death train

Chapter 317

"Who knows." Ye Yue said, "maybe I can't fight, but I've run away."

Ye Cha nods, where does Gao Hongmin go? You can ignore it first, but snow devil has to take care of it.

Ye Cha recalled the two crew tasks.

They are getting the initial samples of the new Z virus cells and the ancient gene samples that activate the resurrection of ice devil.

Ye Cha knows about this new type of Z virus cell, which is anti zombie virus cell extracted from snow devil's blood, but it's obviously a weakened version, and the degree of weakening is quite large, so it's useless.

Therefore, the key is that the initial sample, if there is no accident, should be taken directly from the snow devil blood to get, the latter get activated ice devil resurrection of ancient gene samples, must also come from the snow devil.

However, this is not sure from snow devil, because it is an ancient gene sample that activates ice devil's resurrection. The key word is activation. Who knows what people from CommScope injected snow devil to cause snow devil's resurrection.

But anyway, at least the initial samples of the new Z virus cells must be on snow devil. If snow devil is killed by the apostles, they will not be able to get things.

Ye Yue said: "then, do you want to do it?"

Ye Cha nodded and said: "in this situation, can we not do it? Snow devil should not be the opponent of the Apostles' walking, but we should be able to hold on for a while. We should find the right opportunity to fight together. "

Ye Yue nodded, her face dignified.

Ye Shaxian was very patient, watching the apostles walking and fighting with snow devil.

Snow devil is terrible, powerful, constantly roaring, every attack, drag the wall, will make the wall shake.

However, snow devil is not the opponent of the apostles even if it is terrible.

Yecha still knows the level of snow devil. After all, he was killed in the last life. It's almost like a Star Diamond between two and three stars. In actual combat, it might be better.

Because, this level may include the snow devil is bound after the limit and evaluation.

But at that time, the whole team of yecha was Star Diamond level, and yecha himself was even on the threshold of King level, so it was not a problem to solve the snow devil.

According to the ability of the Apostle walking, it's only a matter of time to kill Snow devil.

If ye Cha wants to fight, he must seize the moment when the snow devil is at the end of the crossbow, kill the snow devil first, and then deal with the Apostle walking.

"Almost." About half an hour later, snow devil's body has been dripping with blood, ye Cha said to Ye Yue: "you drag the apostle to walk."

Ye Yue discontented: "why don't you hold him down and I'll kill Snow devil?"

Ye Cha said: "because I can't hold him."

The answer makes Ye Yue speechless. Ye Cha has no brain ability. If you want to drag the apostle to walk, you can only fight directly, but the Apostle can ignore Ye Cha for a while and kill Snow devil by force.

Ye Yue said, "OK, that's it."

Ye Cha nodded, then observed for half a minute, and then started.

Ye Yue jumps down from the gap of the iron fan.

The Apostle was concentrating on fighting with snow devil when he heard something and turned around. Ye Yue had already fallen to the ground.

From the height of 20 meters to 30 meters, ye Yue's body seems to fall down, and even falls steadily to the ground without any impact.

The next moment, the Apostle walked and felt as if his body had been tied by a rope, and he could not move.

At the same time, the feet of the leaf brake hook the iron fan directly, and the whole person hangs upside down.

The next moment, ye Cha stretched out his hand and grasped the empty space, and the endless bow appeared in his palm.

Ye Cha narrowed his eyes and aimed at the snow devil's forehead, then buckled the bowstring!

Curse of the arrow!

With the bow string being pulled into a full moon by yecha, the arrow of heavenly retribution appears on the bow string. Then, as soon as the finger of yecha clasping the bow string is released, the arrow of heavenly retribution flies towards the snow devil.

In mid air, the arrow of scourge began to divide into two and four

In the blink of an eye, the arrow of punishment became dense that day, then covered the top of the snow devil's head and stabbed into the snow devil's body.


Snow devil is the end of the crossbow, and then hit, suddenly crazy roar up, constantly struggling.

Clank, clank!

The iron rope was constantly pulled, and the mountain wall behind made a loud noise. Then countless pieces of gravel rolled down the mountain wall and hit the ground.

It's a pity that snow devil can't earn the iron rope, so he can't escape the coverage of the curse arrow.

In a moment, with a loud bang, Snow Demon's huge body knelt down on the ground, and the frequency of struggle became smaller and smaller. Finally, it didn't move any more.

"You killed snow devil, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: new Z virus cell initial sample."

"You killed snow devil, cumulative number: 1, apocalypse reward: antiviral cells.""Because you killed a certain number of ancient species, you got the title: Ancient hunter."

Ancient Hunter: when fighting with any ancient species, the ancient species will feel the danger and have a slight sense of timidity

the snow devil dies, and yecha gets the initial sample of new Z virus cells.

Of course, it's just a hint of a mysterious voice. If you want to get the initial sample of the new Z virus cells, you have to bleed from snow devil. As for the anti-virus cells, it's estimated that they won't be much stronger than the new Z virus cells, either the enhanced version or the weakened version.

Yecha ignored the last title of ancient hunter.

This kind of title is very common. If you kill enough zombies, or kill enough ancient species, or even kill enough human beings, you can get it. The effect is weak and it's useless.

What's more, it's not the time to care.

Although the snow devil killed him, he had to deal with the Apostle's walking before he could get his blood.


At this time, a light drink came from the bottom, but the Apostle forced to break the shackles of Ye Yue. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and shot Ye Yue.

Ye yuemeng opened her eyes, the pupil sent out a glimmer, and the pupil differentiated into a double pupil.

Then a black bullet suddenly hung in front of Ye Yue, but it couldn't enter.

Ye Cha also jumped from the air at this time. When he was about to land, he pushed his hand towards the ground.


The invisible force pushed out toward the ground, and the ground suddenly broke into a cobweb crack, which also resolved the force of falling.

Ye Cha turned over, stood firm, and immediately rushed towards the apostle.

The Apostle walked wearing a mask, only showed a pair of eyes, and could not see the slightest expression. After watching Ye Cha rush, he immediately raised the boomerang in his hand.

With a clang, the boomerang collided with the blood dragon sword, making a clear sound.

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