a tail wrapped in meat film under its waist, which looks like a cat's tail and keeps swinging.Blood king, platinum 3 stars, after death, produce variation, skin gasification, back bone tail, body contains blood poison, strength is not vulgar, speed is fast.

Ye Cha knows the mutant zombie, and he also knows that the blood king is not an easy mutant zombie to deal with. The level of platinum 3 stars is also very telling.

At present, most of the survivors on the death train can't reach this level. Most of them hover between the golden 3 stars and the golden 5 stars. Those who can reach the platinum level are regarded as powerful guys.

Therefore, the man who is fighting with the blood king is really powerful.

This is a man about thirty years old. He has an ordinary face. He belongs to the kind that is hard to recognize when he is thrown into the crowd. He has a small moustache.

At the same time, this man is very strong.

There are a pair of double knives on the back of the man. He is fighting with guns. There are two red flame bombs on his waist. This is the source of the previous sound.

Most of all, this man is fast!

The blood king is hard to deal with. Even if ye Cha has reached the Star Diamond level, he needs to be careful to deal with the blood king. The reason why the blood king is hard to deal with is that the speed is too fast!

To kill a zombie, you usually have to break your neck or blow your head.

This is also the weakness of the blood king. However, because of the speed, it is very difficult to hit the blood king. What's more, it's hard to find the right chance to kill. It's usually restricted by the blood King's speed, constantly injured, weak, and then died.

But to Ye Cha's surprise, the man's speed in front of him was as fast as that of the blood king. He kept running and swimming, and then shot. Even though he had spare power to shoot, the speed might still be above the blood king, otherwise he would not be able to do it.

"Kill the blood king, and then find a chance to kill?" Ye Cha whispered: "the blood King's brain nucleus is very precious, and the platinum 3 star level is included in the 12 trials of immortality."

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