death train

Chapter 749


The mummy reached out his hand and stopped the centipede sword with one palm, making a clear sound.

Nie Po quickly carried out a sweeping shot with his gun, and the bullet poured forward. But at that moment, the cloth wrapped around the mummy suddenly loosened, and then circled around the mummy's body, forming a big ball.

Nie Po's bullet hit the cloth belt to form a big ball. It kept exploding, but it couldn't explode the big ball.

Click, click!

The sound of chewing was still coming from the cloth ball.


Suddenly, a roar sounded, and then the cloth ball slowly split, and the mummy appeared again in front of the crowd. The bodies of the three mummies on the ground were bitten and there were gaps everywhere.

At the same time, the mummy was no longer a silent roar, but a roar.

With that roar, the mummy's body began to swell.

Mummies are mummies. The withered body is like a withered branch, but now it seems to be filled with air, and the muscles begin to mellow obviously.

The mummy's body grew bigger and bigger, and finally grew to two meters away, with dark purple muscles and cracks on the surface.


The second roar rang out, and the mummy leaped forward fiercely, waving his fist and falling towards Ye cha.


Ye Cha several people at the same time toward different directions scattered, that fist hit on the ground, the ground issued a loud noise, then inch inch crack, directly toward the bottom collapsed a few inches.

The mummy seems to have the ability of phagocytosis. After eating three companions, the strength of all aspects of the body increased significantly.

At the same time, after the blow failed, the mummy's body shook, and the disgusting cloth belt flew out all around again.

Boom, boom, boom

The cloth belt is very destructive. When it hits the wall, it blows the wall out of the big hole. When it sweeps the pillar, it cuts the pillar. Everything seems vulnerable in front of the cloth belt.

At the same time, ye Cha felt the light in his pocket, which was the green light released by the necklace.

At the same time, with the appearance of the green light, the mummy was obviously more irritable. He kept roaring and didn't attack others, so he stared at Ye Cha and rushed over.


Wang Likun killed again at the right time. At the moment when the mummy raised his fist, he raised his shield and directly met his fist.

After his fist hit the shield and made a loud noise, Wang Li Kun slipped back out.

In this instant, the centipede sword of Ye Cha's left hand swept forward, and the steel armor evil centipede quickly wrapped around the mummy's body, and then tightened.


The next moment, the ground broke, a corpse flower vine quickly drilled out, with the centipede sword will be the mummy to winding up.

Ye Cha said to the little fat man, "give him a tough one."

The little fat man nodded and ran to the mummy with Wang Likun. With a bang, Wang Likun smashed the shield into the mummy's mouth and forced the other person's mouth open. Then the little fat man grabbed the black ball and put it into the mummy's mouth.

After the little fat man finished, he immediately ran and yelled, "run!"

The little fat man's things in his hand except explosion are explosion. People have been used to it for a long time. So, as soon as this guy makes a move, people scatter around.


The next second, there was a violent explosion.

The fireworks from the explosion were not as big as expected, only a small ball wrapped around the mummy's head, and then the mummy fell back to the ground.

In a moment, the fireworks dispersed, and the mummy's head was densely covered with spikes one by one. All the spikes broke the mummy's head. With a little touch, pieces fell.

"Done." The little fat man said with a smile: "if the stab bomb explodes from the inside, its power is quite good."

Ye Cha said: "now it's time to see this necklace."

Ye Cha took out the necklace, because it was not the object of the death train. Instead, he could directly check the information outside the death train.

After having a look, the expression of "so it is" appeared on Ye Cha's face.

Wangnv Necklace: a necklace worn by a certain wangnv from ancient civilization. It has the power of the superior and has the skills of deterrence and manipulation.

Manipulation: can manipulate and drive up to five driving shells, and the manipulation object should not exceed 80% of the user's strength

Deterrence: Taking the queen necklace as the center, undead creatures within a radius of 150 meters can't get close to it. After being infected with the breath of the living, the deterrence effect will be reduced, and the duration of the deterrence effect will be determined according to the number of undead creatures.

Deterrence was the main reason why the zombies couldn't get close to him, which made yecha look happy. However, seeing the introduction in the second half of the paragraph, the joy turned into a surprise.

With the breath of the living?

That means wearing it on a living person will weaken the effect!"We have to get out of here." Ye Cha said, "I'm afraid those zombies will enter the museum soon."

The leaf Cha side says, at the same time the king female Necklace gave the public to see.

Of course, it's OK to continue to use this thing to suppress zombies. As long as you put this thing on the ground and keep other people away, it should not be contaminated with biological breath.

But what's the meaning? Fixed in one place, they can't use this thing to expel zombies. They will be trapped to death. This is not what yecha people want.

Running with this thing can drive out the zombie tide, but the problem is that the deterrent effect will be reduced after being contaminated with the breath of the living. It's hard to say how long it can last.

"It doesn't matter, I found some things, maybe can cover up the aroma, and then use the necklace, we may be able to kill out."

Nie Po in a side way: "in addition, although the effect of washing with water may be relatively weak, but still try, we find something, also found the toilet."

Ye Cha nodded, put the necklace aside and said, "let's do it."

Several people went to the bathroom, took off their clothes and washed themselves.

Tibetan rain that with the smell of smoke do not know what ingredients in the end, leaf brake to wipe the body almost broken skin, the smell is still there.

Of course, water washing still has some effects, but the effect is not obvious. It can't completely remove the fragrance. Then he puts on his clothes and leaves the bathroom. The little fat man sprinkles the liquid in the plastic poke on yecha's body.

After the liquid was sprinkled on the body, ye Cha immediately smelled a strong pungent smell, which immediately suppressed the fragrance.

The leaf Cha smelled to smell a way: "paint?"

The little fat man said: "almost, there are ingredients similar to paint in it. Anyway, the taste is pungent enough. If you smell it like this, it can really cover up the smell. If you can avoid the zombies smelling it, you have to try to find out."

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