death train

Chapter 388

Bang, bang, Bang

Ye Cha drags Redmond all the way forward, and the ground keeps cracking, leaving a hollow seal. Then ye Cha fiercely lifts Redmond's body and smashes it against the wall.

With a bang, the wall cracked, and Redmond's whole body was embedded in the wall.

Ye Cha sneered and said, "I think it's better for you to call in those dragon warriors at the door to help."


Redmond's back was covered with blood and flesh. The pain and ye Cha's provocation made Redmond extremely angry. He suddenly roared, and then punched Ye cha.


As soon as ye Cha raised his hand, he directly pinched Redmond's fist.

But in this instant, with a puff, ye Cha felt a pain in his palm. After releasing Redmond, he took two steps back.

When he opened his hand, he didn't know what Redmond had done. There was a thumb sized blood hole in his left palm, which pierced his palm with a blow.

Redmond gave a ferocious smile, then flew to the leaf brake.

But also in this instant, ye Cha stretched the injured left palm forward, a blood stab suddenly gushed out, pierced Redmond's chest, and nailed Redmond back to the wall.

"Cough, cough." Redmond coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood and said, "it seems that you have also been injected with zombie virus, and your body has mutated."

Ye Shaliu talks nonsense with Redmond. The blood spike slowly comes back from Redmond's body. At the same time, ye shameng raises his hand, raises the blood dragon sword and stabs Redmond's head directly.

Redmond's reaction was very fast. He took one side of his head fiercely, and the blade swept Redmond's cheek. He cut Redmond's cheek open, and then the blood was flowing.

Then, Redmond raised his hand, spread out his palm, held the blade of the blood dragon sword, and directly bit the blood dragon sword with the mouth in his palm.

Click, click!

There was a clear sound on the blood dragon sword. Then ye Cha widened his eyes. There was a crack on the body of the blood dragon sword.


Ye suddenly raised his leg and kicked Redmond in the chest, kicking Redmond out.

Looking at the blood dragon sword, ye Cha suddenly got angry and gushed out from his heart. A crack appeared on the body of the blood dragon sword, which spread from the center to the hilt.

Ye Cha likes the blood Dragon Sword very much. It's easy to use, but it's almost half useless now. I don't know when it will be completely broken.

Ye Cha's eyes peep out his anger and strides toward Redmond. He looks at Redmond climbing up from the ground and kicking Redmond again. Then he stretches out his left palm and closes his fingers.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

Strong suction, suddenly gushing from the palm of the leaf brake, suddenly sucked Redmond's body, and then held Redmond's arm.

"Your two hands, very powerful?"


The next moment, yecha pulled out the Alaska whaling fork and cut it down towards Redmond's wrist. Then a cloud of blood splashed out.


Redmond screamed bitterly and retreated constantly. One hand fell to the ground, but it was cut off by Ye cha.

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and approached Redmond again: "then I'll waste your two hands first!"

Watching Redmond approaching, Redmond quickly took out a syringe gun from his arms. The syringe gun had been filled with a test tube, which was flowing with dark green liquid medicine, and a trace of gold thread.

Leaf Cha eyebrow tip a pick, immediately forward rush to.

CommScope started out as a health care product. After the end of the world, it has been studying zombie virus and making medicine based on the virus. It has indeed produced many strange medicine, which can strengthen the combat power in a short time.

Ye Cha had suffered losses more than once in the hands of similar things. How could he let Redmond succeed.

Seeing that Redmond had stabbed the needle into his neck, but at the same time, ye Cha suddenly killed him, raised his foot and swept the needle gun directly.

Slap, along with the strong wind, the test tube on the needle gun cracked, and the liquid inside fell all over the floor.

But ye Cha didn't leave his hand. He twisted his body fiercely and kicked Redmond in the chest to kick him.


Redmond's body flew upside down, hit the ground hard, and then slid back several meters, which could stabilize his body.

Ye Cha came forward and said with a sneer, "is there any killer mace?"

Redmond's chest heaved and puffed, and then he roared. The whole person bounced from the ground and hit the leaf brake like a shell.

Ye Cha's reaction is extremely quick, fierce one side body, evade thunder de mo de at the same time, the left hand fiercely leans out.Snake bite!

The virtual shadow of the purple scale Python appeared and wrapped around yecha's left arm. Then yecha reached out and grasped Redmond's arm.

The next moment, Redmond's face showed a fierce color, and then with a click, Redmond's arm bone was pinched and broken by Ye cha.

Ye Cha said: "don't you call those dragon warriors in? Your two palms should have been transplanted with mutant zombies. Now they are all useless. What else can you do? "

If Redmond can deal with himself, ye Cha understands that he won't let the Tianlong soldiers go out.

After all, it takes a lot of resources and time to build a dragon warrior. Let Ye Cha kill a lot in vain, and the loss is not small.

But although Redmond is not weak, he is obviously not the opponent of yecha. In this case, what reason does Redmond have not to let the Tianlong soldiers help?

It's so strange!

The leaf Cha side thinks, the side fiercely stretches a foot to step on, step on the chest of the thunder de Mo De.

Ye Cha said again, "if you don't shout, you will die."

Ye Cha really doesn't care to fight with the Tianlong soldiers in the base.

First of all, this battle can not be avoided. Since Redmond has seen through his identity, the Tianlong soldiers must be ambushing outside. If he wants to leave, he will definitely fight with those Tianlong soldiers.

Second, the corpse flower of yecha is still eating the hybrid corpse flower. It seems that it will take a lot of time to be idle. Yecha is also thinking about taking advantage of the gap to solve all the problems.

But Redmond didn't seem to call for support at all. He glared at the leaf brake fiercely, and suddenly hit the ground with his heel. The front end of the shoe was cold, and a blade popped out. Then he raised his leg and kicked towards the leaf brake.

Ye Cha's face remained unchanged. He stepped on a small step to avoid the attack. Then he swung his right hand and clasped Redmond's ankle.

Ye Cha said: "it seems that it's not just hands, you don't even want legs."

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