death train

Chapter 421

The shining sword flies out.

As a matter of fact, the shining sword is not unnoticed. The streamer has attracted many people's attention.

It's just that attraction belongs to attraction, but no one can stop it.

After drawing an arc, Huiyao's sword falls directly into the pit, and then continuously falls down, eventually directly into the ruins.

So, how to stop it?

If you run to seize the sword of glory, you can do it, but it will be infinitely close to the pit, which means infinitely close to Noah's ruins.

Will other people just sit and watch?

Do you want to stop the shining sword, or do you want to enter the ruins?

Therefore, if anyone dares to do so, the most likely thing is to trigger a scuffle.

Secondly, most people may not be so concerned because it is the shining sword that falls into the ruins, not the people.

As a result, when the white streamer fell into the pit, there were many hidden people moving, but when they were about 10 meters away from the pit, they all stopped with tacit understanding.

Neither the crew nor the apostles dare to break the current deadlock easily. However, with such a delay, the sword of glory flies into the pit, hides in the dark, and soon disappears.

At the same time, the scenery in front of yecha is flowing rapidly. Because of the rapid flow of scenery, the feeling of dizziness appears again. Moreover, this time is longer than any time before.

Because the hole is deep.

Everything in front of Ye Cha's eyes soon became pitch black, which means that the sword of Huiyao had fallen into the depth of the pit. The darkness lasted for three or four minutes, and then slowly stopped.

The next moment, the leaf brake disappeared.

The leaf brake appeared in the darkness and hit the ground directly. There seemed to be a puddle on the ground. The leaf brake felt the splashing water.

Take out the flashlight and quickly light up all around.

Huiyao's sword was beside him. Ye Cha picked it up, put it back in the sheath, and then threw it into his backpack.

Shine the flashlight to the top. It's dark. You can't see the end. The hole is deeper than ye Cha imagined.

Then shine the flashlight around, is a circle of walls, the wall with the ground have water, let this place show cold and wet.

After a turn, the blade brake finally found a channel on the side. It was an irregular circle and seemed to move forward.

Ye Cha pulls out the black star pistol, and then puts the flashlight under the gun to illuminate the road ahead, and walks forward carefully.

There are occasional drops of water around the sound came, tick, tick, so that the narrow space is strange and gloomy.

The passage is not long, it's only about ten meters. Then, when it comes to the end, ye Cha suddenly stops.

It's hard to imagine what's in front of us.

What's this relic? It's a big forest!

What appears in front of yecha's eyes is silver color. The top is silver white, the ground is silver white, and the walls around are silver white. It's like entering a world covered by ice.

However, ye Cha squatted down and touched the ground. Although the silver white ground looked like ice, ye Cha was sure that it was not ice.

Because the ground is not cold at all, it's just a little damp and soft to the touch. It's not ice at all.

At the same time, just in front of yecha, about two or three hundred meters away, is a dense forest, and the big trees in the forest are silver white.

There's nothing but this.

The leaf Cha cautiously goes forward, at the same time curiously looks around, this place is really too strange.

Until he got close to the woods, yecha reached out and stroked the trees.

The trees are not the touch of wood, but the touch of touching the ground before. Some of them are soft, not very hard, neither cold nor hot. They are materials that the leaf brake has never seen and touched.

The leaf Cha hesitated for a moment, raised foot to stamp the ground directly, very quickly, a corpse flower vine then breaks the ground and comes out.

Ye Cha let the corpse flower vine drill back to the ground, and then looked at the big hole drilled out of the ground.

Ye Cha looked at the wall inside the cave and found that it was still silvery white, which meant that it was not something that covered the ground and trees, but everything here was made of this strange material.

"That's interesting."

The unknown can make people feel scared and curious.

Ye Cha got up and continued to walk forward carefully. If this is really Noah's relic, then Noah's stone tablet must be somewhere in this place.

However, there was nothing but silver white trees around. Yecha felt that he wanted to find Noah's stone tablet. He was afraid that he had to go through the forest first, or at least go deep into the forest.

The leaf Cha thinks like this, then slowly goes forward, suddenly, the leaf Cha's facial expression a tight, facial expression changes of incomparable guard.Because it smells of blood.

Ye Cha has experienced countless battles, and is very sensitive to the smell of blood. Although it is very light, ye Cha still smells it.

Slowly, along with the bloody smell, ye Cha quickly saw a corpse lying under a big tree.

It's the body of the apostle.

When ye Cha approached, he found that the Apostle had been dead for a long time. There was a bloodstain under him, but it had already dried up.

Ye Cha turned the corpse over and took off the mask of the other party, revealing a 40 year old, weathered, nearly half century old face. Naturally, ye Cha did not know the other party at all.

Lift the other's cloak, there are many wounds on the body, the fatal wound is a sword in front of the chest, directly through the heart, then ye Cha touched the body, but nothing was found.

Apparently, someone killed the apostle, walked and took his things.

Ye Cha looked around again, and there were traces of fighting. It seemed that the person who came first had already done a fight here.

Since all the things on the Apostle's body had been taken away, the corpse had no value to yecha. Yecha didn't delay any more and got up to move on.

The forest is bigger than expected. Yecha walked forward for two or three hours without seeing the edge of the forest. What surprised yecha more was

It's dark!

This is really a strange thing. Isn't this place an underground relic?

Of course, the sight in front of us seems strange, but it's underground, right?

In that case, where does the sky come from?

But it's really dark!

The top of the head is also silvery white, which seems to be made of the strange material.

There was plenty of light around, it seems that the silver material sent out, very bright, but now, the silver color is gradually fading.

It felt like the night was coming and everything was going to sink into the black.

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