death train

Chapter 796

Ye Cha didn't know how long he had been sleeping. He woke up, surrounded by everything he was familiar with.

After washing his face, ye Cha left his car and went to the dining car.

The dining car is still very calm. Maybe this stop is still a long time away from the departure. Everyone's tasks have not been completed, and no one has come back yet.

Ye Cha sits down in front of the bar.

The boss's wife smiles and mixes a glass of wine, and puts it in front of Ye cha.

Ye Cha said, "did Wang Likun and ye Yue come back?"

The landlady shook her head.

Ye Cha said: "what about me and Jones? First of all, I don't accept failure. "

The landlady said with a smile, "I didn't say you lost, did I?"

Ye Cha said, "that's why I won."

If you don't accept failure, you can only win.

The landlady, however, was smiling and did not answer the question directly. Instead, she said, "it's important to find the crazy sand temple, isn't it?"

The leaf Cha laughs, smile of some ridicule a way: "it seems that the conductor also quite short of person."

Obviously, Jones's performance also satisfied the conductor. In the eyes of the conductor, the victory or defeat is not important. The important thing is who is useful to him, or both.

"After all, it's just a chess piece." Ye Cha whispered in his heart, and his face was a little ferocious. Then he added another sentence in his heart: "but it won't always be like this."

The landlady said, "you don't have to lose either."

Ye Cha said: "that is to say, my task has been completed?"

The landlady nodded and put the tablet on the bar.

The landlady said, "you can have your own personal title. From now on?"

The leaf Cha pondered for a while, then nodded.

There is nothing on the screen of the tablet computer, but soon, under the white background, some ink appeared, and the ink slowly melted away, forming four big characters in cursive script.

The four words are: Storm in all directions!

At this moment, ye Cha saw the boss's wife's face, and she was shocked.

It's the one that's extremely frightening and has no cover at all.

Ye Cha waited for a while and found that the landlady didn't show any signs of recovery. She said, "what's the problem?"

The landlady was summoned to her senses. After a moment of silence, she said: "personal titles are generally generated according to the corresponding objects. They are unique, and they have some meanings, such as your strength, potential, or the way you fight, what you are good at, and so on."

Ye Cha nodded. He knew this. In fact, this is the most useful part of personal title.

For example, if a personal title is generated for a person who is good at using bows and arrows, no matter what the title is called or what the effect of the title is, it can be concluded that yecha's long-range attack or bow and arrow use will be greatly improved.

The landlady pointed to the four words and said, "these four words are not just for you, but exist in the treasure list. They are unique, but can't be purchased."

Ye Cha frowned and said, "I remember that there is no classification of titles in the treasure list."

"Yes, titles are only obtained after completing a specific task." "But it doesn't mean it doesn't exist," the landlady said

Ye Cha accepted this explanation, but he was not very satisfied with it. He didn't know whether he could use it or not. Moreover, it would sound worse.

"Are you not satisfied?" The landlady seemed to see through what ye Cha thought and said directly: "this title brings you strength improvement, which is definitely several times stronger than the title you expect. However, this title is special."

The leaf Cha came a little interest way: "how a special method?"

The landlady said: "this is a set of titles, which correspond to good luck, bad luck and good fortune respectively. The title of good fortune is Tian Ping Di An, the title of bad fortune is billow, and the title of good fortune is sun and moon in the sky. How strong is the effect of this title? I can tell you that among the four titles, the sun and the moon already have a master. His master is called dongfangyu. "

Ye Cha Leng for a while, and then surprised: "Deputy train commander?"

Yes, deputy chief!

In addition to mafalian, another deputy conductor, although the conductor and Dongfang Yu didn't do anything when the city was destroyed, only mafalian showed some ability.

However, the position of deputy chief of the train itself represents a powerful position.

However, ye Cha soon calmed down.

Auspicious, misfortune, blessing, the landlady said three of them, but she didn't say evil.

"So the name of the fierce wind and rain

The landlady said seriously, "yes."

Wind and rain in all directions refers to the gathering of wind and rain in all directions, which refers to the sudden change and turbulence of the situation.

Therefore, it is a bad omen.

Ye Cha understood the meaning of the landlady.Usually, the personal titles generated are related to the goals. Even if the eight winds and winds are not customized for ye Cha, they are unique. After ye Cha gets it, it is impossible for a second person to get it. Therefore, the meaning is the same.

So, what's the relationship between the title of "eight winds and rain" and ye cha?

It is undeniable that as long as you are not a fool, you will associate with the environment or situation when you see this title.

In other words, their situation will be a storm in all directions?

In other words, do you have a bad omen?

No wonder the landlady's face is so strange.

"The good long time smile a way:" big fierce die suddenly? "

Landlady Leng next, then way: "may die."

"That's probably not going to die." Ye Cha said: "it's no big deal. Believe me, all the people who want me to die will die first. So, is there a bad omen? So what?"

Yes, so what?

Ye Cha doesn't believe in life.

Ye Cha only believes in himself.

is not a title has the final say.

is Ye Cha himself has the final say.

This idea is a little unreasonable, but that's what ye Cha thinks.

The landlady said: "it's best that you can not be affected by this title. Besides, even if you want me to change one for you, I can't change it. Moreover, you can only accept it, because this title already belongs to you. You don't want it, and no one else can get it."

Ye Cha said with a smile: "yes, of course. Why not? Does it mean that I can greatly improve my strength?"

The landlady said: "this is naturally understandable. I won't cheat you on this kind of thing."

As the landlady said, she wiped the four ink characters on the screen and disappeared.

The landlady took the tablet away and said, "it already belongs to you."

Ye Cha opened his personal information, and the four words "wind and rain in all directions" have appeared in his personal information.

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