death train

Chapter 348

Other people quickly catch up with Ye Cha's side, Bai Ziling said: "what's the matter?"

Ye Cha long Shu mouth airway: "ran."

White son Ling way: "the person of 2 death carriage?"

Ye Cha said vaguely: "probably."

The identity of the Apostle's walking can not be explained clearly, and there is no way to explain it.

The little fat man frowned and said, "don't worry about whether people run or not. Now the question is how do we run?"

Ye Cha looked back and saw that the helicopter was half destroyed, the propeller was gone, and the shell was charred for more than half. The arbitrator was fine, but he ran out ahead of time before the explosion.

But as the helicopter looks at the moment, it's a piece of scrap metal, let alone flying. It's hard to move.

What was the idea of the Apostles' walking? Yecha knew very well that the tide of zombies would soon rush into the prison. They could not leave by helicopter, so they could only be trapped on the top of the building.

Then, when the zombie tide spreads to the roof, what should we do?


It has to be said that this hand is really vicious. Yecha even suspects that the guys who smashed the special gate of the prison with tanks are all the ghosts of the apostles.

Ye Cha stepped on the edge of the building to meditate. It's certainly not a good way to go on like this. There will be more and more zombies in the prison. Staying on the top of the building may last for a day or two, but the tide of zombies will spread sooner or later.

At that time, the roof is full of zombies. What should we do?

You can't really jump!

"Maybe you can use the sword of glory?"

Yecha estimated the distance. Jiancheng prison covers a large area. I'm afraid Huiyao's sword can't reach outside the prison. However, with the help of Qianliyan to increase the range, yecha is still 70% or 80% sure.

However, others should be dead.

Little fat man and Bai Ziling naturally need not say much. Although Ye Yue can use her brain ability to let herself float out, most of them can't stick to such a long distance. Besides, there is the problem of height.

Ye Cha pondered for a moment, and the sword of glory was the last resort.

Ye Cha doesn't want to use it if it's not necessary, because Huiyao's sword can only take ye Cha away.

Ye Cha can not care about Bai Ziling, little fat man, ye Yue, other people's lives, which has its own important life.

If you can use Huiyao sword, ye Cha will pay a huge price.

That's the arbiter!

Ye Cha leaves with the sword of Huiyao. What should the arbiter do?

It's about yecha's own interests. After the arbiter's evolution, his attack power is infinitely close to the king level. Because of the zombie tide last time, the arbiter's defense power is seriously damaged and can't be repaired. If he really wants to be rated, it will be golden.

This is also the reason why the level of the leaf brake did not change after the arbiter completed the evolution, and the two phases offset each other.

But anyway, the arbiter has completed the evolution, and is no longer a pure cannon fodder, Pathfinder, and sneaker, but an important card in yecha's hand, with excellent combat power.

If it is not necessary, yecha still does not want to give up the arbiter and weaken his fighting power.

Of course, when it's absolutely impossible, ye Cha naturally doesn't care about other people. He can't live, and he can't care about others? The arbiter also has to sacrifice. The most important thing is to escape first.

However, ye Cha suddenly realized that it was not the most desperate time.

"There's a way." Ye Cha said: "there is a way to leave."

White son Ling urgent way: "what method?"

Ye Cha said: "tank."

Other people suddenly realized that if they could use tanks, they could really rush out. The zombies could not stop them. They would only be crushed.

However, the little fat man didn't look good and said, "the tank can't seat five people."

Although the tank looks very large, the internal space is very small. Generally, it can seat two people. The space is already very crowded. They are now four people, and they also have an arbitrator. Even if ye Yue and Xiao Pang are minors, it is difficult to squeeze in.

So, at least one person has to be abandoned.

So, theoretically, we should abandon the arbiter, but without the arbiter, who will drive the tank?

That can abandon white son Ling only, the arbiter listens to leaf Cha of, affirmation can't abandon leaf Cha of.

But at this time, ye Cha said directly: "I don't need a tank to get out!"

The little fat man said, "I can have a try."

Although the tank can seat two people, ye Yue and Xiao Pang are both small, so they can have a try. As for ye Cha, naturally they leave with the sword of glory.

Bai Ziling said: "the problem is how to get close to the tank is also a big problem. There are all zombies below. It should not be feasible to walk from inside the prison. Now the tide of zombies is gradually forming, and there are more and more zombies inside."

Ye Cha said, "then walk outside the building."

Bai Ziling took a cold breath: "unarmed?"

It's not that Bai Ziling has never climbed such a high building, but they all have protective measures. Moreover, it's much easier to climb up than down.Therefore, it is generally necessary to descend from a high building, usually not to climb, but to descend by cable.

In the end of the world, they all brought ropes with them. After living for a long time, they would sum up some experience and know that many things are essential.

Water, food, weapons, these are inevitable.

Other auxiliary work is also necessary, such as compass, flashlight, rope, and even some simple camping cooking tools.

But the prison building is still too high. Even if their ropes are connected together, they can't reach the ground. It's good to be half the length of the building.

Ye Cha said with a smile, "if you don't play with life, how can you have life?"

Bai Ziling was silent and nodded.

Bai Ziling was convinced by Ye Cha's seemingly contradictory words.

This is the status quo of the end of the world, the status quo of the train of death. In today's world, it's not easy to live. Therefore, if you want to live, you must first learn to play with your life.

Ye Cha said: "let's do this. First take out all the ropes and connect them together.

People immediately busy, but now the time is very urgent.

Take out the rope from the backpack and tie it together to make a dead knot. Then Bai Ziling looks for a stronger place on the top of the building and bolts the rope.

However, the rope is not long enough.

As ye Cha speculated, the rope can only reach half the height of the building. Normally, even if you tie the rope just in case, you can't take it that long.

So, the remaining half, they need to climb on their own.

It's very difficult. It's a tough challenge. It's not even an exaggeration to say that you will die.

But is there a way out?

There is no way out, so you have to die!

Ye Cha deep suction port airway: "I come first!"

Ye Cha said as he pulled the rope, then stepped on the outer wall of the prison building and began to descend.

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