death train

Chapter 392

"No, no, don't kill me." Redmond said in a loud voice: "I know a lot about CommScope, I have a lot of information, I have anti source, I have injected specific virus, I have undergone biochemical transformation, I am very strong, I can help you..."

Redmond had been completely occupied by the fear of death, became incoherent and yelled.

Yecha hooked the corner of his mouth, suddenly raised the Alaska whaling fork to stab forward, and stabbed Redmond's throat with a clean knife.

"Sorry, I don't need your help." Yecha pulled out the Alaska whaling fork and said, "because you are too weak."

Redmond's pupils contract, dilate, contract, dilate, and the rhythm is bright, but his eyes are more and more dim. In the blood hole between his throat, blood is pouring out madly.

"I I Be a ghost No Let go of you. "

Because he was stabbed in the throat, Redmond's voice was like a leaky bellows, with a strong venom, said hard to the leaf brake.

"I've heard that a lot." Ye Cha said: "I wait for you to become a ghost, and then come to me."

At the moment when ye chayan fell, Redmond fell to the ground completely, and there was blood oozing under him.

Finally all the troubles are solved, and the leaf brake comes to the corpse flower.

The corpse flower cultivated by CommScope is like a mummy now, and all the vines are shriveled.

At the same time, the color of those vines is no longer green, but yellow.

Obviously, the corpse flower is withering, and the vine of yecha is obviously brighter. Even, the vine doesn't look like a plant, but has the texture of jade.

And on the main vine of corpse flower, a new bud has grown out and is slowly blooming.

There are yellow stamens in the middle of the blooming corpse flower. The petals are three layers, and each one is pure white. Then, below the petals, there is a circle of green hard thorns, about ten of them.

Ye Cha looked at it for a long time, then he was surprised and said, "is this a ruler for measuring heaven?"

Tianchi is the name of flower, also known as sword flower, or dragon bone flower. It is a kind of overlord flower. It belongs to dicotyledons and can be traced back to Carboniferous!

"Is this the blood of ancient plants?"

Ye Cha's eyes became brighter and brighter. His previous efforts were not in vain. At the beginning of his life, ye Cha worked so hard to find the flesh and blood of ancient species to feed the corpse flower for what?

Is not to let the corpse flower in the growth process, can awaken the ancient blood!

If we say that after entering the complete body from the mature stage, we can make the corpse flower twice as strong, then the awakening of ancient blood can at least be two or three times stronger to this extent.

At the same stage, any mutant plant can't beat the corpse flower of yecha, unless it is an ancient plant.

However, ancient plants will not listen to yecha, because they cannot be cultivated.

After waiting for another ten minutes, although the corpse flower in CommScope's base has not completely withered, it has almost lost its vitality. Although it can continue to squeeze, yecha feels that it is time to leave.

I think the researchers in the base have a good idea of the battle here, but as a non combatant, ye Cha thinks that no researcher is stupid enough to run out and fight with himself.

But it's hard to say such things as calling for support. Anyway, the residual squeezing value of that corpse flower is not big.


The leaf Cha hit a ring finger, own that corpse flower then shakes the vine, then slowly gets into the ground.

Ye Cha is very happy that his corpse flower can enter the whole body and awaken the ancient blood. The only thing that makes Ye Cha confused is that his corpse flower's body doesn't seem to grow much bigger, just one or two circles.

I'm afraid this level is less than half of the corpse flower in the base. What's more, it's not the ancient blood of bawanghua that awakens us. Shouldn't it be more reasonable to be huge?

Ye Cha couldn't figure it out. However, the size of his figure was not the only criterion to measure his combat effectiveness. A small figure didn't mean he wasn't strong enough. Just look for a chance to find a target and fight.

"Maybe now is a good opportunity." Yecha grinned and said, "the CommScope company has been abandoned, so it's your turn."

The word "you" in ye chazui naturally refers to Gao Fei.

As soon as he left the base of CommScope, yecha began to run.

At the same time, because he is now acting alone, ye Cha doesn't let the corpse flower hide, so he directly let the corpse flower use the vines to open the way in front of him and clear away the vines and branches that get in the way.

Of course, if there are animal zombies, the corpse flower will be solved together.

Ye Cha took advantage of his spare time to take out his PDA and tried to get in touch with the arbiter again, but it was very smooth to connect with the arbiter's vision.

From the perspective of the arbiter, we can see that the arbiter should be in a wooden house, surrounded by wooden walls, with some firewood piled in the corner, without furniture and furnishings. Then we can see that the four limbs of the arbiter are tied with iron chains thick enough for baby chains."Hello, ye cha..." At this time, Gan Lin's voice rang out: "is that you?"

Ye Cha asked the arbitrator to turn his head, and then he saw Gan Lin on the other side. He also tied the iron chain with both hands, and the iron chain was directly fixed on the wall.

"Is that you?"

Gan Lin saw that the referee's eyes were no longer dead, and her body was still moving, so she immediately guessed that the leaf brake appeared.

A moment later, ye Cha's voice rang out from the loudspeaker equipped on the arbitrator's body and said, "can you speak?"

"Well." Gan Lin said: "no one is watching, and it's night now. Almost everyone is sleeping. No one will come here."

Ye Cha said: "your current location is the survivor human camp?"

"Well." Gan Lin said, "goofy has brought us back, and I know something about goofy."

Ye Cha said: "he is infected with the virus, but only his body is zombied, and his thinking is still there?"

Gan Lin said with a smile: "yes, it seems that it's useful for me to rescue the assistant. At that time, I felt that Dr. malhughes would become a target of the three parties. It must have special value. His assistant should know some information."

Ye Cha continued: "the reason why Gao Fei keeps you is that he suspects that we are the same as him?"

Gan Lin said: "yes, he is very interested in me. I made up a set of sayings and got to know his situation. At the same time, I lied to him that he was in a similar situation. Now he regards me as the same kind. He should not kill me, but he will not let me go."

Ye Cha said: "I can arrive at the surviving human camp in about five or six days and try to find out the location of malhughes."

Ganlin nodded: "OK, you can contact Jarvis when you arrive. He is not dead, he has arrived near the surviving human camp."

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