death train

Chapter 714

The attack lasted about half a minute, and then ye Cha took a flashlight. Sure enough, the ground was covered with dense metal spikes.

Ye Cha retreated two steps, came to the body of the dragon warrior, took down two light sticks from the back of the opponent's waist, opened them and threw them forward.

The light stick rolled forward to illuminate the surroundings continuously, and the leaf brake finally saw the surroundings clearly.

This is an isolated small room, surrounded by dense holes, the ground is equipped with motion sensors.

Every man has used the so-called motion sensor, but most men don't know they have.

The most commonly used place for that thing is actually installed in the urinal in the public toilet. Of course, the function is to automatically flush water when someone comes to the urinal and leaves the urinal.

This is the function of motion sensors, but in fact, they are used in many security systems, because they are very sensitive. As long as someone passes by, they will feel it, or the alarm will sound, or

Touch the trap!

The metal spikes came out of small holes in the wall and temporarily lost their threat because they needed to be refilled.

Ye Cha fumbled, went to the wall, then hit the wall.


Take advantage of the power of the destroyer, and then ye Cha smashes the wall with a fierce fist, smashes the wall, and then strides over the wall.

Ye Cha looked around. It was a corridor with no door or window. The room he had just stayed in had no entrance except the camouflaged door at the top.

At this time, ye Cha's headset rang out and said, "where are you?"

It was Ye Yue's voice. Then ye Cha heard Wang Likun reply: "seven floors."

Ye Yue said, "what about the others?"

Ye Cha said helplessly: "I don't know how many floors I am on, three, four or five floors are possible."

Nie po said: "outside the ten storey wall."

Ye Cha said: "still on the 10th floor?"

Ye Cha remembered that Nie Po had climbed to the 11th floor before.

Nie Po Yi simply said, "I'm in trouble."

Ye Cha nodded and said: "this place is a bit troublesome. I think it's very difficult to maintain on the same floor and help each other. In addition, I saw the bodies of Tianlong soldiers, just like the previous ones."

"It looks like they failed," said the little fat man

Ye Cha said: "it's just a corpse. It's hard to judge. In a word, be careful."

Ye Yue doesn't have any problems. She's pushing forward smoothly, just to confirm the position of everyone and adjust her speed.

But now ye Cha thinks that the little fat man's strategy is very difficult to implement. Now he has to admit that the so-called God's eye system is more difficult than he imagined.

Ye Cha now has an intuitive feeling of the eye of God system. The two words summed up are difficult. If you have to add a word, it is very difficult.

At present, ye Cha hasn't met anything threatening his life.

However, those attacks, those traps, those guys who suddenly come out, one by one, so that people do not even have a chance to breathe, it is really a big problem.

What's more, ye Cha feels that this star building is no longer an ordinary office building.

Even if the star building used to be the office building of CommScope, it would install some traps, have a security system, and have strict protection, it would not be possible to reach the present level and make use of all the areas.

It can only be said that after Dr. Sarah occupied here, the star building was transformed.

The leaf Cha side walks, the side ponders, soon, then came to the end.

There was nothing at the end of the corridor, a wall, no windows, no doors.

Ye Cha has a bad idea.

Sure enough, ye Cha was thinking, and suddenly came the sound of "long, long" behind him. Ye Cha immediately looked back, and slowly, a wall appeared on the dark corridor.

The wall is completely close to the surrounding walls, floors and ceiling. There is only a shallow gap. Unless the leaf brake makes itself as thin as a piece of paper, it is absolutely impossible to pass through the gap.

Besides, it's not a normal wall.

On the front of the wall, there are more than 20 energy beams, which are very dazzling.

Ye Cha looked at it for a while, then suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled off the steel plate embedded in the wall and threw it towards the wall. Then when it collided with the energy beam, the steel plate was cut into pieces.

"I see." Ye Cha nodded his head and said, "but it's still hard for me."

Ye Cha raised his hand forward, and the sound of mechanical operation came from the exterminators. It was crackling and crackling, which was very clear.

Railgun form!

The next moment, the exterminator became a gun tube. With the launch of the leaf brake, the pulse bombs flew forward one by one.Almost in the moment close to the wall, those pulse bombs were cut to pieces, and then

Boom, boom, boom!

The sound of the explosion continued to ring, and the pulse bomb that was cut also exploded, and then the wall collapsed completely.


The ceiling above cracked and countless pieces of rubble fell.

Ye Cha walked over and looked at the probe. He was sure that there was nothing strange. Then he jumped up, crossed the ceiling and came to the upper floor.

"Well?" Ye Cha looked around and said, "there's something interesting here."

In front of the leaf brake, there is a piece of 6x6 square purple blue metal plate. This is a laser arrow, which can use the way of energy convergence to generate a light beam and cut everything above.

Then, on both sides of the wall, it had sunk down, and there was a device inside. In the center of the device were two black gun barrels, which were flame emitters.

A little further forward, there are three war defense guns, which are placed side by side in the center of the corridor. Above the war defense guns, there are two fire god guns, and in the center of the fire god gun, there is even a high-energy laser.

Obviously, the trap equipment here is very high-end, except for flamethrower and musket, other things are very advanced trap equipment.

It's just, it's all rotten!

Yes, all the traps in front of yecha have been broken, the laser arrows have been dismantled, the flamethrower is dripping oil, and the fire god gun is emitting black smoke.

Even the high-energy laser, which claims to be able to cut the strongest metal, has been cut into three pieces and barely hung on the ceiling. As for the three anti war guns in the rear, they have already run out of ammunition and become scrap iron.

Someone has been to this place, and the strength is not bad.

Because all the traps have been destroyed, but the battle marks around them are not obvious. In other words, there is only one place, that is, the concave walls on both sides.

It means that someone has destroyed these traps with one blow.

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