death train

Chapter 711

"Found it!"

Through the underground garage, leaf brake into the safe passage, looking for a moment, finally found what they want.

This is a laundry!

CommScope, no, it should be said that the modern technology buildings of such large companies are always well built.

Here is not only the office area, but also the living area. The building includes the leisure area, entertainment area and so on. At the same time, it is necessary to have a laundry room.

There are many rest rooms in the building. After all, judging from the scale of the building, there will be thousands or even tens of thousands of employees. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the things in the rest room regularly.

These things that need to be cleaned will not be collected layer by layer. It's a waste of time to transport them like that. Therefore, some floors have passageways to drop things directly, and then the cleaners will search them and send them to the laundry room.

In addition, there are garbage channels.

Of course, not all kinds of garbage can be thrown away. The main reason is that the office area will consume a lot of paper articles. After these paper articles are crushed by the paper shredder, they will be thrown down from the garbage passage in bags, and then the cleaners will take them away.

And these two places are what ye Cha is looking for, and now ye Cha has found them.

The leaf brake pushes open the entrance of a passage, and a large amount of bagged waste paper falls out, piled all over the floor.

Ye Cha stepped over those bags, then looked up and said, "this kind of place can't still be equipped with monitoring?"

The passage is a square passage. The outer side of the wall is attached with metal plates. The leaf brake extends its arms to measure the distance. Then it takes a deep breath and presses its hands on both sides of the passage.

"Not bad." Ye Cha said with a smile: "the distance is just right."

After the words fell, ye Cha jumped fiercely, stepped on the wall, and the whole person was suspended in the air. Then his legs continued to exert force, jumping up little by little, using both hands and feet to support both sides of the channel, and climbing up constantly.

Even for the healthy and agile ordinary people, there are many people who can do this kind of thing. Ye Cha is naturally very relaxed.

Of course, it's probably no problem for ordinary people to climb several floors. It's very difficult to climb all the time in this way. It's too exhausting, but the problem is that the leaf brake is not ordinary people.

All the way up, there is no sign in the passage, so ye Cha doesn't know which floor he has climbed, but from the height, there must be seven or eight floors.

This makes the leaf brake can't help but leave his mouth, what bullshit God's eye system, said so God, it's not that nothing has happened.

Ye Cha is thinking, but at this time, the position of the top of Ye Cha's head suddenly sounds "click".

The passage is very dark, because it is almost closed. It's just a passage for throwing things. Naturally, it doesn't need light or ventilation.

But now ye Cha saw a glimmer of light.

About five or six meters above the top of the leaf brake, a bright light appeared, because there was a cover door on each floor to open the channel for throwing objects, and the door was now opened.

But it's not bagged paper that's left, it's

Three grenades!

"Damn it

Leaf Cha can't help but scold a, then quickly cross arms in front of the chest.

Hard armor!

The blade brake did not choose nitrogen armor, because the air here is too thin, which will affect the effect of nitrogen armor.

The next moment

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of three explosions continued, and then the flames and smoke suddenly dispersed.

The explosion is on the front of the blade brake. What the blade brake should bear first is not the flame, but the impact force of the explosion.

Because it is a small confined space, the impact of the explosion will also be concentrated.

The flame is straight up and down, and the steel plate in the channel is deformed by explosion, but at least the channel does not collapse, and the impact force is naturally straight up and down.


The next moment, ye Cha felt that he was lifted out by a huge force, and the burning feeling wrapped his whole body, making him feel that his body was burning.

It's a very painful feeling, because it's very weak.

In this narrow channel, the blade brake can do too little, so it is very weak.

So, the next moment, the leaf brake directly fell back to the ground, bang, the ground under the body was smashed into pieces, the leaf brake is also painful bared his teeth.

But the leaf brake didn't delay, but quickly turned over, drilled out from the passage, and ran away from the passage.


A moment later, ye Cha gasped against the wall, and the explosion did not kill him.

But that's not a good sign.

Ye Cha quickly left the laundry room and ran to the safety corridor on the other side.

Ye Cha feels that he should leave quickly. If the eye of God is monitoring everything, he should be in trouble soon.

In fact, ye Cha's feeling, or guess, is completely correct.At the moment when the leaf brake crosses the parking lot, the sound of metal friction suddenly rings. Then the leaf brake sees a car flying towards itself, rolling in the air.

The leaf brake catches up the gold low body, that rolling car, directly wiped the scalp of the leaf brake to fly past, bumped into a stone pillar.


The roar suddenly rang out, and a tall zombie stepped towards the leaf brake.

The height of the zombie is about three meters. As a human zombie, the height is quite terrible. The muscles of the whole body are bulging, and the variation of the body is not obvious. It's pure human shape, but a pair of small arms and fists, and the skin is blood red.

Ye Cha picks next eyebrow way: "blood boxing?"

Blood fist, variant zombie, Star Diamond 1 star, pure physical evolution variant zombie, has terrible strength and physical quality.


At this time, the blood fist had come to the front of Ye Cha, the huge fist waved forward, and ye Cha immediately flashed to the side.


The sound of things breaking suddenly appeared.

About three or five meters away, there is a pillar that needs two people to embrace. At present, the pillar has been completely broken, just because of the style of blood boxing.

Ye Cha licks the corner of his mouth. This guy's destructive power is really terrible.

As ye Cha thought, he clenched his fist, and the destroyer made a sound of mechanical operation.

"Melee form!"

The exterminator changed his form rapidly and made a sound of mechanical operation. At this time, blood fist came to yecha.

Looking at that huge fist fall, the leaf Cha doesn't hesitate to lift fist to print.


It's too late!

The two sides of the exterminator are connected by electric current. The hydraulic system runs and makes a big noise. At the back of the hand, white smoke is continuously emitted from the slot.


The next moment, their fists collided with each other, and then with Ye Cha's low cheering, the huge body of blood fist flew out directly. With a bang, they hit a car, and then pushed the car back continuously, knocking several cars over in succession.

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