death train

Chapter 477

Morian parked his car in front of a clothing store. It's not big. There's only one front door. After killing some zombies around, this is the place to rest tonight.

Although Ye Cha and Lin Xuemei have communication, they are not talkative. After they have said what they should say, they both fall into silence.

Into the clothing store, two people each find a corner, began to close their eyes.

Morian sat beside yecha, with an anxious expression on his face.

Ye Cha opened his eyes and said, "don't worry, CommScope wants to do experiments with xenogeneic human beings. We don't need to worry about safety for the time being. We still have time to save people."

Morian nodded, then looked at Lin Xuemei not far away and said, "are you companions?"

Ye instantaneous if have deep meaning of saw an eye, Lin Xuemei way: "I have no companion."

What else did Morian want to say? Ye Cha put down his hand and said, "have a good rest."

Morian nodded and sat aside to rest.

Ye Cha closed his eyes again, and then added up.

CommScope has money. Because of the money, its base construction is almost at the forefront of science and technology, which has both advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that once the power supply is cut off, the whole base will be directly paralyzed.

External power supply is easy to solve, just find the circuit line to cut the section, the trouble is that Lin Xuemei said the internal power supply, there must be a power room inside the base.

However, there is no way at all, and the way of leaf brake is corpse flower.

If there is no accident, the base of the playground must be underground. After all, there is no place to hide in the playground. The haunted house mentioned by Morian is probably the entrance and exit.

Therefore, ye Cha doesn't need to enter the base in person and attack from the ground with corpse flower. Just destroy the power supply room.

"The only problem is..." Ye Cha murmured: "the location of the power supply room!"


No words all night!

The next day, when ye Cha woke up, he said to Lin Xuemei, "I'll get ready. You'll stare at the playground."

Lin Xuemei raised her eyelids, didn't speak, just nodded.

After yecha left, he searched in the town. He needed to find a computer, and he had to pray for a network, even a satellite network.

If ye Cha wants to find the location of the power supply room of the base, it is impossible to sneak in directly. He can only find information from the Internet.

There are two ways to start from the Internet.

The first method is to let the arbiter invade the base database. If there is no accident, there must be a base construction drawing in the base database.

The second method is to find the traces of base construction. There are many places to start with, such as the archives of the construction team and the construction base. It is necessary to register and prepare perfect information to go through legal channels.

These two directions have a certain probability to find the construction drawings of the base, and the only fear is that they can't connect to the network.

Ye Cha whispered: "when you have money, you can buy a microsatellite directly on the death train!"

Ye Cha is not a whim. There are microsatellites on the death train. They are only about one person tall. Moreover, compared with other incredible capabilities and weapons, microsatellites are more reliable.

Of course, the price of microsatellite is also very high. It is one of the few things that are not on the treasure list, but the price is higher than the items on the treasure list.

After walking on the street for a while, yecha quickly found a network maintenance company, which is small in scale. After all, it only serves small town residents.

However, although the scale is small, the equipment inside is quite complete.

Yecha allows the arbitrator to connect to the server directly. To some extent, the computer inside the arbitrator is combined with the arbitrator's chip, which is also a super computer. Simple intrusion and data search can be easily done.

Ye Cha holds his arm and leans on the wall to look at it. He is very patient.

But at this time, the phone in Ye Cha's pocket suddenly rang.

Ye Cha picked up the phone and said, "hello?"

Lin Xuemei's voice said, "something's wrong."

The leaf Cha doubts a way: "eh?"

Lin Xuemei said, "they want to kill people."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "don't be brief. Make it clear."

Lin Xuemei said: "you can turn on a TV, or a computer, or anything else, but those who can receive signals and have a screen."

This is not difficult for ye cha. He found a computer at will and sat down. After he turned on the computer, a picture jumped out automatically on the screen.

The next moment, the leaf brake took a breath.

The background of the picture is the amusement park, in which there are many broken places, all of which were done by them last night. Then the picture switches to the bungee jumping platform.

A teenager is tied to the bungee rope, and then Quine appears in the picture, reaches out and pushes the man down from the bungee platform.

Bungee jumping is not suicide, there are safety measures will not die, but, the bungee platform obviously moved, the length is obviously longer than the bungee platform.With a bang, the boy hit the ground straightly, then his skull burst, and even his brain came out.

Ye Cha frowned, took the phone and said, "what do you mean?"

Lin Xuemei said: "ten minutes ago, the other party invaded the radio tower and sent out a radio signal to the whole town, threatening to kill an alien human every ten minutes. Now just ten minutes later, the other party will directly transmit the picture to all the screens that can receive the signal and play it circularly."

Ye Cha's brow twisted deeper and said in a deep voice: "what does that mean? Don't they need alien humans? "

Yecha had previously speculated that although a group of people were arrested, there should be no problem with their safety. After all, if CommScope wants to experiment with xenogeneic human beings, it must be a living sample, and it should not kill people.

Moreover, if you want to kill someone, just kill them. Why arrest them?

Lin Xuemei hit the nail on the head and said: "they also need living people, but they don't need so many. We are not sure whether the next one will be Mike vitos!"

The leaf Cha can't help scolding in the heart a, this move bottom draws salary enough fierce.

Ye Cha said decisively, "you go to the playground first, and I'll be there later."

Why did the other party act like this? Ye Cha could guess that he and Lin Xuemei appeared in the playground, obviously for the sake of those alien human beings.

Since ye Cha and Lin Xuemei want to save them, they will kill them!

This is forcing Ye Cha and Lin Xuemei to show up.

Ye Cha's face was slightly heavy, and he had to admit that vivrey and Quinn, these two guys, were also cruel characters.

Out of the gate, the leaf brake pried a car and went straight to the direction of the playground.

When she was about to arrive, Lin Xuemei sent a coordinate, and then they met in the direction of the back door.

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