death train

Chapter 70

"Found it!"

Yecha quickly found the information of CommScope on the Internet. Let alone, there is indeed CommScope in the city of amnesia.

However, the city of amnesia is obviously not the key development city of Kangtong company. There is only one branch here, and the scale is small.

Yecha felt that it was necessary to go to the company branch of CommScope. Perhaps this would be the most important clue.

Ye Cha thought, while the laptop to close, and then ponder.

So, now?

Or during the day?

If you go in the daytime, in yecha's guess, CommScope should be a normal company, maybe you can't find any clues, so

Ye Jimeng's fist smashed into the palm of his hand and said, "then go now!"

Ye Cha suddenly found that he had ignored a very important place. There were no zombies in the city of amnesia during the day, and Zombies appeared at night.

Therefore, ye Cha naturally thinks that he should act during the day and then hide at night. Moreover, ye Cha believes that most people will choose this way.

After all, even if the number of ordinary zombies is small, it's really easy to deal with, but if the number is large, it's even more terrifying than encountering some variant zombies.

However, if you think about it in reverse, since you want to uncover the secret, you should certainly act at night.

Let's take the zombie source for example. If Gan Lin had not found the source of information and had been acting in the daytime and hiding at night, it would never have been possible to find the zombie source.

"That should be it." Ye Cha patted his forehead and said, "I should not have made such a mistake. Fortunately, it's still in time."

Yecha said he would do it. Since he made up his mind, he left immediately and went to the amnesia capital branch of CommScope.

It seems that yecha's luck is good. The division of CommScope is not far from where he is now, about half an hour away.

Yecha got out of the store, stole a car and drove to the CommScope branch.

In fact, it's easier to attract zombies when driving. However, ye Cha has experience. Just drive towards the scattered places where zombies are scattered. If zombies are blocked, they will crash and fly directly.

As for the places where zombies gather, it's natural to avoid them. If the car can't get around, abandon it and steal another car after walking around. Otherwise, the car will be surrounded by zombies. It's not far from the time of death.

After some detour and delay, yecha saw the building of CommScope about an hour later.

This is a six story office building. It's actually quite good, but with the financial resources of CommScope, such a branch is naturally small-scale.

Ye Cha was just about to walk in, but at this time

With a crash, the glass windows on the sixth floor suddenly broke, and then a shadow flew out of the air.

The leaf Cha hastens to let a side, then that person shadow then "bang" of a smash on the ground.

Ye Cha looks down at each other.

This is a man in his 30s and 40s. His whole body is full of scars. After he hit the ground, his body kept twitching and foaming.

Ye Cha came forward and said, "hello..."

Ye Cha only said one word, and he didn't speak any more, because he was dead.

Looking at the sixth floor window, ye Cha decisively took off the black eagle composite bow, put on a penetrating arrow, and then walked towards the office building.

Entering the office building, ye Cha was shocked. The hall was full of corpses, and all of them were zombies.

The leaf Cha saw the corpse of the eye door, didn't seem to turn into zombie.

"People on the train of death?"

Ye Cha eyebrows a pick, found that he may have run into a peer, the guy who fell on the street before, nine times out of ten is the human who boarded the death train.

"That's interesting." Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "what made him come here? And what killed him? "

Ye Cha doesn't think it's bad news. What the corpse at the door can't deal with doesn't mean ye Cha can't deal with it.

Secondly, since the other party came here, there must be some intelligence and clues, which means that ye Cha's idea is right. Ye Cha thinks that he will finally get something from this trip.

Because all the zombies in the office building have been killed, ye Cha can naturally move forward all the way.

Came to the elevator, leaf brake tried to press the elevator, but found that the elevator did not respond, do not know is no electricity, or was damaged.

Leaf brake to safety stairs, all the way up, came to the sixth floor position.

Since that man fell down from the sixth floor, it naturally means that there is something wrong with the sixth floor, which directly saves Ye Cha's exploration effort.

Walking out of the safety stairs, ye Cha felt what he had stepped on. Looking down, it was a corpse.

The head and neck of the corpse were intact, but it didn't turn into a zombie. It was mostly a human who boarded the death train.Moreover, ye Cha crossed over the corpses and found many such corpses all the way forward. There were about ten of them. Ye Cha also saw two familiar faces, which were human beings in car 7.

Now that there are human beings in the same carriage as the leaf brake, it is basically certain that these people must be the human beings who boarded the death train. It is no longer a guess.

But these people are dead!

Ye Cha is more alert.

If it is the first platform of the death train, ye Cha will not be so careful when he sees more than a dozen corpses. After all, the first platform belongs to the adaptation period. At that time, most people can only be regarded as ordinary people.

But after the baptism of the first platform of the death train, yecha believes that anyone who can return to the death train will surely make good progress.

No matter in mentality or strength, it should be so.

Well, if there are more than a dozen corpses here, people can't help but be vigilant. There may be something quite difficult to deal with in these six layers.

"It turns out there's still a fish out of the net."

At this time, hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

Ye suddenly raised his head fiercely.

There are some weak lights on the sixth floor. By the light, ye Cha finds that in the corner, there is a strange old man leaning against the wall.

The reason that the old man is eccentric is that he looks sixty or seventy years old.

However, the old man's body is very strong, covered with angular muscles, like 30 years old, and often exercise that kind of fitness.

Ye Cha frowned and said, "who are you?"

The old man laughed and said, "you come to take my life, but you don't know who I am?"

Ye Cha tilted his head, and then looked at the corpses. What attracted these people here?

Ye Cha's serious fierce flash a pure light, once again look to the old man way: "you are t doctor!"

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