death train

Chapter 290

Clang, clang, clang

Those plastic cards continuously knocked on the blood dragon sword, making a clear sound, but there were also two cards, which directly penetrated Ye Cha's shoulder.

Ye Cha snorted and grabbed the cards. He pulled them out of his body. Then he found that the edges of those cards were extremely sharp.

At the same time, the moment Ivan flies out of the card, the corpse flower attacks Ivan again, waving vines, like two giant snakes, rolling toward Ivan.

As Ivan quickly backed back, he pulled open his coat and took out two metal sticks from his inner pocket. After pulling out the bolt at one end, sparks kept popping from one end of the stick. Then Ivan threw the stick out with force.

In mid air, the stick burned quickly.

The vine of corpse flower immediately shrank, constantly curled up, and then retreated toward the rear.

The biggest weakness of corpse flower, or even the only weakness, is fire. The damage caused by fire to corpse flower is not only outstanding in effect, but more importantly, it can make corpse flower have a sense of fear.

Even if the leaf brake orders, the corpse flower also dare not easily pass through the flame.

Looking at the vine of corpse flower receding, Ivan gave a cold hum, took out a few sticks that could burn again, and then threw them in the direction of corpse flower.

But right now


The sound of breaking the air suddenly rang out, and the leaf brake suddenly flashed out from behind the concrete column. Then a penetrating arrow swept through the air and shot at Ivan.

Ivan immediately turned around and raised his left arm. There was a metal wristband on his left arm. When Ivan raised his hand, a metal sheet popped out on the wristband, which surrounded the wristband and formed a round shield.

But, no use!

The piercing sound of metal friction rang out, and then the penetrating arrow directly penetrated the shield, and then hit Ivan's shoulder. After penetrating Ivan's shoulder, he continued to fly forward and nailed it to a cement pillar in the distance.

Ivan couldn't help but snort. At the same time, ye Cha also ran forward and killed Ivan quickly. He raised the blood dragon sword and thrust it forward.

With a clang, Ivan moved his shield to block Ye Cha's sword, then quickly retreated.

Ye Cha did not hesitate to raise his hand to press forward.


The invisible force shot forward and hit Ivan hard, but unexpectedly, Ivan was not blasted out by the shock wave. On the contrary, ye Cha suddenly felt a huge force coming towards him, as if a heavy hammer was hammering hard on his chest.


The leaf brake flies backward and falls on the ground.

Ivan chuckled, and then pulled open his chest clothes. There was a vest made of iron pieces inside. Ye Cha could guess the effect, most of which was able to rebound damage and so on.

Ivan grinned, grabbed a card again, looked at Ye Cha and said, "you can't beat me after all."

Ye Cha covered his chest and looked at Yi Wan coldly. "Since I knew that the one who died was not the real you, I naturally knew that you would do it again. In this case, do you think I would be unprepared?"


Ivan's face was cold, and then suddenly felt dizzy. Then he staggered back two steps and reached out to hold a concrete pillar.

"Is it blood loss?" Ivan shook his head for a while, then looked at Ye Cha and yelled, "no, no, what did you do?"

Ye Cha got up from the ground and said, "don't you smell anything?"

Ivan stirred his nose, and then said, "the fragrance of flowers!"

There are corpses everywhere, cold, damp, full of rotten smell, which greatly affects the sense of smell, but if you smell carefully, you will find that there is a very light fragrance around, similar to the aroma of jasmine.

Ivan clenched his teeth and said, "corpse flower!"

Yes, it's the smell of corpse flowers.

The smell of corpse flower is full of plant toxin. However, because corpse flower has just entered the mature stage, the toxin is not strong.

But just because of this, the fragrance of flowers is very light, on the contrary, it can let Ivan inhale unconsciously, and won't be easily found by Ivan.

Ivan shook his head hard, and then quickly felt toward the back of his waist, took out a needle gun, and was about to stab his arm.

Can be in this instant, the leaf Cha suddenly of hand.

A bloody arc passed in the air and picked Ivan's wrist directly. At the same time, he picked the needle and gun in Ivan's hand.

Yecha is not surprised that Ivan has something in his hand that can restrain plant toxins. After all, this guy obviously loves to fight with props, because there are so many kinds of props that he can deal with all kinds of situations.

However, the premise is that the blade brake will give Ivan a chance to use it.

Ye Cha sneered: "I'm waiting for you so hard. Do you think you still have a chance?"

Since knowing that Ivan killed at first was fake, yecha knew that Ivan would wait for the right time and suddenly appear.Although Ivan was seriously injured, this is the best time to fight with the Ripper.

Therefore, leaf brake let corpse flower ambush, also released plant toxin ahead of time.

Everything is successful. Ye Cha will not give Ivan the chance to detoxify.

The feeling of vertigo became more and more intense. Ivan retreated, but suddenly felt whirling around. His body faltered and leaned against the concrete pillar again.

The next moment, ye Cha hands again, and the blood Dragon Sword picks forward and pierces Ivan's legs. Then the blood Dragon Sword shakes out a sword flower and stabs forward obliquely. After piercing Ivan's abdomen, it nails Ivan's body on the concrete pillar.


Ivan's body moved abruptly and breathed out. The intense pain twisted Ivan's expression. His face was like gold paper, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

Yecha grabbed Ivan's hair, pulled out the Alaska whaling fork, stuck it to Ivan's neck and said, "sorry, you have no future."


The Alaskan whaling fork was pulled across Ivan's throat, and then a blood line appeared on Ivan's throat, and the sound of "coo, COO" sounded in Ivan's throat.

Ivan obviously wanted to open his mouth, but because his throat was cut, he couldn't make a sound at all. Finally, his eyes were gradually lax, and his arms fell down powerlessly.

"You killed competitor Ivan mosyavich, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: thunderbolt."

"You killed competitor Ivan mosyavich, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: venom ring."

"You killed Ivan mosyavich, the competitor, and completed the No. 2 assessment task."

Ye Cha gasps, and there is a mysterious voice, which means that Ivan is dead completely, and it also means that all this is finally over.

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