death train

Chapter 736

"Don't forget, I'm a great evolutionist. Don't compare me with vulnerable human beings." "So, I won this time," said Grady grimly

Ye Cha looks up and the progress bar on the screen reaches 100%.

Successful invasion!

Virus infection successful!

Program format start!

The data template will start at the first time!

Server power equipment damage!

As the subtitles flickered on the screen, Dr. Sarah yelled in agony, "no..."

With the roar, Dr. Sarah's 3D projection began to shake, and then turned into a silver line, completely disappeared, completely silent.


Ye Cha scolded angrily, then hit Grady's face with an elbow, struggled out of Grady's arms, and kicked Grady to one side.

"Do you know what you've done?" Ye Cha growled, grabbed Grady's head, lifted his body up and said, "I'll crush you."

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." "You can kill me, but you're still the loser, and I win," Grady laughed


Ye Cha grabs Grady's shoulder, and then makes a fierce effort to drag this guy's head down. Countless cables are stretched straight, and then one by one.

Mixed with green liquid and blood splashed around, make the floor is.

Ye Cha threw Grady's head aside and rolled. The metal part hit the ground and kept making a tinkling sound.

The leaf Cha doesn't seem to be able to resolve the Qi, fiercely raise fist to toward the wall to blast, boom of a, the wall is blasted of smash.

Ye Cha went back to the side of the server, pulled out the hard disk, tried to restart the server, but there was no response. The power supply of the whole star building was cut off, and the power generation equipment should also be reimbursed.

Moreover, ye Cha believes that even if a new power supply can be connected, it will not help. The server system must be formatted, that is to say

Dr. Sarah is dead!



Ye Cha smashed the hard disk with one punch, and scolded hard.

The little fat man covered the wound and reluctantly sat up and said, "in other words, we are finished, aren't we?"

Ye Cha bit his lip, but he didn't open his mouth.

"The little fat man said:" well, think in a good direction. We are very strong. Even if we don't return to the death train, we can deal with zombies. We can find food, we can find water, and we can live

"I don't think you can survive at all." Ye Yue's voice rang out, with silk cold meaning way: "don't say the door that dead, with your injury, also can't live long."

The little fat man said, "can't you have a little dream in life?"

Ye Yue said: "you are delusional!"

"Shut up." Ye Cha drank a low voice: "take Nie Po, inform Wang Likun, let's go."

Ye Yue said, "where else can we go? Back to the death train? How to get back. "

When ye Cha got up and passed by Ye Yue, he said condescending: "do you know? After experiencing the taste of death once, I swore that no one can let me die, no one can

Ye Cha drags the bio mecha, smashes the outer wall, throws it out, and then plunges down.


Corpse flower sprang out from the ground, the vines circled and caught the leaf brake. In the high-rise building, corpse flower couldn't help. It couldn't enter the building with half body posture, so it was waiting outside all the time.

Little fat man looked at Ye Yue, shrugged his shoulders, ran outside and dragged Nie Po back, then threw him downstairs.

The little fat man said, "are you sure you don't want to go? No matter whether we can return to the death train or not, he is always the strongest one among us. If you don't follow him, do you rely on yourself? "

Little fat man said, directly toward the corpse flower jump.

Ye Yue clenched her teeth, took out her communicator and said, "the eye of God system has been destroyed. There should be nothing around you. Climb up and down the stairs and gather outside the building."

After ye Yue finished, she also jumped out of the building.

Corpse flower in turn to catch people, and so on for about a quarter of an hour, Wang Likun rushed out of the entrance, and then surprised: "what's the matter with you? So miserable? "

"Shut up." The leaf month impatiently roared a way: "I don't want to talk now."

The atmosphere is quite depressing. No matter how stupid Wang Likun is, he knows that it's not suitable to open his mouth now. He honestly climbs the corpse flower vine.

Corpse flower temporarily served as a means of transportation, with vines holding a few people, along the street forward.

Ye Cha leaned against the corpse flower vine and closed his eyes, but everyone knew that he was not asleep, and no one could sleep at this time.

The little fat man hesitated for a moment and said, "although I don't think it's good to say this at this time, is there really any way?"

Wang Likun generally understood something and said with guilt, "I'm too useless to help."Ye Cha opened his eyes and said, "I said, I won't die. Since I won't die, how did you die?"

Ye Cha didn't explain too much, and he was really lazy.

Then, ye Cha suddenly found that their route was towards the platform of the death train.

"Going back?" Ye Yue's face was ugly and said, "if you rush through the death train, you will surely die. It's better to think of other ways."

Ye Cha still didn't reply, so he lay quietly until he resisted the death train platform. Then he opened his eyes and stepped into the platform first.

Little fat man and ye Yue look at each other and can only follow up.

Death train is still like that, but different from the past, people can not help but feel a trace of palpitation.

Ye Cha went forward and tried to cross the door, but he was stopped.

The proprietress stood at the door with her arms around her. She was still lazy and had an indescribable charm.

Ye Cha said, "get out of the way."

The landlady said, "although we have a good relationship, the rules are the rules. You failed."

Ye Chadao: "in the death train, breaking the rules is to die."

The landlady looked up at Ye cha.

Ye Cha said again: "no one can stop the death train from killing people, because if you don't even know how you die, you will lose your head."

The landlady said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Cha pushed aside the landlady and walked into the death train, saying, "I can't die. It won't kill me."

After a moment's silence, the landlady said, "do you know what this means?"

Ye Cha sneered.

The conductor of the train is the most important one to keep up with the dead.

But yecha has known for a long time that this is not the case. The conductor can not represent the dead train at all.

Especially when the landlady told ye Cha that the conductor couldn't leave the dead train at will, ye Cha believed in his guess. The conductor was also bound by the dead conductor.

"The mission to the sky city is not given by the death train." Ye Cha looked at the landlady and said, "it was given by the conductor."

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