death train

Chapter 282

After a moment, the strafing stopped.

Yeeqin jumped up to the ventilation pipe. With a lesson from the past, yeeqin didn't immediately enter the ventilation pipe. Instead, he drew out his pistol and fired several shots into the ventilation pipe. Then he looked into the ventilation pipe.

"Damn it." The leaf Qin lets go, falls back to the ground way: "ran."

Liu Kai looked at Lin Shengwei's body, reached out and closed his eyes, then walked forward and said, "don't worry, be patient. He won't run. He wants to kill us all."

Judging from ye Cha's action, he didn't want to run away, but wanted to fight. There's no need to infer this. Anyone with a clear eye can see it.

However, with less to fight more, Liu Kai's idea was that yecha was bound to carry out the tactics of guerrilla warfare, smashing them one by one and killing them in turn.

That's how Lin Shengwei died!

Even, Lin Shengwei didn't have a chance to fight with Ye cha.

Sometimes, the strength of the strength can not completely determine life and death.

A man who has no strength to bind a chicken may not have the chance to kill a soldier who has experienced many battles.

Because life is so fragile.

However, what Liu Kai didn't expect was that there was a "bang" in front of him, and then the gate of the ventilation duct was damaged. The leaf brake didn't run far at all, so he jumped out of the ventilation duct and stood directly in front of them.

"You're right. I want to kill you all." Ye Cha said with a smile: "just like you want to kill me, but I'm curious. You still have three people, but after you kill me, you can only get one survival quota. Who can you give it to?"

Luo Feng said angrily: "boy, do you want to sow discord?"

Ye Cha still said with a smile, "am I right?"

Liu Kai stopped Luo Feng from swearing, and then said, "yes, no wonder the voice said that you are dangerous, capable and resourceful. Now you still want to attack? Unfortunately, it's useless for us, so... "

Liu Kai suddenly picked up his rifle and pulled the trigger toward Ye Cha without hesitation.

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

The pouring bullet is Liu Kai's answer!

The leaf brake immediately runs to the side, and the speed of the son of wind will be obviously weakened indoors, especially here it is still underground. Without wind and air flow, the ability of the son of wind can not play a role.

Fortunately, any building built underground will have a set of air circulation system and ventilation system. Otherwise, it is not suitable to stay for a long time and the ability of the son of the wind will not be completely wasted.

Quickly toward the side run, leaf brake suddenly a fish jump, and then hide behind a table.

In battle, words are not necessarily nonsense. As Liu Kai said, ye Cha is attacking the heart. It's not clear whether he can succeed or not, but he always has to try.

Similarly, Liu Kai is also an old fox. By replying, he suddenly launches an attack and takes Ye Cha by surprise.

No one took advantage of this round.

Forcing Ye Cha behind the table, Liu Kai made a tactical gesture, indicating that ye Qin and Luo Feng would outflank from both sides.

But at this time, a crystal strip of red flame bomb suddenly flew out from behind the table.

Liu Kai immediately called out: "scatter!"

The three quickly spread out in different directions. At this time, ye Cha stood up from the back of his desk, holding endless bow and catching the explosive arrow.

With a puff, the explosive arrow went through the air, and then fell on the ground in front of Luo Feng. Although it was across the table, the explosion sounded, and the violent impact force lifted the table and also lifted Luo Feng out.

The leaf Qin took the opportunity to jump out, quickly approached the leaf brake, took out two dogleg machetes from the back of the waist, and cut them to the leaf brake.

Ye Cha handed the endless bow to his left hand, drew out the blood dragon sword and welcomed it.

With a clanging sound, the blades collided and made a clear sound.

Although ye Ziqin is a woman, she seems to be better at melee. She is also the only one of the four who does not carry a rifle or machine gun. She only has a revolver hanging around her waist.

However, there are many knives on this woman's body. There are two leather cases of dogleg machetes hanging at the back of her waist. There is a field knife at her waist. There is a Jungle King tied to her thigh. There is a bulge in her leg pants. If there is no accident, there is a knife tied inside.

In fact, Yeqin's skill is really good.

After the two men's weapons intersected, Yeqin forced the blade down to create a golden spark. At the same time, yecha was forced to open. Then turning over was a series of kicks, two consecutive kicks to the middle brake chest.

Ye Cha couldn't help stepping back a few steps. Before he could stand firm, Liu Kai stood up and shot at Ye Cha again.

Ye Cha quickly lowered himself and ran to the side to avoid the shot. But just as the sound of the rifle shot stopped, ye Qin killed him again and swept the two dogleg machetes forward.

Ye Cha's body leans back. At the moment of avoiding the blade, the blood dragon sword is handed forward, but ye Qin kicks it away. Then ye Qin forces it up again with his double knives.Jingle!

The weapons collided and made a clear sound again.

Yeyeqin gritted her teeth and pressed the two knives down, but she failed this time.

After all, yeziqin is a woman. Women's strength is usually smaller than men's. moreover, even if she is not a woman, yecha's physical fitness has reached 8.5 now. Yeqin's attempt to suppress yecha in strength is obviously an absolute mistake.

Unless ye Yeqin has drunk more physical strengthening potions than ye Cha, and the probability is not big.

Ye Cha easily resisted Ye Qin's power, and then raised his leg fiercely, which was a knee bump. He pushed it against Ye Qin's waist. He didn't feel pity for Yu at all, and made Ye Qin stagger.

Ye Cha takes advantage of the victory to pursue, and then raises his leg and kicks Ye Qin's wrist, directly kicks off her dogleg machete.

Ye Ziqin did not hesitate, but directly pulled out the king of the jungle tied on his thigh and stroked forward.


Ye Cha's clothes were cut on his waist, and then a blood line appeared slowly.

But also in this instant, ye Cha's blood Dragon Sword Pierced Ye Qin's chest and picked out a blood flower.

At the same time, ye Cha suddenly found that the strong wind hit the side, but Luo Feng stood up from the ground, a blow toward Ye cha.

The leaf Cha immediately jumps backward, after avoiding the fist, looking at the gnashing teeth painful leaf Qin way: "the woman really takes advantage of."

Ye Cha's words are not teasing and joking. In fact, if a woman didn't have a chest, the sword just now should be enough to give ye Qin a heavy blow. It's the position of the heart.

The leaf Qin clenches teeth to show anger, toward Luo Feng to shout: "up, kill this bastard."

Luo Feng nodded, took the lead to jump out with a lunge, and raised his fist to the Ye cha.

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