death train

Chapter 307

Leaf brake on a train, and then signaled to the arbiter to leave.

Sitting in the carriage, ye Yue said, "how long does it take to get to the base of CommScope?"

Ye Cha said, "about an hour."

"I always feel that you are familiar with the ice and snow capital and the base of CommScope. You know the location of the base of CommScope without looking for any clues. You also know how to get there, even how far it is, and how long it takes," she said

Ye Cha said with a smile: "if we don't investigate the reasons, isn't it a good thing?"

Ye Yue thinks about it. Everyone has his own secret. Does Ye Yue really tell Ye Cha everything about her brain ability? Therefore, ye Yue does not intend to entangle in this issue.

Ye Yue said: "well, I suppose you don't know why. When you are familiar with the base of CommScope, do you know how to find the initial samples of new Z virus cells and the ancient gene samples of ice devil resurrection?"

Ye Cha said, "I don't know."

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." Ye Yue said: "how about taking the same for each of us? I can also compensate you for something that you can't use but is useful to you. "

Ye Cha spread his hand and said, "I really don't know."

Ye Cha didn't mean to lie or hide this time. If it was a task in an ordinary car, he certainly knew where the task object was, but he had never worked as a steward in his last life.

Therefore, even if ye Cha had been to the ice and snow capital at that time, he had never been a steward. How could he know where things were.

About an hour later, the train gradually came to an end.

At the end of the train is the location of the mountainside. A whole snow mountain has been hollowed out, and the base of CommScope company is built in the mountainside.

When the arbitrator arrived at the entrance, he stopped the train because there was no way.

A huge metal door about seven or eight meters high and five meters wide blocked the way of the train.

Ye Yue jumped out of the driveway: "why is the door closed? How did Gao Hongmin get in? "

Ye Cha pointed to the trail on the edge of the metal gate and said, "they should try to open the door, and then try to close it. Otherwise, the edge should be covered with snow, but now it is not."

Ye Yue said, "do you know how to open the door?"

"I don't know." Ye Cha said, "but I know how to get in. Come with me."

Ye Cha said while walking towards the side, then motioned to the ice rock on the side and said, "are you going to climb with me, or will I pull you up after I go up?"

Ye Yue left her mouth and said: "of course, you pull me up. My delicate and tender body..."

Ye Cha didn't wait for ye Yue to finish, so he began to climb the ice wall. Soon after climbing on it, he put down a rope to pull Ye Yue up. Then he walked forward for about 200 meters. After four weeks, ye Cha began to dig the snow on the ground.

Soon, after the snow was smoothed out, an iron plate that could be pulled up was exposed.

Ye Yue said, "what is this?"

Ye Cha said: "the maintenance channel in the base can directly lead to the interior of the base from here."

With a creak, the leaf brake pulled up the iron plate, revealing the dark passageway.

Ye Cha said: "come with me, be careful not to fall."

There are stairs at the edge of the passage, which can go down all the way. About three or four meters later, it becomes a horizontal crawling passage similar to the ventilation duct.

When ye Cha entered, he suddenly smelled a bad smell with rotten smell. He couldn't help looking tight and yelled: "don't come down."

Just after ye Cha finished shouting, a zombie dog sprang out of the pipe and rushed towards Ye cha.

In such a narrow space, even if the blade brake has a thousand skills, the son of the wind's ability to maximize the effect, it is absolutely impossible to avoid the attack.

Almost in an instant, ye Cha was attacked by the zombie dog, and then his arm hurt, and he was caught by the zombie dog with three bloodstains.

Ye Cha gritted his teeth, fiercely pulled out the Alaska whaling fork and stabbed the zombie dog.

At this time, the effect of Alaska whaling fork is excellent. It can't be used with blood dragon sword.


Ye Cha stabbed the zombie dog's neck. At the same time, the zombie dog bit Ye Cha's shoulder.

There is no way out, in such a space, the only thing you can do is to fight!

Ye Cha raised his head and hit the zombie dog in the head, then pulled the Alaska whaling fork fiercely.

Poof, the red blood spilled out, and the zombie dog finally fell down.

"You killed zombie dogs, cumulative number: 211."

Ye Chachang Shukou airway: "you can come down."

Ye Yue went down to the passage, looked at the corpse of the zombie dog and said, "you are really unlucky."

Ye Cha treated the wound a little and said, "don't talk nonsense, let's go."Ye Cha crawled forward along the passage. A moment later, he found the vertical passage again. After falling, he entered the base.

After entering the base, ye Cha immediately frowned, because there were a lot of zombies in front of him. After hearing the movement, he hobbled to Ye Cha and ye Yue.

Ye Cha said, "there are some problems in this place."

Ye Yue wondered: "it's strange to have zombies? It's all over the world. "

Ye Yue did not feel that there was anything wrong, but ye Cha knew that there was a problem, of course, because of the memory of the previous life, he was very clear about the structure of the base.

The scale of this CommScope base is really not small. At present, the fourth place is a parking lot with some electric roller coasters or electric scooters for single use.

Why do you need these things? Because the base is too large, we need to use these to reduce the time. After passing through this area, there is a long passage, through which we can reach the depth of the base.

Normally, it's normal to have a few zombies in this position, but it's abnormal to have 20 or 30 zombies.

What's more, yecha didn't encounter any zombie attack as soon as he entered the base.

Ye Cha was thinking in his head, but his hand was not slow, because the zombies had surrounded him.

Bang, bang, Bang

Ye Cha pulls out the black star pistol to shoot and kills the nearest zombie. When the shooting can't keep up with the speed of the zombie, ye Cha suddenly draws out his sword. As soon as the blood Dragon Sword sweeps by, he cuts the head of a zombie.

About a quarter of an hour, ye Cha cleared away the occupied zombie, and finally it became quiet all around.

Ye Yue said, "where are you going now? Anyway, the person you're going to kill hasn't arrived yet. Why don't we look for something first? "

Ye Cha took a look at Ye Yue and said, "don't you find something missing?"

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