death train

Chapter 717

The bullets from the exterminator kept hitting the two axe bearers.

Most of the bullets are useless, but the key is penetration.

There are many small bullet holes in the axe holder's body. Because of the penetrating effect, they are punched through his body.


Suddenly, a bullet hit the man's forehead and pierced his head. The man shook his body but did not fall down.

"You'll never die if you hit your head?" Ye Cha frowned and said, "isn't it powerful enough?"

Ye Cha tilted his head, and then the sound of mechanical operation sounded again inside the exterminator.

"So what about that?" Ye Cha low shout a way: "rail gun form!"

The shape of the exterminator changed rapidly into a gun tube, and then the pulse bomb was fired continuously by the leaf brake.

The biggest reason why the pulse bomb is not easy to aim is the parabola. Even if yecha is proficient in Master Marksman, it is impossible to accurately control every parabola and landing point.

However, the distance between the two sides is only five or six meters, which is another matter.

The pulse bomb flying out doesn't need parabola at all. It either sticks directly to the axe holder or flies over and sticks to the wall.

About seven or eight rounds later, a pulse bomb hit the hole in the middle of the axe holder's forehead.

And then


With a burst of blue light and a burst of pulse bomb, the axe holder's head was finally unable to support, and numerous cracks appeared directly, then exploded and became one by one.

Blood spatter, left on the ground, broken brain flying everywhere, on the table, on the wall, dense.

"You killed the tempered axe holder, cumulative number: 1."

The tall body of the axe bearer finally fell to the ground with a bang.

However, ye Cha did delay some time. Another axe holder had already killed Ye cha. The huge axe was raised and waved again, and the strong wind roared.


Ye Cha raised his left arm and collided with the axe. Then he shook his body. Then his right hand came out and pressed it on the axe holder's chest.


The invisible power overflowed from the palm of the leaf brake, hit the body of the axe holder, and blasted the axe holder out.

Ye Cha twisted his neck and said, "it's just a beating. I don't believe in you."

Ye Cha strides forward towards the axe bearer.

But just then


The side wall made a loud noise, then the wall broke and a figure came in.

Ye Cha is extremely alert. He raises the destroyer to aim at the figure. The gun barrel also appears in front of Ye Cha's head. Then he is stunned at the same time. The figure that comes in is Nie Po.


At this time, the man with the axe roared and waved down the two men with a huge axe.

Ye Cha and Nie Po immediately jumped away in the opposite direction at the same time, and the axe hit the ground, splitting a huge crack.

Nie po said, "hurry up and solve this problem."

Ye Cha said: "this thing is not an ordinary axe holder..."

Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly, suddenly

As soon as ye Cha's voice fell, Nie Po fired a volley in front of him. He even used the way of three consecutive points, and the three shots were all gathered in the center of the axe holder's eyebrows.

With a bang, the axe holder's eyebrow exploded a big blood hole, and his body fell backward.

Nie breaks a side face to see to leaf Cha way: "what do you say?"

The leaf Cha pulls out the canthus of the eye way: "all right!"

Nie po said: "if you have nothing to do, run quickly."

Ye Cha's face was puzzled. Didn't all the axe holders solve it?

At this moment, the dark shadow appeared in the big hole that Nie Po broke. Ye Cha took a cool breath and ran out of the room with Nie Po.


After a loud noise, a huge pterosaur suddenly smashed into the outer wall of the building, and then ran straight into the house. Ye Cha and Nie Po jumped up, then protected his head, curled up and resisted the flying stones.

A moment later, the broken stones no longer fell. Nie Po got up from the ground, then pointed a gun at the pterosaur stuck in the wall and said, "scum, it's not in the air now. It's your end."


Nie Po took out the box of the sniper gun and quickly assembled it. Then he aimed at the head of the pterosaur and fired three shots in succession, which completely exploded the head of the pterosaur.

The leaf Cha gets up to brush off the dust on the body way: "I already said, climb up from the outside is unworkable."

Nie po said: "you walk from the building and climb higher than me."

Ba Ye really has no way to refute this.

Nie po said: "let's go. Anyway, there's no way to climb up from the outside of the building. I don't know how Dr. Sarah introduced the ancient species. There are several flying ancient species outside."It's not impossible for Nie Po to deal with such an ancient species as pterosaur, but it's really difficult to deal with pterosaur when he's climbing the outer wall of the building and it's hard to find a foothold.

Ye Cha nodded and took the lead to walk forward: "I met Dr. Sarah."

Nie broke his eyes and said: "Oh? Run away? "

Ye Cha shook his head and said, "it's not me, but the other side used the projector to have a simple conversation with me."

Nie po said: "dialogue? What do you mean

Ye Cha said: "in short, it is to confirm that we are not from CommScope through the details, and then to confirm. Judging from the tone of the other party, it seems that we have the intention to make a deal with us, but in the end, we didn't get along with each other. He didn't want to tell me the location of crazy sand temple."

Nie Po thought for a moment and said, "it seems that the people in CommScope are not dead. Besides, Dr. Sarah is afraid that the pressure is not small."

Ye Cha said with a smile, "it's the same as I guess."

This is an easy thing to see.

Why did Dr. Sarah show up in that way? Obviously, there must be a reason.

So, to infer, the only reason is that the people from CommScope entered the star building first.

If those people die, why did Dr. Sarah show up? Why is the tone, tone and words more inclined to solve problems peacefully?

Finally, we come to the conclusion that there must be people alive in CommScope. What's more, they seem to be doing well, which puts a lot of pressure on Dr. Sara and makes Dr. Sara unable to bear the invasion of yecha.

Therefore, Dr. Sarah has to show up to see if he can solve the yecha people in a peaceful way. After all, the only enemy Dr. Sarah has is CommScope.

Nie Po sneered: "it doesn't matter if we can't get along with each other. If he agrees to tell us the location of kuangsha temple, it's not impossible for us to leave. But since he doesn't intend to tell us, don't blame us for taking more things from him."

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