death train

Chapter 65

The sound of light drink, will ye Cha and ejie's eyes are to attract the past.

When they looked at it, they found that there were iron stairs in the corner of the side. This place had a second floor, and there were many rooms on the second floor.

At the moment, a door was opened, and a man in a biochemical suit looked down at them. At the same time, he slowly stretched out to the back of his waist. He could see that there was a pistol there.

Ye Cha's mind flew around. He was not wearing shackles, but a biochemical suit with a gun at his waist. Looking at the people carrying things, he was wearing old clothes, ragged clothes and shackles.

This made yecha come to a conclusion that the people carrying things downstairs may be a group of slaves, and they may also be arrested. They are forced to work here. As for the men wearing biochemical clothes upstairs, they are mostly caretakers.

"Well, I'm asking you something." At this time, the man in the biochemical suit has pulled out the gun and pointed to two humanitarians: "honestly put your hand behind your head, and then tell me, how did you find this place?"

The leaf Cha toward AI Jie Si hit a wink, also don't care AI Jie Si can understand, then fiercely pull out the pistol from the waist back.

Bang, bang, Bang

Grab in the biochemical clothes before the man intends to shoot, ye Cha will continue to shoot.

The biochemical service man quickly squatted down with his head in his arms. The bullet hit the iron guardrail in front of him and exploded continuously.

He pushed back the biochemical man for a while. Ye Cha took out the silver machete and chopped it on the fetters of the Duke's daughter.

The fetters were not only attached to the Duke's daughter's legs, but also to the fetters of other people. No one could be taken away without being cut off.


With a crisp sound, the fetters seemed to be ordinary fetters, and they were not the most important thing. Ye Cha cut off the fetters with a knife.

Aijiesi is not too stupid. After understanding Ye Cha's previous eyes, he immediately ran with the Duke's daughter in his arms.

Ye Cha was shooting and retreating at the same time. He didn't let the opponent raise his head to fight back. At the same time, he retreated towards the door.

But at this time, the man in the biochemical suit didn't mean to shoot back. Instead, he climbed to the side with both hands and feet, came to the corner and pulled down a bar on the wall.

Woo, woo, woo

The harsh sound of the alarm suddenly sounded. Ajax saw that he had run to the door. As a result, the wall suddenly fell down with a bang and closed the exit.

Biochemical clothing man lying on the ground shouting: "come out, all out, someone invaded."

With the alarm and the cry of the man in biochemical clothes, the door of the surrounding room is constantly opened, and the man in biochemical clothes rushes out.

AI Jie Si knocked a few times on the wall, did not find the secret door mechanism that can open the wall, can helplessly turn to leaf Cha to ask for help a way: "how to do now?"

Ye Cha said, "run this way."

The leaf brake pointed to another direction, then looked up and ran forward.

The leaf brake refers to the direction where it is difficult for people around to carry things.

Since we have to carry things out, there must be other exits. After all, the entrance they came to, surrounded by metal boxes, is being carried. Therefore, those metal boxes must not be sent out from that entrance.

EJes held the Duke's daughter and quickly followed the steps of yecha.

At the same time, the men in biological suits began to shoot at the two men. The bullet hit the metal box and sparked. At the same time, it hit the people who were carrying the box around, and they didn't care.

Ye Cha and AI Jie Si ran all the way to the other side of the hall. As expected, a passage appeared in front of them.

The leaf Cha doesn't hesitate to take the lead to enter, then can't help of a Leng.

This is a cell!

The passage is not short. It's about 100 meters long. There are iron gates on both sides. Behind the iron gate is a square room. It's full of numb looking human beings. They either lie on the ground or sit on their knees. They are indifferent to the entrance of yecha and Ajax.

Ye Cha said: "those guys are really enslaving human beings as slaves!"

Ajax looked around and said, "run out first."

Ye Cha nodded. He had heard the footsteps. It was obvious that the guys in biochemical clothes came after him.

ran as like as two peas, and then ran through the corridor, and then another empty hall, almost exactly the same as the previous hall, full of metal boxes containing the source of the corpse, and the walls were all pure white.

Ye Cha ran and yelled: "go to the opposite wall and have a look. If it's a symmetrical structure, there should be an exit on that wall. Look for the opening mechanism."

Ye Cha took the lead in running to the opposite wall and groped quickly.

Ajax went to the other side and kept beating the wall.

At this time, the group of guys in biochemical clothes had caught up with them. They directly pushed away the people carrying the boxes. They were about to rush behind yecha and eJes."Found it."

At this time, eJes yelled, a wall he pressed suddenly sagged, and then the front wall rose.

Behind the wall, there is also a dark room. On the side, there is a wooden staircase which can lead to the ground. It seems that the structure of this place is completely symmetrical.

Ye Cha took the lead to run up the stairs and found that it was still the warehouse of an exhibition hall. It should be the entrance connecting the two exhibition hall warehouses.

Ye Cha opens the star shining goggles, and then runs forward.

In the previous warehouse, there were a lot of troubles. If you encounter any ancient species at this time, you will be caught up by the guys behind.

Simply, this time the luck is also good, all the way out of the warehouse did not see anything out.

However, when ye Cha took the lead in running out of the warehouse, he felt a thump in his heart.

It's dark!

The characteristic of the amnesia city is that when it's dark, the zombies should be hunting.

However, it's not dark yet. It's just after the evening, and the sunset is fading. It's about to usher in a dark moment. It can also be understood as the dawn before the dark. The zombie should not appear yet, but it's obviously fast.

Ye Cha immediately shouts to eJes: "go!"

Ye Cha quickly ran out of the warehouse, then turned over the wall of the exhibition hall and looked around. Ye Cha soon watched a taxi parked on the street.

In the taxi, a father and daughter left after paying. The driver put the money away and was about to drive away.

In this moment


The driver's window was smashed. Ye Cha grabbed the driver's collar and pulled him out. Then he cut a knife on the driver's back neck and knocked him unconscious.

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