death train

Chapter 425

The leaf brake falls to sit on the ground, simple bandaged the wound of thigh, at the same time looked around.

There are also wall carvings here, which have become the content of that kind of fighting. However, the object of fighting is very strange. It is not the beast, but the human.

With the gradual development of human beings, tribes emerged, contradictions and struggles emerged, and tribal wars began.

War is cruel, but it is also the key to promote the evolution of human civilization.

Ye Cha had a rest for a while, then he stood up again and walked towards the next stage of stone steps.

Ye Cha didn't take it lightly this time. He knew very well that he didn't have any luck. When he stepped on the stone steps again, he would certainly bear the attack of brain ability again.

The next moment, the leaf brake step down.


The groan of pain suddenly rang out from the throat of Ye Cha, and ye Cha's five senses twisted in an instant.

This time, it turned out to be a double attack.

Ye Cha felt the feeling that his body was dominated again, and every movement became extremely difficult. Even if he bent his fingers, it took a lot of effort.

At the same time, this is not the end.

In the next moment, ye Cha's head felt sharp pain again.

This time, it turned out that two brain attack modes appeared together, and ye Cha also found that these two brain attack modes were complementary.

But when the brain domain ability impacts on one's brain, one's brain will have sharp pain, and the sharp pain will make one's thinking ability decline, and one's consciousness begin to blur.

At the same time, because of the decline of thinking ability and the fuzziness of consciousness, it is difficult for yecha's thinking to reach the brain domain, and his ability to invade the brain and control his body.

The action of the leaf brake is very dull in a moment, just like a snail, it can only move slowly.

Ye Cha grabs the Alaska whaling fork and wants to use the old method to stab his thigh and use the pain of his body to make his consciousness clear. However, ye Cha finds that he can't do it.

Because I'm too slow.

Even if you stab the Alaska whaling fork, you can't easily do such a simple action. Every time you move your body, you will find it very difficult.

However, the blade brake has other ways.

Ye Cha bit the tip of his tongue to make his consciousness clear, but the pain was too weak to stimulate his consciousness.

"Do you want to fall here?" Ye Cha's head, can't help but come up with such an idea, but just for a moment, ye Cha became very firm again, looking at the top of the ruins, said: "they can, I can."

Ye Cha clenched his teeth, opened his eyes, tried to keep his consciousness awake, and then began to walk up step by step.

This time, yecha did not use any external force and stimulation, but purely intended to use willpower to resist brain ability.

One step, two steps, three steps!

Like the previous three figures, Ye Xie walked very hard and very slowly. Every step was like the weight of moving mountains.

Suddenly, ye Cha's consciousness became clearer, and a voice suddenly sounded in his head.

"When your brain area is stimulated, the development of brain area increases by 1%, the hormone of brain area increases by 1%, and the volume of brain area increases by 1%."

Mysterious voice suddenly rang up at this time, it was cold to give ye Cha a shot of cardiotonic.

"What does that mean?" Ye Cha was slightly confused and said, "I have become a super human?"

As soon as ye Cha finished whispering, he shook his head. It was only a 1% increase in brain area. How could ye Yue be regarded as a super human? You should know that ye Yue's brain area is several times stronger than ye Cha's. how much should ye Yue's brain area be increased in percentage?

Therefore, ye Cha soon understood that he did not become a superhuman. He only strengthened his brain when he resisted the invasion of his brain.

This is like someone being beaten every day. After a long time, the fighting ability will naturally become stronger.

But I really don't know if it's just a psychological effect. After my brain ability became stronger, ye Cha found that he suddenly felt better, his movements were a little smoother, and his head was no longer so painful.

Looking up, there are still more than 20 stone steps. Ye Cha clenched his fists, and his nails fell into the flesh. Then he raised his feet again and continued to step up.

For a whole hour, yecha finished the last twenty stone steps, and then fell to the ground with a plop. His clothes had been thoroughly soaked with sweat, making yecha look like he was picked up from the water.

After breathing for a while, ye Cha shook and got up, looking like the stone walls around.

The contents of the wall carvings on the stone wall have changed again. Countless human beings are running away in a panic. It's raining heavily in the sky, the ground is cracked, and people are crying in pain. Some people open the altar and pray to the sky.The stone wall seemed to describe the end of the world.

But yecha didn't care much about it. In ancient times, all natural disasters were often misunderstood and turned into anger from heaven, bringing disaster to the world, but they were just superstitions.

Rainstorms, earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis, whatever times, are just natural phenomena.

In the final analysis, the essence of this sculpture is still describing an indispensable stage in the history of human evolution, that is, human beings began to contact with natural phenomena, and divine culture gradually began to appear.

Ye Cha takes back his eyes and no longer pays attention to the wall sculpture, but looks forward.

There are probably hundreds of stone steps, and this is also the last stone step. As long as you pass through here, the top of the ruins is above.

Is there a stone tablet?

Have the three pioneers started to fight?

What is the test of the last stone step?

Ye Cha thought so, and then stepped on the stone steps.

One step!

Two steps!

Three steps!

When ye Cha took the third step, there was a sandstorm all around. A terrible sandstorm suddenly appeared. Just in a moment, the ruins were buried, and countless dead bones appeared around. They were all victims of the sandstorm.

Ye Cha Leng for a long time, and then said: "hallucination?"

Hallucination is indeed a kind of brain domain ability, and it is one of the most powerful brain domain abilities.

But the next moment, ye Cha burst out laughing.

Illusion doesn't work on the brake!

Because, ye Cha has Eagle pattern pupil!

The eagle pupil has an effect called the reduction of cone cells. The reduction of cone cells will greatly improve the contrast of light and dark in the visual field, which can avoid the interference of light and shadow. Therefore, the leaf brake will hardly be confused by any virtual image or residual shadow.

So, when you can clearly distinguish between reality and illusion, how can you be affected by the illusion effect?

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