death train

Chapter 342

Looking at the flame rising, ye Cha's face didn't look happy.

Yecha is very clear that this degree can't dry the meat tree, or in other words, if the meat tree is so easy to be dried, can it still make yecha feel pressure?

Sure enough, the flame gradually dispersed, and the body of the meat tree was blasted. Then, where it was blasted, the broken meat slowly wriggled and soon healed again.

After being attacked, the fleshy tree obviously found the existence of the leaf brake. As soon as its tentacles rolled, it quickly rolled towards the leaf brake.

But at this time, the arbiter moved sideways to block the front of the leaf brake, and the vines on his arm flew forward, rapidly differentiated and entangled with the tentacles of the meat tree.

Hiss, hiss!

White smoke quickly came out of the tentacles, and plant toxins in the vines were constantly eroding the tentacles of the fleshy tree.

The leaf Cha draws out a mouth cool air, hastily way: "don't use toxin!"

The fleshy tree can absorb all kinds of zombie diseases and form a mutation. The toxin is useless to the fleshy tree. Moreover, there may be plant virus in the body of the fleshy tree.

Therefore, if the arbiter releases plant toxins, it will not hurt the flesh tree at all. On the contrary, those plant toxins will probably strengthen the flesh tree.

Not surprisingly, the antennae of the fleshy tree only emitted white smoke for a while, and then recovered as before. Even the plant toxins covering the surface of the antennae were all absorbed by the fleshy tree.

Poof, poof, poof!

At this time, the flesh tree suddenly split a hole, and then the green liquid was sprayed out.

Hiss, hiss!

those green liquids fell to the ground and immediately poured out countless white bubbles, and visible signs of scorch appeared on the floor. Obviously, the liquid had strong corrosiveness.

"Hoo Ye Cha looked at the ground and said, "good guy, just use it."

Poof, poof, poof!

At the same time, the meat tree opens its mouth again and continuously sprays corrosive liquid, which makes the arbitrator retreat.

Ye Cha quickly ran to the side, and at the same time he came to the side of the wall.


The wall was inlaid with alloy plate. Ye Cha suddenly hit the metal plate on the side wall of his body with an elbow. After several successive times, he twisted the metal plate, then removed the whole metal plate and threw it towards the meat tree.

The alloy plate blocks the venom from the meat tree, giving the arbitrator a chance to get close to the tree again. When he comes to the meat tree, the split vine of the arbitrator tangles again, and becomes extremely hard and sharp, like a sharp knife.

Poof, the arbiter raised his hand and fell, then cut the flesh tree's body.

At least one meter long opening was opened on the flesh tree, but in the next instant, countless small granulations grew on the edge of the wound, and then those small granulations began to grow wildly, quickly turned into small tentacles, and entangled the arbitrator's wrist.

Ye Cha immediately ran forward, raised the blood dragon sword to cut forward, cut off those tentacles, and rescued the arbitrator.

The next moment, the fleshy tree changed the target of attack again, the antennae around the body moved instantly, constantly swinging towards the leaf brake.

Poof, poof!

The leaf Cha quickly returns fire, raises the sword to cut toward a feeler, will that feeler give to cut off.

But at this moment, the floor at the foot of the leaf brake suddenly turned up, a tentacle came out from below, firmly tied the ankle of the leaf brake, and then pulled the leaf brake into the air.

"Let go!"

Ye Cha was hung upside down in the air. He held his sword and cut it toward the antenna. But at that moment, the antenna swayed left and right, and ye Cha lost his sword. At the same time, the other antenna came from the side, like a sharp spike, and stabbed at Ye Cha fiercely.

The speed of that antennae is extremely fast, almost in an instant to the front of the leaf brake, and I'm about to stab the leaf brake.

All of a sudden, the leaf brake immediately twisted his body, the whole person hung upside down in the air and rotated, using the rotation to twist and shake the antenna to avoid the attack.

Even so, ye Cha was in a cold sweat, and the tentacles almost wiped his body. He could pierce his body by four or five inches.

At the same time, ye Cha fiercely straightened his waist, and the blood Dragon Sword danced again, cutting off the antenna around his ankle, and then fell back to the ground.

The meat tree is terrifying and difficult in many ways.

The most troublesome thing is that this thing can't stop. The meat tree itself is a pile of corpses put together. If you cut off an antenna or dig a piece of meat, the meat tree can also re merge, similar to speeding self-healing.

Secondly, the antennae, each of which has amazing strength, can be pumped, smashed, entangled, can secrete toxins, and can also grow sharp spines to attack.

In addition, the flesh tree itself is not easy to deal with. It can also spit poison or grow sharp flesh spines.

Moreover, as far as yecha knows, this is only the attack method currently displayed by the fleshy tree.In the previous life, the corpse tree that fought with yecha had more attack means.

Ice knot, for example, comes from the fusion ability of a cold ice zombie virus. It can spray ice liquid and cold fog. If it touches it, it will make the target freeze and even cause rapid nerve necrosis.

In addition, the fleshy tree itself can't move, but its antennae can move, burrow into the ground and ambush suddenly.

What's more, the meat of the meat tree can split and turn into a kind of small thing called the meat worm. It can also drill through the ground and come out coldly, then bite it and suck blood crazily. It's similar to leech, but it's countless times more terrifying than leech.

In addition, the meat tree is still a small number of mutant zombies that can transmit the virus through the air. Of course, this is useless for yecha. Just poke a few more knives with the Alaska whaling fork.

In general, roukuai tree is very troublesome. It has outstanding abilities in attack, defense and regeneration. It's most suitable to use the dark power of Wudao supreme to destroy from the inside. But since you can't use Wudao supreme, you have to look for opportunities.

Of course, the most important thing now is to deal with those damned tentacles first.

Suddenly, the leaf Cha thought of what, fierce eyes a bright.

Leaf brake cold not Ding of toward flank gallop up.

There is no track for the leaf brake to run. For a while, it is S-shaped, and for a while, it becomes Z-shaped. It is surrounded by the meat tree, and then it suddenly stops.

Ye Cha's action is completely confusing, and it doesn't even look like a wandering battle, because ye Cha only swims and doesn't attack at all.

For a long time, ye Cha finally slowed down, and the tentacles of the fleshy tree were all entangled together, showing chaos, like a ball of wool.

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