death train

Chapter 498

Back to the death train, it took much shorter time than yecha imagined. It took him only a week to go to the town. It's far from the departure time of the death train.

Looking at Ye Cha sitting down, the landlady put a bottle of Medicine on the bar and said, "congratulations on the completion of the trial."

Ye Cha nodded, and then looked at the effect of the twelve trials of immortality.

Twelve trials of immortality (fantasy ability): every time you pass a trial, you will get a chance to resurrect your body. If you succeed in the third trial, you will get hard armor. If you succeed in the sixth trial, you will get rigidity. If you succeed in the ninth trial, you will get crazy. If you succeed in the twelfth trial, you will get the will of the unyielding warrior. At present, you have completed the trial (6 / 12) and the number of resurrections (4 / 6), the seventh test content: kill zombies (0 / 3000), kill zombies of 1 star or above Zunwang (0 / 2), kill ancient zombies of 1 star or above Zunwang (0 / 1), kill human beings (10 / 10)

rigidity: stimulate cells of the whole body with special means, improve 15% physical fitness and 15% extra strength within 15 minutes, without sequelae, and the use interval is 120 minutes .

New changes have taken place in the twelve trials of immortality. The content of the seventh trial is the same as the number of zombies not accumulated before, as well as the killing of mutant zombies and ancient species.

To yecha's surprise, there was a killing of human beings. However, this one has been completed, which should be accumulated with the previous number of murders. However, the killing itself is worth paying attention to.

There are definitely a lot of people killed by yecha, but they are basically in conflict, or the other party comes to the door. There are not many cases of yecha's active killing. Secondly, the more troublesome thing is that after becoming a steward, the chance of conflict with people in ordinary cars is obviously less.

However, yecha soon found that the task was to kill human beings, not to name the surviving human beings on the death train. In fact, it was not very difficult. The Apostle walking was also human. The people of CommScope and the human camp of survivors could all be targets.

Ye Cha thinks that this one is mainly to test the ruthlessness and darkness of the heart, and torture human nature is the difficulty.

But is this a problem for the blade brake?

Ye Cha doesn't think that this degree can make him waver.

Then comes the second ability of the twelve trials of immortality - strength.

Stiffness is very good. In short, physical fitness is improved by 15%, strength is increased by 15%, and the cumulative increase is 30%.

It seems that there is not much increase in the numerical value, but the horror of the percentage increase is that the stronger the blade brake is, the higher the numerical value will be. Therefore, the blade brake is very satisfied with the stiffness.

Ye Cha said: "the last reward is random."

When you bring back Mike vitos and the special combat team that killed CommScope, ye Cha is rewarded with random weapons and random skills. The landlady takes out the tablet as usual, and then the cursor starts to run rapidly.

Ye Cha's luck was not very good this time. The weapon he got was a pistol. The effect was not as good as that of the black star. His skill was fighting skill, which was the ancient martial art of breaking the army boxing.

Of course, there is no need for a pistol. One pistol is enough. The ancient martial arts skills are not bad, but ye Cha's comprehensive combat is going to be advanced. What's more, he still needs to practice his martial arts skills. Besides, at the critical moment, he still has martial arts supremacy.

Ye Cha said: "sell it, and then give me the treasure list."

Two kinds of things help Ye Cha's gold skull coin accumulate a number of 185, which can select a very good thing in the treasure list.

The landlady hands the treasure list to Ye Cha, who turns it patiently.

There are a lot of things in the treasure list. Ye Cha is turning over and thinking about what he needs.

Ye Cha thinks he doesn't need weapons very much.

There are owls and Alaskan whaling forks in close combat, King's sword in close combat, endless bows in long-range, and the referee uses sniper guns to assist. The corpse flower vine is actually a long-range attack. Ye Cha has the most means in this respect.

Ye Cha thought about it, and finally focused on the two aspects of fantasy ability and fantasy skills.

A moment later, ye Cha pointed to one of the abilities and said, "can this change back?"

The landlady looked down and said, "after the duration is over, you can change back. This ability is transient genetic alienation to promote species change. When genes are no longer continuously stimulated, you will change back to human beings."

Ye Cha's ability is Longhua!

The fantasy ability of 150 gold skull coins!

Ye Cha thought and said, "this is the choice."

The landlady nodded her head and said, "as you wish."

Longhua (fantasy ability) (race gene ability) (cytological reconstruction ability): it can make the body mutate. After Longhua, it will enter into the state of half dragon man. It can imagine the battle of double dragon gun. Its physical quality will be improved by 50%. Its duration will be 60 minutes, and the use interval will be 12 hours.

Haolong yanpo: in the state of dragon, it can continuously release the fire of dragon breath to attack. If you accumulate strength, it can release Haolong yanpo to increase power, distance and coverage.Dragon teeth Soldier: in the state of dragon, use your own blood to invade the corpse and make dragon teeth soldiers.

Dragon realm: in the state of dragon, we use unique perception of the surrounding environment, and use unique techniques to make our own existence disappear and integrate into nature. After thorough concealment, it is almost impossible to be found.

Dragon roar: in Longhua state, the use of sound waves for large-area coverage attack has a terrifying shock effect, and can destroy everything. The use interval is 15 minutes

the last Longwei: it can be launched in the last 30 seconds of Longhua state, and its physical fitness can be enhanced by 200%. It has no pain sensation, and has advanced regeneration ability. It will bring great burden to the body every time it is used, and can be used for a long time Using will cause incurable permanent damage

this is a terrible fantasy ability. It has the Dragon ability and five additional fantasy skills that can be used in the Dragon state.

The most important is the five fantasy skills, covering long-range attack, puppet assistance, covering attack, stealth, melee outbreak, which can be said to be very comprehensive.

The price of 150 gold skeletons is really not for fun. How much you pay, how much you get.

The transaction of 150 gold skeletons is not for fun. The landlady reconfirmed, "have you decided? To buy this capability? "

Ye Cha said, "it's decided."

The landlady nodded, then took out the oil pen and drew a big fork on the page of Longhua.

This means that the ability of Longhua already belongs to yecha. It is impossible for a second person to get the ability of Longhua from the landlady.

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