death train

Chapter 398

"Hard armor!"

The leaf Cha low drinks a, on the body surface a scale grain, quickly turn into a suit of armor.

Gao Fei's body was blocked by hard armor.

However, with just one blow, the hard armor becomes extremely dark, and the scales become indistinct, which means that it is just a blow, and the hard armor is almost on the verge of collapse.

Ye Cha's heart was awe inspiring. At that moment, he hesitated whether to use the shield of six flowers or hard armor.

In the end, in order to be safe, he chose the latter. Now it seems that this decision is extremely correct. Liuhua's shield is afraid that it can't resist Gao Fei's attack completely.

"This guy..." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "it's really strong!"

The leaf Cha side thinks, at the same time stretched out a hand toward the body of high fly falsely press for a while.


The invisible force of the shock wave blasted forward, and Gaofei was hit by the blade brake again. After hitting the ground, Gaofei rolled backward continuously.


A moment later, Gao Fei got up from the ground, and with the roar, his body changed again.

The bone spurs pierced from the body slowly gathered up and shortened to about 10 cm in length.

It's not that Gao Fei is weakening, but if the bone spur is too long, it will also affect Gao Fei's movement. The length of about 10 cm is obviously the most appropriate.

At the same time, layers of white spots appear on Gao Fei's body, and then the sound of "click, click" sounds. The white spots are actually bone pieces emerging from Gao Fei's body.

Those bones float on the surface of the skin, like a suit of armor for Gao Fei, which effectively increases his defense.

Then, poof, the mouth on goofy's face suddenly split. This time, what came out was not the tongue, but a fist sized head.

The head is like a tongue, only wrapped in a layer of meat film, gray brown, no eyes, no ears, no nose, only a crescent shaped mouth, after opening, Bata Bata dripping corrosive liquid.

Gao Feixian was very angry and his voice became very hoarse, just like his vocal cord was badly damaged. He stared at Ye Cha and said: "give me back!"

As Gao Fei said this, he reached out to Ye Cha, and the bone spur on his left arm shot out towards Ye cha.

The leaf Cha stands still, the vine of corpse flower quickly crisscross, block in front of the leaf Cha, block those bone spurs to fall down.


The next moment, Gao Fei roared violently and killed Ye Cha again. The vines of the corpse flower spread. Ye Cha took a deep breath and put on the posture of chaquan, opening and closing his palms.


Ye Cha greets Gao Fei and raises his palm to take off Gao Fei's fist. But at this time, a bone spur suddenly grows between Gao Fei's fists.

As soon as ye Cha picked his eyebrows, he immediately changed his palm to hold the spur. He smashed his left arm and broke the spur. Then he slapped his palm on Gao Fei's face to shake Gao Fei away.

After landing, Gao Fei shakes his body and continues to rush towards the leaf brake.

"I see." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "do you want to use this method to break the supreme martial arts?"

Gao Fei's eyes are full of bone spurs. If ye Cha continues to fight close to his body, he will suffer a loss, because no matter where he attacks, ye Cha's body will be scratched by bone spurs.

This made Ye Cha scold Redmond again. If it wasn't for that guy who destroyed the blood dragon sword, he could use the sword moves of the martial arts supreme to deal with Gao Fei.

Unfortunately, the blood dragon sword has been destroyed, and the Alaskan whaling fork is too short. Fighting with Alaskan whaling fork and fighting with direct meat won't make much difference.

"But..." Ye Cha sneered and said: "it's too naive to crack the martial arts supremacy just in this way."

The leaf Cha double palms sink in the position of Dan Tian, embrace to defend Yuan Yi, looking at Gao Fei to rush again, suddenly lift palms to clap forward.

Ye Cha's palm didn't touch Gao Fei's body. There was a burst of Qi between his palms. Then Gao Fei's spine in front of his chest was shattered by the shock. Then ye Cha's palm loosened forward and hit Zhong Gao Fei's chest.

Gao Fei didn't feel the power of Ye Cha's palms, but the next moment, Gao Fei felt the blood in his body churning, and then he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Master level ancient martial arts is not only skillful in moves, but also can use bright and dark strength. Bright strength can be used to hurt the enemy, while dark strength can directly break the body and hit people's inner organs, and then combined with various moves to defeat the enemy. This is the supreme horror of martial arts.

After a successful attack, ye Cha didn't stop and flew towards Gao Fei again. His starting posture was changed into a gun fist, mixed with the indomitable courage to defend, and then he hit Gao Fei's chest again.


Gao Fei raised his head to the sky and roared. The bone spur on his body turned into a thorn again, and it grew to three or four meters in an instant.

Leaf Cha eyebrow tip a pick, immediately a withdraw step, toward the side to dodge.

Although Mingjin can crush bone spurs, the distance is also limited. It's impossible to hurt Gaofei through three or four meters.However, ye Cha is not fighting alone.

Bang, bang!

When the leaf brake flashed away, the two vines of corpse flower suddenly approached from behind and flew high. A vine directly bumped into the bone spur. Although the vine was twisted by the bone spur, it also destroyed a lot of bone spur.

Then another vine took the opportunity to draw on Gao Fei and smashed him to the ground.

Without waiting for Gao Fei to stand up, ye Cha stepped forward with an arrow step, and raised his leg, which was a battle axe style split, and fell fiercely towards Gao Fei on the ground.


Gao Fei quickly rolled on the ground and hid to one side. Ye Cha stamped his foot on the ground. With a roar, the ground was broken by Ye Cha's foot, and even collapsed three or five inches, forming a circle of big pits.

Gao Fei stands up from the ground and looks at Ye Cha's approaching. In his open mouth, the head suddenly opens its mouth. A venom, like a water arrow, shoots towards Ye cha.

Ye Cha almost instinctively raised his arm to stop, and the venom fell on Ye Cha's little arm. Immediately, ye Cha's little arm began to emit white smoke, and his little arm was burned instantly.

Yecha gritted his teeth, then pulled out the Alaska whaling fork, swept on his forearm, scraped off a piece of flesh and blood, and removed the venom.

The next moment, a vine came over and wrapped yecha's arm. Then yecha picked up the Alaska whaling fork and cut off the vine. In this way, yecha stopped the blood temporarily.

On the other side, Gao Fei gasped, then looked at Ye Cha and repeated, "give me back!"

Ye Cha joked: "are you too naive? Or do you think I'm stupid? "

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