death train

Chapter 295

For three days, yecha has been working on Ivey Z-type metal blade.

But it's a real hassle.

In fact, it's not too difficult to use it. It's OK to make a knife handle, but it's very difficult to make Ivy Z-shaped metal blade into other shapes.

The melting point of this thing is very high. At the same time, it's very troublesome to shape. It needs special production tools. It's not easy to do just by working in a personal compartment.

Therefore, yecha thinks that it's time to shelve Ivey Z-type metal blade.

Because, ye Cha also has no time.

Three days later, the death train started again.

"The death train will arrive in the ice and snow capital in three hours."

"Release task 1: find new Z virus cells."

"Release task 2: kill three ice ancient species."

"Release mission 3: kill the resurrected zombies of Snow Demon."

"In the three tasks, we must successfully get the new Z virus cells in order to re board the death train."

"Two of the three tasks will receive special rewards."

"If you complete three of the three tasks, you will get special rewards and random fantasy ability."

"Flight attendant task 1: get the initial sample of new Z virus cells, which can be used to exchange a random skill."

"Steward task 2: get the ancient gene samples that activate the resurrection of ice devil, which can be used to exchange a random ability."

"The cars entering the ice and snow capital this time are: No.2 death car, No.22 car, No.29 car."

The mysterious voice sounded as usual, but there were some changes. After becoming a steward, ye Cha had two more steward tasks. At the same time, it also indicated which cars survived and which human beings would enter the ice and snow capital.

Ye Cha frowns. If it's just like this, ye Cha feels that it's really no difference whether the steward does it or not. It's different from the ordinary carriage.

But ye Cha thought of the boss's words. Ye Cha always felt that the boss couldn't talk nonsense. There must be hidden meaning in the words.

Moreover, ye Cha didn't ponder the meaning of it at the moment, because he was very angry!

Death car 2, Nan Junxian!

"Good..." Ye Cha said with a smile: "it's time to meet at last."

The leaf brake side murmurs, at the same time walks toward the carriage outside.

Ye Cha walked out of his car and was stunned for a moment. He wanted to go to the dining car and ask what he should do. Did he leave as before after the death train stopped at the platform.

But what ye Cha didn't expect was that after he pushed the door of his own car, he entered the empty car that the landlady took him to when he participated in the stewardess examination. At the same time, there were already people in the car.

There are five people in yecha, and the other four are three men and one woman.

All three men are about 30 years old and look extraordinary.

The so-called extraordinary, it is difficult to explain in words, if you have to say, it should be said that the feeling and momentum.

Ye Cha can feel that these three men are all the generation who have been fighting for a long time. No matter which car they are thrown into, they belong to the strong. They are full of fierce breath.

As for the remaining woman

Ye Cha felt that the word "woman" was not accurate, and even the wording of "girl" was not correct. It should be a girl, or even a little girl.

The little girl looked like she was only eight or nine years old. She was dressed in a black dress. Her facial features were carved with jade. She was licking a lollipop. She looked very cute.

But there shouldn't be such a little girl on the death train.

In fact, among the surviving human beings on the death train, the proportion of minors is very small, which is not too small to say.

The reason is very simple, most of the minors lack social experience and experience, and their mind is not mature and firm enough. Although some precocious people, such as little fat people, can not be ruled out, most of them are difficult to survive in the cruel end of life.

Of course, on the other hand, there are some minors who always survive and usually become particularly terrifying, because it is undeniable that minors are more malleable.

However, the minors refer to teenagers at least, but ye Cha thinks that this little girl is just eight or nine years old.

At this time, the landlady pushed open the door of the car, entered the car, straight into the way: "have you heard all the tasks clearly?"

Everyone nodded, including yecha.

"The landlady said:" I wish you success in completing the task

Ye Cha doubts a way: "do you mean to want to form a team action?"

The landlady took a look at Ye Cha and said, "it's up to you. It doesn't matter to me. As long as you can finish the task, do you have any other questions?"

Ye Cha said: "if you don't finish the task? Can't go back to the death train? "

A man in a white shirt curled his mouth and said with a hint of sarcasm, "new man?"The landlady said: "whether you want to act alone or in a team, as long as you bring two things back to the death train, you can all go back to the death train. But if the task is not completed, why do you come back? If you miss the departure time, it's your own business

It means that even if you miss something, you can't figure out the difference.

The only change is that the five people in the car will become a community. It doesn't matter whether they form a team or not, but they have the same goal. If they get something, everyone will live. If they can't get something, everyone will die.

But ye Cha didn't think it was that simple, and then he understood it very quickly.

On the surface, it seems that this is a cooperative operation, and a five person team is the most appropriate method.

In fact, it's not like this. As long as you hold something in your hand, you can ensure that you can get on the bus at any time. Other people are by the way. On the contrary, it has nothing to do with whether other people die or not, as long as you can get two things.

And the most important point is the reward, the qualification to return to the death train, which is nothing to say.

If you can't get something at all, you're not qualified to come back. What's the reward?

However, in the case of getting two things, only those who get things can get rewards on the death train, which leads to competition and even fighting with each other.

After all, a random skill, a random ability, which is much better than the reward given by ordinary car tasks.

Team up? Companions?

It's just a superficial illusion. If it's based on getting something, the five of them are actually enemies.

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