death train

Chapter 486

At night, ye Cha quickly opens the wings of the dark night to avoid the zombies and enter the base.

After crossing the wall, ye Cha saw the zombies, and there were a lot of them.

Yecha was relieved, which means that the new century experimental base must be abandoned. If it is still in use, how can there be so many zombies.

What's more, ye Cha also saw zombies in research clothes.

Because the landlady made it clear that ye Cha was the only one going in and out of the place, so ye Cha didn't need to hide his strength. She gave a loud finger, and the corpse flower vine came out from the bottom of the ground and swept forward.

Bang, bang, bang!

The continuous impact sound sounded, and the corpse flower vines swept forward, directly sweeping the zombies out.

Yecha strides forward and walks along the cobblestone path. The base body finally appears in front of yecha.

It's an octagonal building, about nine stories high, and it's very grand. That's why Ye Cha doesn't want to delay his time. It takes a lot of time for a person to search here.

All the way to the front gate of the base, the gate is made of alloy steel plate armored door, equipped with electronic lock, this time naturally needs the referee to play decoding.

But just then

Ye Cha suddenly felt a trace of danger.

Almost subconsciously, the leaf brake quickly retreated to the rear, and then a huge shadow jumped down from the top of the building.


The shadow fell to the ground, the ground broke and made a huge noise, and the dust kept swinging around.

A moment later, the dust cleared away, and the shadow finally came out.

Ye Cha was surprised and said: "three head blood dog!"

In front of yecha was a zombie dog. The zombie dog was very big, about three meters high and four meters long. It was covered with carrion and some bones. It seemed that it was not very different from other zombie dogs.

However, the zombie dog has three heads, constantly shaking.

Ye Cha's face is slightly dignified.

Three head blood dog, Zunwang 1 star variant zombie, dog type, fast speed, fast reaction, good strength, can spew three kinds of poisonous fog, has bone spurs, flying spurs and other attack means, and has a certain phagocytosis ability.

This is a very dangerous zombie.

Ye Cha's memory tells Ye Cha so.

Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "the zombie guard at the king level is really interesting."

Ye Cha murmured, then pressed forward without hesitation.


The invisible force surges forward, prints on the three blood dogs, and shakes them away.

Three blood dog's defense, also very good, can also be said to be very good strength.

This was the first time that shockwave hit the target completely. It didn't fly the target. It just pushed three blood dogs out more than two meters.

Relying on the strength of the body, the three blood dogs had to carry down the driving force of the shock wave.


After being hit, the three blood dogs also showed their anger and yelled at yecha. Yecha turned around and ran without hesitation.

The arbiter is trying to crack the password of the gate. After all, this place is the city of the new century. CommScope is also called the place of the three headquarters. The gate of the base here is really not just open.

So, the arbiter needs time.

Ye Cha's first strike was actually aimed at drawing the three blood dogs away.

One person and one dog ran quickly. Ye Cha stretched out his hand and pinched the void. Then he grabbed the endless bow and jumped forward.

At the moment of jumping, ye Cha also turned his body fiercely. The ice arrow appeared on the bow string. Ye Cha shot out to the three blood dogs without hesitation.

But at the moment of the arrow flying, the three blood dogs suddenly jumped to the side and rushed up again.

The leaf brake can't help but be surprised, this speed and reaction is also too fast.

Ye Cha has three blood dogs in his head, but ye Cha didn't encounter three blood dogs in the previous life, and it's not so easy to see the zombies of Zunwang class.

The information is obtained from the exchange of needed and needed information. Apart from the fact that goods can be traded, intelligence information is also very valuable.

However, information is just information. Many things must be known through personal experience.

Now, ye Cha finally knows the meaning of "extremely fast" and "extremely fast" in the data of three blood dogs.

Especially speed!

The three blood dogs have already caught up with Ye cha. You know, ye Cha is now fully open, borrowing the ability of the son of the wind.

But just a quarter of an hour, ye Cha was chased by three blood dogs.

Without any hesitation, ye Cha's backhand is a blow.

Dragon catching crane, two style crane!


This time, the three blood dogs were pushed away and directly hit the green belt beside the path.Dragon catching crane is different from shockwave. The effect of crane catching is to push. Therefore, it is inevitable for three blood dogs to be pushed out, but it will not cause too much damage.

At the same time, the strike of Ye Cha was also calculated carefully.

Almost at the moment when the three blood dogs fell back, there was a sound of "boom, boom" on the ground. Two vine of corpse flowers suddenly came out from the bottom of the ground, tied the three blood dogs tightly and tied them to the ground.

Ye Cha did not hesitate to lift the bow and pull the string again. The through arrow was shown by Ye Cha, and then the finger with the bow string loosened, and the through arrow shot out.


Through the arrow shot three blood dogs in the head, directly in the head shot a blood hole.

However, through the arrow is also rare, only in that head twist a blood hole, exposed bones, but not able to nail the head of three blood dogs.

"Tut." Ye Cha left his mouth and said, "it's really difficult."

Although Ye Cha is still hanging on the 5 stars of Star Diamond and half steps to be king, ye Cha won't feel too much pressure on the general King level opponent, but the three head blood dog is not the general King level opponent.

Although it is King 1, the level of three blood dogs should be infinitely close to 2.

If one arrow failed, ye Cha didn't hesitate to launch the second arrow, but at this time, after the three blood dogs roared, they gave the vine of corpse flower to Ying Sheng.

Ye Cha didn't delay either. The second arrow shot out quickly, and three blood dogs jumped left and right quickly to avoid running through the arrow again.

But in this moment

Bang, bang!

After two muffled sounds, two blood stab bombs suddenly exploded under the three blood dogs. After they bounced into the air, they exploded into two stab balls, and the blood stabs penetrated into the belly of the three blood dogs.

"The defense of the abdomen is slightly weak and can be used." Ye Cha frowned, then looked at the three heads of the three blood dogs and whispered: "but if you can't make a fatal blow, it seems that it doesn't make much sense."

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