death train

Chapter 475

Ye Cha frowned.

At present, Quine shows three things, namely, strong physical fitness, the two crutches, and the ability to move almost instantaneously.

Quine's physical quality, not in the eye of Ye Cha, although excellent, but not as good as ye cha.

Two crutches are also good weapons, but they just ignore the defense. Ye Cha has the same way to deal with them.

The trouble is that the ability to move almost instantaneously makes it extremely difficult to hit Quine, otherwise ye Cha would have killed this guy.

"And..." Ye Cha frowned: "is there no limit to this damned ability? How can it be used all the time?"

The more powerful the things produced on the death train, whether they are weapons, armor, abilities, skills, or anything else, the more obvious the restrictions on their use, because many of them will have a negative impact on the body.

But Quine's ability to use now seems to have no sequelae, and it doesn't look like there is a limit on the number of use, or the use interval. This is also the reason why Ye Cha has a headache.

What's more, Quinn's ability to get these things that may have come from the death train itself is a big question.

At this time, Quine's figure flashed again, and suddenly appeared on the side of the leaf brake, but Quine climbed up a amusement facility directly, and then flew towards the leaf brake.


Quine hit Ye Cha's body, then they fell from the air and fell into a ball.

At the height of 10 meters, with their physical fitness, they were not seriously injured, but they had some influence. After wriggling on the ground for a while, they got up wobbly.


Quinn shakes his head to make himself sober, then drinks a low, then quickly pours at ye chafei.

To deal with the leaf brake, we must press step by step, only in this way can the leaf brake not fly into the air.

But at this moment, ye Cha suddenly raised his left arm and waved it forward.

Quinn suddenly felt a light in his ear, then looked back, a street lamp fell down behind him, and was cut off by a blow for no reason.

Ye Cha looked at the palm of his hand and murmured: "the first time I used it, the accurate head is a little worse!"

The blade brake uses nitrogen cutting, which comes from the aggressive ability of nitrogen control.

"But Ye Cha looked up at Quine and said: "the second time, it won't be biased."

Ye Cha raised his hand to make a knife again and fell toward the front. Quine quickly jumped to the side in confusion. Then the ground that he had stood before roared and was cut into a three meter long crack by nitrogen.

Quine's face is dignified, and nitrogen cutting is invisible. It's difficult to avoid cutting by creating pressure.

However, Quinn experienced, saw Ye Cha raise his hand again, and immediately ran to the side.

It's true that the nitrogen cutting can't be seen, but the action of the leaf brake can be seen. According to the direction, angle and swing trajectory of the leaf brake arm, the attack direction can be judged.

However, the imaginary chopping did not appear.

"No, I've been fooled."

Quine's heart thumped. Sure enough, ye Cha's hand knife suddenly loosened and turned into five fingers and claws.

Catch the dragon and crane, catch the dragon!

Quine immediately wanted to move to avoid, but after being sucked by the captured dragon crane, he couldn't avoid at all. In essence, even if it was an instant move, it was a move, not a disappearance.

The next moment, ye Cha's left arm protrudes forward.

Snake bite!

The virtual shadow of purple scale Python appeared on yecha's arm, and then bit Quine's neck.


Ye Cha smashed Quine to the ground, then there was a loud noise, the ground was cracked, Quine's body was also embedded into the ground.

But in a flash, Quinn disappeared.

This is also the reason why yecha didn't try to crush Quine's neck directly with snake bite. The time is not enough. Quine's mobile ability is extremely annoying.

After Quinn dodged, ye Cha didn't chase him. He just ran away and rushed into the night while he was away.


Quinn gave a low drink, and they ran back and forth.

Running all the way to the edge of the playground, ye Cha stepped on it and climbed over the wall.

A car quickly stopped by the leaf brake, and Morian leaned out of his head and said, "come on."

Ye Cha gets into the car and looks at Quine coming out of the wall. As soon as void grabs, void snake gun appears in Ye Cha's palm.


Ye Cha didn't hesitate to throw the empty snake gun out, hit the top of the wall, cracked the wall, and pushed Quine to the back of the wall.

As soon as Morian stepped on the gas, the car sped forward.

"Go to the main gate." The leaf brake drills the body back into the car way: "still have to pick up one."

Morian nodded and quickly drove around to the main gate of the playground. When she got there, Lin Xuemei just came out over the wall, with blood on her body. She was obviously injured.Ye Cha probe way: "Hello, this way."

Lin Xuemei opened the car door, got in and said, "drive, quick."

Morian stepped on the accelerator, and ye Cha said, "are you afraid of that bio mecha? Is it that strong? "

"It's not just bio mecha, it's this playground," said Lin Xuemei

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Lin Xuemei said, "let's leave first."


At this time, in the playground, suddenly two fireballs flew out and hit the ground behind the car, causing two deep holes in the ground.

Morian quickly hit the steering wheel, the car constantly around the S shape, it was not easy to hit the wall.

Lin Xuemei is loose mouth airway: "out of range."

The leaf Cha way: "can't chase out?"

Lin Xuemei said: "bio mecha needs a lot of power to drive. It needs to plug in the cable behind it. The cable is not so flexible."

Ye Cha said: "in this case, it doesn't seem difficult to get rid of it. Why don't you just cut off the cable? There's no need to run, is there? "

Lin Xuemei said: "there is a standby built-in power supply. When the power supply is cut off, the built-in power supply can support the bio mecha for about three minutes. Moreover, as I said, the trouble is not the bio mecha, but the whole playground."

Ye Cha said, "what's in the playground?"

Lin Xuemei said: "micro missile."

Ye Cha's face is expressionless. It's just a mini missile. With their current strength, it's not that they can't take over.

Lin Xuemei seemed to have guessed what ye Cha thought, and said directly: "a round of 64!"

"Military base?" he said

Lin Xuemei nodded and said, "before the end of time, this is a private armed training base where Tianlong team is stationed. In addition to micro missiles, there are also many technological traps."

The muscle on the leaf brake face pulled down, the affair seems to change of trouble.

A moment later, yecha said, "Mike vitos was caught by people from CommScope. He should be in the playground."

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