death train

Chapter 374

With the arbiter's machine gun fire coverage, the already chaotic team was even more chaotic. Just as they retreated, they met the arbiter who got up from behind. Only one face to face, two of them were swept into a hornet's nest and fell to the ground reluctantly.

At this time, ye Cha shot two more arrows, then he lost his endless bow and directly drew his sword to kill him.

When the distance is too close, the endless bow is not easy to use, because it takes time to aim at the string. It's better to kill people with a sword.

Rush into the crowd, ye Cha's wrist shakes, the blood Dragon Sword shakes out a sword flower, then stabs toward the front, a man has not yet reacted, there is an extra blood hole on his neck.


Ye Cha draws sword to bring out a blood flower, and then continues to walk forward.

Immediately someone found the existence of the leaf brake, then fiercely toward the leaf brake to kill.

But, just walked into the leaf brake body before one meter place.

Poof, poof!

Two dull sounds of sword blade entering the flesh appeared again, and the two people looked at their chest in amazement.

They didn't even see how ye Cha made his sword. There were two more wounds on his chest, which were at least half a meter long. Bone could be seen deep, and blood flowed out like money.

Ye Cha didn't pay attention to each other at all, walked directly between them, and then put out another sword to stab a man who was shooting at the arbitrator.

A sword through the heart!

It's too weak!

Yecha didn't have the slightest contempt, but the soldiers in the survivors' human camp were really not very powerful.

If ye Cha is allowed to evaluate, it doesn't even apply to the classification of death trains. This is just a group of ordinary people with weapons, at most, strong people with weapons.

Ye Yue speculated that the value of death train is evolution, which seems to be reasonable. Facing these survivors, the soldiers in the human camp can feel that they no longer seem to belong to the ranks of ordinary people.

In 15 minutes, about 30 survivors of the human camp soldiers were not spared. They all fell to the ground and became corpses one by one. In the end, a few people wanted to run away, and they were all killed by Jarvis.

Yecha came to malhughes and said, "Dr malhughes?"

Malhughes said angrily, "I won't go back with you. Your experimental purpose is totally inhuman. Look what the world has become. You are still doing disgusting activities to satisfy your selfish desires."

"I'm not from CommScope," he said

Malhughes was stunned. The answer was unexpected.

In a moment, malhughes said angrily again, "don't try to cheat me."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "do you think it is necessary for me to cheat you? I think you should understand the current situation. No matter what I want to do, I don't have to talk to you. Do you think you can resist me? "

Malhughes frowned and said, "who are you?"

Ye Cha said: "it's hard to explain this. I can only tell you that I'm not from CommScope, and I will help you escape their pursuit. I hope you will cooperate with me."

Malhughes is obviously in chaos. There are only two groups of human beings in this jungle. The first group is from CommScope. Before the end of time, the experimental base here was established. Because of the particularity of the environment, the jungle did not have a virus crisis at the first time.

So, malhughes and some other scientists have been transferred here.

Another group of people is called the new hope survivor human camp. They come from cities outside the jungle or villages around the jungle. After the end of the world, they escape into the jungle for the first time, and then slowly gather to establish the survivor human camp.

If ye Cha is not on either side, where will he come from?

Malhughes could not help showing some confusion, and then firmly said: "no, I won't go with you, I don't care who you are, you see what you have done, you are killing, only this, you are not a good person."

"It seems that the negotiation has failed." Ye Cha grinned and said, "but it seems that it's not up to you to decide whether to follow me."

Ye Cha suddenly raised his hand into a knife and cut Dr. malhughes on the neck. Dr. malhughes tilted and fell to the ground.

Two assistants of Dr. malhughes were very angry and rushed to fight with Ye cha.

But at this time, the blood dragon sword in Ye Cha's hand suddenly raised and wiped their necks, leaving a thread of blood.

"You seem to have misunderstood." Ye Cha looked at the two corpses and said, "I'm not going to take you with me."

Ye Cha squatted on the ground, picked up a box from the ground, opened it and saw that it was padded with anti-collision sea surface, and then there were a total of six potions, five of which were the same, all in light green color.

The only difference is that black, green and purple are intertwined with each other, but the color is distinct.

Ye Cha closed the box and said to Jarvis and Ganlin, "we've got everything and people. Let's go."Jarvis and Ganlin.

But just then, a voice suddenly said, "you can't take him away."

Ye SHIMENG's sword looked back and saw a man standing near them.

If it wasn't for the sound of talking, ye Cha would think that this guy in front of him was a zombie.

About 1.8 meters tall, thin, about 30 years old.

So far, there seems to be nothing strange about the other side.

The fact is that the man's skin is as white as a zombie, half of his body is ulcerated, and even black maggots are crawling in and out of the rotten place.

There is a wound on the man's face, extending from the corner of eyebrow to chin. But when you look carefully, it is not a wound, but a mouth with fine teeth on the edge.

There are about 20 cm long spines on the back of a man's hand, elbow and knee.

The most terrifying thing is the man's chest. The heart is protruding, forming a heart-shaped appearance, as if the heart would fall out at any time, like covered with a thin layer of meat film. Yecha can even clearly see the other party's heart beating.

From the appearance alone, no one would think that the man in front of him was a human. Even some Raptors who had transplanted part of their bodies from the mutant zombies looked human on the whole.

But the man in front of him, no matter who first saw him, would think that he was a mutant zombie.

Of course, the mutant zombie will not speak to yecha, and the other side's speech is clear and not fuzzy, just like normal human, which means that the other side should not be a zombie.

But is it human?

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