death train

Chapter 332

Ye Cha said, "give me water."

The little fat man looked up and saw that although Ye Cha was good at blocking his eyes, there were still a lot of white powder in Ye Cha's eyes, which made Ye Cha unable to open his eyes.

The little fat man quickly opened his backpack to get water, but at this moment, the two people hiding in the room to avoid Ye Cha's shooting also took the opportunity to rush out and took out the saber to stab Ye cha.

Blade whistling, leaf brake side head listen to, and then fiercely avoid, a grasp of each other's arm, and then with the feeling, a grasp of each other's head toward the wall.

But also in this instant, the waist of leaf Cha is to get a knife, be pulled open a son, the blood of thick red instantly flows out.

Ye Cha's expression was distorted a little bit. With the strengthening of his physical fitness, the five senses would be more sensitive. But listening to sound and identifying position is not enough for ears.

Bear the pain from the wound, ye Cha holds the other side's wrist, then raises his leg and pedals on the other side's body, then quickly exits the corridor, then grits his teeth, pulls out the saber from the wound and throws it aside.

At this time, the little fat man also turned out a bottle of mineral water, quickly unscrewed it, handed it to Ye Cha and said, "water."

Ye Cha drizzles the water on his face, drops the powder, and tries to open his eyes.

In front of me are two men about 30 years old. Their muscles are clear, but they are not obviously strong. This is the muscle formed naturally after strengthening their physical fitness, which is far more terrible than the muscle produced by deliberate fitness exercise.

Ye Cha twisted his neck, clenched his fist, and his phalanx made a "pa pa" sound.

"Come on." The leaf Cha stretched out a finger to hook a way: "don't play those small tricks, want to kill us, come to try really."

The two men looked at each other, then roared and rushed to Ye Cha, attacking Ye Cha from left to right.

"Get out of here, I can't help you here," the little fat man cried

What little fat man is good at is bombs. He not only makes them himself, but also gives priority to such items when making choices on the death train.

In the narrow space of the hotel corridor, it is not suitable for the little fat man to play, unless he plans to blow the leaf brake together.

Ye Cha took a deep breath and met two people fiercely: "I don't need your help."

Ye Cha re-enter into the corridor of the hotel, in the face of two people's fists, did not dodge.

Hard armor!

On yecha's body, there were a lot of scales, covering the whole body.

Bang, bang!

The next moment, the other party's fist hit Ye Cha, but ye Cha's body just shook for a moment, and then the two men's fists were hard.

Two people in the heart a surprised, at the same time a punch, a left and a right hit in the leaf Cha's face, leaf Cha but also no response, let the other party hit.

Two people in the heart a Lin, immediately pull out the weapon of the heart, toward the leaf Cha stab.

But before the weapon hit yecha, the shield of Liuhua suddenly appeared and stopped them.

The leaf Cha ferocious way: "you fight enough?"? Then it's my turn. "

Ye Cha raised his hand with a punch, which pushed one person backward continuously. Then he hit another person with an elbow, which hit him on the head and smashed him to the wall.

With a bang, the man hit the wall with his head, and then he felt dizzy.

"Two wastes." You don't care about death? Have you ever participated in the death carriage battle? "

The leaf Cha side says, the side quickly steps forward, in the other side stretch out hand to want to take out the thing of the moment, suddenly stretch out hand void a pinch.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

The man suddenly felt a strong suction suddenly appeared, and then the whole person could not help flying forward.

Snake bite!

Ye Cha's left hand leaned out, pinched each other's chin, and then, with brute force alone, directly lifted the man up and smashed him on the wall.

Bang, the wall was smashed out of a spider web crack, and the man who was pinched in the hand by the leaf brake also couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out blood.

At this time, ye Cha's back suddenly rang out a cry, in the hands of a do not know what material is made of blue mountain knife, toward Ye Cha stabbed.

Ye Cha quickly twisted his body, avoided the moment of the other party's attack, stretched out his hand to catch the Dragon again, and sucked the blood dragon sword that had been stabbed on the door.

Ye Cha grasped the sword and swept forward quickly.

With a clanging sound, the weapons made a clear sound, and ye Cha held up his sword to block the opponent's mountain knife.

But at this time, the other side said with a ferocious smile: "crack!"

The blue color of the mountain knife suddenly peeled off, and countless blue blades suddenly burst open and shot towards the leaf brake.

Leaf Cha eyebrow tip a pick, immediately the body of the surrounding emerge six flowers of shield, will those rotating toward all around fly away blade to block.As soon as the other party saw it, he immediately jumped forward ferociously again, waving a mountain knife and cutting it down.

Ye Cha stretched out his hand


The blade of the mountain knife cuts into Ye Cha's left palm, bringing out a touch of blood. But at that moment, ye Cha reaches out and holds the mountain knife firmly.

The other side took out the knife twice, but he couldn't take it out at all.

Just then


Ye Cha stabbed the blood Dragon Sword forward and directly into the opponent's abdomen, then pulled it horizontally.

Each other's pupil suddenly enlarged, throat constantly whimpering, want to make a sound, but a syllable can't send out.

Instinctively looking down, the cut belly, fresh blood like half of the money, mixed with the internal organs, constantly fell out.

"Go to hell!"

The leaf Cha sneers, the arm increases strength again, that person's waist and limb then is cut off completely by the leaf Cha, half body so forward fall down.

The rest of the man agitated the laryngeal segment, continuously retreated, and then quickly untied a cloth bag hanging behind his waist.

In a flash, when the cloth bag was untied, countless red lights burst out around, like fireworks, showing extremely gorgeous.

The next moment, the man drank a low, red light suddenly out of a, toward the leaf brake down.

Ye Cha instinctively turned to the side to avoid the body, and then at the moment when the red light passed, ye Cha felt a trace of pain from the position of his forearm. Looking down, there was a wound on his forearm.

"There's a real light?"

Ye Cha is not too surprised. There are so many strange weapons on the death train. I see so many. There is really nothing to be surprised about.

Moreover, ye Cha was not surprised because the red light fell down on him.

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