death train

Chapter 799

The little fat man got up and said, "why do you say so much? Just follow me to have a look."

Ye Cha thought and said, "OK."

Nie po said: "I won't join in the fun. I want to adapt to the underworld. After all, it's a new gun. I'm not familiar with it."

Ye Cha nods, Nie Po leaves first, and then ye Cha goes to the dining car with the little fat man.

The little fat man said to the landlady, "where's car 125 going?"

The boss's wife looks at the leaf brake, and the little fat man is obviously not qualified to know the specific destination of the carriage.

Ye Cha said: "yes, I want to know. By the way, I'll find someone."

The landlady said, "where does car 125 go Well, it's xinyucheng. Are you looking for a new steward? "

Ye Cha nodded.

The landlady said, "you can tell me your name directly. I can provide some information and help you find his location by the way."

Ye Cha said: "there is such a good thing? I didn't hear about the ruins of kandawa last time. "

The landlady said with a smile, "last time you didn't have a fixed goal."

The leaf Cha is dumb however, return true is such a responsibility, immediately see toward small fat man.

The little fat man said, "that guy's name is fat dragon."

Ye Chadao: "whose name can call this?"

"I knew his nickname was Feilong," the little fat man said, "that's what people in their carriage call. I don't know his real name very well."

"Fat Dragon?" The landlady suddenly showed a sudden expression and said, "I'm looking for him."

Ye Cha said: "you seem to know this man?"

The landlady nodded, and then seemed to be considering the words. After a while, she said, "that guy is an alien. I don't know what words to use to describe him. The conductor once wanted to give him the chance to become a steward, but it didn't come to an end."

Ye Cha said: "why?"

"Because he's not very communicative," said the landlady

Leaf Cha a head of question mark, this calculate what reason?

Ye Cha said tentatively, "because he is mentally retarded?"

"The landlady said:" you sum up very accurately

Ye Cha is speechless. I heard this sentence for the second time. Is that guy really an idiot? But how can an idiot live so long? How can an idiot be strong?

"Found it." At this time, the landlady took a look at the tablet and said, "according to the satellite aerial photos, the guy you are looking for is currently located in Tianle chain supermarket in xinyucheng. Do you want me to take you nearby?"

Ye Cha nodded and said, "please."

The landlady didn't say much. She reached out and motioned towards the door.

Ye Cha and Xiao pangzi leave the dining car and the death train.

Walking out of the platform of the death train, there are some old buildings, tube buildings, low tile roofed houses, the greening on the street is dirty, and several old bicycles are stacked there.

Xinyucheng is such an old city. Because of its remote location, its economic development has not been very good.

However, the new jade city has its own characteristics. There are always two extremely busy times every year, that is, the jade conference.

Yes, new jade city produces jade.

But it doesn't mean much to Ye Cha and little fat man. After looking around for four weeks, ye Cha said to the side: "go, go to the top of that building."

The little fat man nodded. The landlady had already told them the location of the fat dragon, but people can't always stand still, so we still have to look for it.

Yecha said that the building is Tianle supermarket chain, not small scale, there are three floors.

Ye Cha and Xiao pangzi go directly to the roof, and then stand on the edge of the roof. Their target may be inside the supermarket or outside the supermarket. They can always see clearly from the high point. Moreover, if they want to come out in the supermarket, they can directly watch the entrance and exit from the roof.

But it was simpler than yecha imagined. After standing on the roof, yecha found the target in the street next door. He didn't even need little fat man to show him, because he had a very distinctive nickname and figure.

Fat Dragon is a fat man, extremely fat man. Maybe it's more accurate to use meatball to describe it.

When many people talk about fat people, they always say short fat people. However, Fat Dragon is not short at all, and it is also very tall. It should be more than two meters by visual inspection. According to the standard of normal people, the height is already a giant.

At the same time, Feilong also grabbed a dozen chicken wings in his hand, which were vacuum packaged and sold in supermarkets. He kept stuffing them into his mouth one by one, eating them in and spitting them out. It took less than three seconds for each bite, and then the chicken wings were only bones.

Ye Cha looked at the little fat man and said, "is that what you're talking about him?"

The little fat man nodded.

Ye Cha said: "I don't know if he can fight, but he can eat. Besides, he looks a little retarded."

Ye Cha thinks that Feilong is a bit retarded. It's not unreasonable. This guy is eating a lot there, but there are three people standing in front of him, armed with weapons.The little fat man said, "those three people will die."

Ye Cha shrugged his shoulders and said nothing. On the surface, a guy who is at least over 400 Jin and looks fat and can't walk on the road will not be very strong.

However, since the little fat man said, ye Cha didn't mind taking a look.

After eating the chicken wings, Feilong pulled out two packets of popcorn from his backpack. After taking them apart, he didn't grab them either. He just raised his head and began to pour them into his mouth.

It seems that popcorn is more delicious. Feilong chews and squints. His tiny eyes, which are already squeezed by the meat, can't see clearly now.

After eating, Feilong shakes his head and takes out a square metal device from his backpack. It seems to be damaged. Some parts are cracked and the cable is pulled out.

Feilong said: "do you want this? I'll give you something delicious as long as I'm satisfied. "

The three men did not speak, but with weapons, slowly scattered, and then slowly close to the Fat Dragon.

"The little fat man said:" these three guys must not be in the same carriage as Fat Dragon. Otherwise, they should try their best to find food and take it out. Maybe they can get something and finish the task smoothly

Yecha didn't answer, because in yecha's opinion, the three men were still experienced. They surrounded Feilong with triangle formation, which was obviously correct.

At this time, one of them suddenly took a hand and went around to Feilong's back. Obviously, he bullied Feilong for being too fat and inflexible. Suddenly, he held his Sabre horizontally and stabbed Feilong behind him.


The blade cuts across Feilong's back and cuts a wound. The blood quickly seeps out, but there is little blood. The wound is not as deep as you think. Feilong's fat has become a good defense.

"It hurts." Feilong twisted his body and said angrily, "if you don't give me food, I will die."

Feilong said as he raised his hand and patted it toward the rear.

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