death train

Chapter 792

Looking at Ye Cha's perplexed appearance, malfarian coughed softly: "in fact, it's not impossible to kill the apostles. The apostles need to grow up. Therefore, there is only one way to kill the apostles. When the apostles are still embryos, kill them."

The leaf Cha Leng Leng, immediately rolled a white eye, that cooperates what oneself say is right? What are you old man selling!

Ye Cha said, "are there any apostles here?"

Marfarian nodded and said: "the growth of the Apostle is very fast. It only takes two or three days to complete the growth from the embryo. If the growth is completed, even if the conductor takes the hand, it will not be able to kill it. But it takes some opportunities for the Apostle embryo to start to grow. Normally speaking, the Apostle embryo is in deep sleep."

Ye Cha said: "so, this is the best chance to kill the apostles."

Marfarian said, "that's it."

Ye Cha said: "it seems that we have to do this kind of work many times in the future. In other words, since we are asked to find kuangsha temple, it means that the conductor has never been here in the future. In this case, why can we know that the Apostle embryo is here?"

Marfarian said: "the apostles were born in the world a long time ago. Of course, they were very old. People didn't know much at that time, but there would be some traces, whether they were apostles, human beings or even a tiny reptile."

As they spoke, the three of them had already entered the depths of the Black Pyramid, which was also full of underworld monsters and many mechanisms. However, in front of malfarian, they were totally vulnerable and were killed or destroyed by malfarian.

Marfarian again cut off the head of a demon general and said, "do you know anubis?"

Ye Cha thought about it and said, "the name is a little familiar. I remember, which one is in the fairy tale? Death and Hades? You don't want to tell me that anubis is an apostle, do you

Marfarian said: "of course not. You say it's a myth. Of course it doesn't exist. But the apostles were mistaken for anubis. This temple was built for anubis, but it was also built for the apostles. At that time, people thought that the gods were just showing signs. The details were too complicated. In short, from some historical documents, we can actually find the signs of the apostles."

Ye Cha thinks of the story that Nie Po told. The king got the immortal army from Hades.

What is the undead army? Ye Cha thinks it's a zombie. The corpse can still get up and fight again. Isn't it the immortal army?

The color of Ye Cha's doubt is stronger. Isn't the zombie infected by zombie virus? What's with the apostles again? There's no zombie virus. Is the zombie made by the apostles? But how can there be no zombie virus? I have seen a lot of zombies infected by virus!

Ye Cha patted his forehead. There was too much information and his thinking was a little confused.

There's a lot of information in malfarian's words, but in fact?

What are apostles?

Marfarian used a very general term!

Marfarian only told yecha that the Apostle was walking in search of the apostle, while the conductor wanted to kill the apostle. The Apostle was very powerful, and then what was the ultimate goal of both sides?

Marfarian said nothing but a word.

Yecha can hear that mafalian has removed some core things, or put it another way. Mafalian has said all the things that can tell yecha and Jones, but obviously he has deliberately retained some content.

Ye Cha has two understandings of this. The first is that the position of purser can only know so much. Just like a company, the chairman of the board knows more than the general manager, the manager knows more than the deputy manager, and the employees always know the least.

The second understanding of trust is that ye Cha has just become a purser, and his strength has been recognized at most. Or in the eyes of the conductor, he can help him do things, but there is no trust. Naturally, it is impossible to Tell ye Cha the core things.

Moreover, the blade brake has another concern.

What is the death train?

Yecha is very sure that the conductor and the death train are not one. So, is it the will of the conductor or the will of the death train to take the Apostle as the goal?

There are still many doubts.

No, it should be said that yecha did know something from marfarian, which is what he really wanted. He climbed up step by step. Besides becoming stronger, another reason is that he naturally wanted to know more.

If you know more, you won't be manipulated by the dead train and the conductor just like a puppet.

From the bottom of his heart, yecha never compromised, boarded the train of death, climbed up step by step for his position, and was willing to work for the conductor, all for the sake of becoming stronger.

The reason for becoming stronger is to resist. Ye Cha is not willing to give everything to the death train and the conductor.

At present, ye Cha is a big step forward, but it is because he knows more that the doubts in his heart become more.

So, there are still many doubts, but this is not a bad thing.

……Deep channel, the chain dragged across the ground, issued a clear sound of impact.

"Hello Ye Yue suddenly stopped, looked at the front and said, "it's the end."

At the end of the passage, a huge stone gate appeared in front of the three people.

Gan Lin grabs the chain and comes to the front, carefully observing the stone gate.

Ye Yue quietly raised her left palm.

But in this instant, Gan Lin's voice sounded out: "I advise you not to do that, otherwise, you may die."

Gan Lin suddenly turns around and looks at Ye Yue.

Ye Yue's face is startled. Her brain ability has disappeared. No, she can't use it.

"Open the door." Gan Lin ignored Ye Yue and said to Wang Likun, "there should be no danger."

Wang Likun is at a loss about the current situation. He doesn't know what to do and who to listen to. Therefore, Wang Likun takes a look at Ye Yue, because he always listened to Ye Yue.

Ye Yue's eyes swept from Gan Lin's face, then gritted her teeth and said: "open!"

Ye Yue is very clear that he has no choice, Wang Likun has no choice, because they are not as strong as Gan Lin, they can't beat Gan Lin.

Ye Yue really don't understand, this looks not strong woman, how can so strong!

Now that ye Yue has spoken, Wang Likun doesn't know what to do, so

Just open the door!

Wang Likun raised the shield, the shackles on his hand swayed, and the chain on the shackles hit the tower shield, making a clear impact sound.

Slowly, Wang Likun put the Tower Shield on the stone gate and pushed it open bit by bit.

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