death train

Chapter 731

Ye Cha looked at his shoulder.

There was a wound on his shoulder, bleeding out.

The nitrogen armor was pierced by Grady's blow.

"This time it's perfect, isn't it?" Ye Cha licked the corner of his mouth and said, "real strength?"


Grady's appearance, almost no longer exists as a "human" form, but a pure monster.

At the same time, the problem of corpse is self-consciousness and thinking.

CommScope has been working hard in this area, but it is obviously not successful. They want to create super soldiers who are not afraid of life and death, strong body, but have independent consciousness and thinking.

But how can there be such a perfect thing in the world?

Grady is a good example. At present, Grady has not only lost the form of "human", but also gradually lost the value of being "human", and his thinking and consciousness have been eroded by instinct.

Then, it can't be human, it can only be beast or monster.


Grady roared again. It didn't sound like a human roar.

All of a sudden, Grady jumped up, his body attached to the wall, his limbs constantly crushed the wall, and then he ran to the leaf brake with his side close to the wall.

Next moment, attack!

The tail behind Grady fell to the leaf brake first. The leaf brake didn't hesitate. The tail made of metal blades is unusual, very sharp, and the material is extremely hard. It can pierce the nitrogen armor, which can prove a lot of things.

Ye Cha immediately raised his hand and waved a nitrogen chopping blow, shaking away toward the metal tail.

But just at this time, the three strange heads came down and hit the leaf brake.

Ye Cha jumped up, stabbed the ceiling with his fingers, and hung upside down in the air, while the three strange heads fell on the ground and pierced the ground with three skeletons.

The leaf Cha complexion is gloomy, then open mouth a way: "walk, leave far a bit."

Ye Cha naturally said this to the little fat man.

Little fatty has been following behind, but he didn't make a move, because he couldn't find a suitable mobile phone meeting. If he just threw the bomb at Grady in a random way, it didn't make any sense. It would also affect yecha.

Listen to Ye Cha's shout, the little fat man hesitated for a moment, then quickly retreated to the rear.


Ye Cha inhales deeply, then exhales.


Ye Cha roared and tensed his whole body. His muscles swelled slowly, and there began to be fine blood beads on his body. Then the Dragon scales grew out of Ye Cha's body.


Ye Cha raised his head and roared. At the position of his forehead, a dragon horn suddenly came out with bleeding flowers!


The next moment, ye Cha roared again, but this time it was not a general howling.

Dragon roar!

Grady came to yecha again, but he didn't have time to attack. He felt that he was in the storm, and then he was thrown out and hit the wall.

Yecha didn't stop. When Grady hit the wall, he raised his arm.

Hao Long Yan Po!

In front of Ye Cha's body, the fire of dragon's breath constantly appeared, and then quickly gathered and entangled, turned into a fire dragon and flew out to the front.

The corridor is very narrow and there are many broken places.

The fire dragon directly covered the whole corridor, and there was no way to avoid it. This was also the reason why Ye Cha let little fat man escape. He entered the Dragon state. After the damage power was improved, no matter how he attacked, he would be affected.

At this time, Grady also struggled, got up again, and then met the fire dragon.

The metal spines growing from Grady's waist suddenly twisted and folded, as if they were liquid metal, wrapping Grady's body and forming a piece of armor.

Then the metal tail and the three strange heads quickly surrounded Grady's body to defend.


The fire dragon hit Grady's body, then exploded, and the flames began to fly, constantly sticking to the wall, the ground, and the ceiling.

The temperature in the corridor is rising like a boiling pot.

I don't know how long it lasted, the fire finally began to dissipate, black smoke was pouring everywhere, and Grady's body was also blackened, and his body was covered with burnt flesh and blood.

But it's just skin injury. Grady easily survived the impact of Haolong.

But when Grady looked up, there was a whimper in his throat, and then he kept swinging his head, as if looking for something.

Because the leaf brake is gone.


Yecha is beside Grady, on the edge of a piece of collapsed debris, the flashing light forms a shadow, covering yecha's body, making yecha's figure dim.Even so, it's easy to find the blade brake, but Grady just can't see it.

That's what's terrible about Longjing.

Can't see, can't hear, the most important thing is that even the sense of existence will be completely deprived, can't feel.

The only way to break the Dragon realm is to keep Ye Cha out of sight from the beginning to the end. Unfortunately, it's too late. The cover of the flame makes Grady lose his sight of Ye cha.

Grady was still sobbing, and then slowly walked forward.

One step, two steps, three steps!

The rhythm is bright, even the distance of every step is almost the same.

Although he lost his sense and thinking, his instinct to fight made him good at fighting, and his instinctive actions were more reasonable. The exact same pace and frequency meant that Grady was very alert. From the heart, he was very alert by instinct alone.

But it didn't work, because he really couldn't find the leaf brake.

Suddenly, in the moment when Grady walked by him, ye Cha flashed out from the side of the rubble, holding a strange head behind Grady.


Ye Cha roared and growled, and then he grabbed a strange head in one hand, raised his palm into a knife in the other hand, and chopped down with force.


The blood splashed all over the floor, and the strange head behind Grady was cut off by Ye Cha, which spilled dirty liquid.

Grady was very angry. He turned his body and punched Ye cha. The metal tail suddenly spread out and turned into countless blades. Then he swept around and chopped them all on the wall.

Because the blade brake disappeared again.

"Come out!" With his last sense, Grady yelled angrily around, "get out of here."

"So..." Ye Cha's voice suddenly rang out behind Grady: "I'm out."

At the moment of the words falling, ye Cha grabs the other two strange heads, and then with a strong force, he throws Grady out, continuously bumps into the surrounding walls, and then

Snake bite!

Poof, poof, along with the virtual shadow of purple scale Python on his arm, the two strange heads were crushed by Ye cha.

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