Debut After Eight Years

156. I will take it to the world by myself! Upload battle hymn. (seeking subscription)

The five people on the opposite side were all dressed in strange clothes.

In addition, they all have slightly serious expressions on their faces.

At first glance, it seems that the visitor is not good.

Zhao Wei and He Fulin quickly came to stand in front of Wang Qian and the others, facing Ende and the others.

Murong Yue also quickly became vigilant.

She has met many bands in the California music circle, and she made an appointment in private if she disagreed!

Even, there are bands holding concerts and fighting with fans in the audience...

Rock bands are synonymous with individuality, so every band member makes no secret of their preferences and personalities.

Therefore, rock bands will show more extreme performances.

Some are very good, doing charity and helping others, and the songs and music I create are also more positive, expressing better emotions!

Some are very bad, that is, extremely bad, almost always wandering on the edge of crime, and the works created are also all kinds of dark, violent and bloody.

In North America, rock bands and rap singers are the two most chaotic circles in the entertainment industry, and many of them have the shadow of local gangs behind them.

Make an appointment because you can't afford to lose!

is something they often do.

Murong Yue was worried that the opponent just couldn't afford to lose, so she came here to block people and find trouble.

"What are you doing? This is Huaxia."

Murong Yue said in a cold voice.

Zhao Wei and He Fulin also waved to the security not far away.

When the security guards saw that Wang Qian was blocked by some foreigners, they all came over quickly.

As soon as Ende saw this situation, he knew that he had been misunderstood. He waved his hands hastily and said, "Mr. Wang, I'm not here to cause trouble. I want to talk to you about cooperation! Yes, it's a win-win cooperation for both of us."

Wang Qian didn't let Zhao Wei and He Fulin get out of the way, but just looked at each other without saying a word.

However, Wang Qian waved to a few security guards who came over, signaling that they didn't need to come over.

The head of the security guard was very familiar with Wang Qian, and greeted him: "Professor Wang, call us if you need something."

Wang Qian smiled: "Okay, thank you."

A few security guards stood at a distance of about ten meters, watching these strangely dressed foreigners vigilantly, as if rushing over to escort them at any time.

Even Jiang Yu and Qin Xuerong stood in front of Wang Qian, as if they wanted to protect Wang Qian.

Wang Qian was speechless.

Do you really need protection?

Does he look so easy to bully?

Although, I haven't practiced any Sanda martial arts, but my body is still very good, and I won't fall down at the first touch.

Most importantly, Wang Qian doesn't need a woman to protect him!

Gently stretching out his hand, he pulled Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, and Murong Yue behind him. Wang Qian looked at the slightly nervous Ende and the others, and said softly: "I don't think there is any possibility of us cooperating. Please let me Come on, we're going back to rest."

As he spoke, Wang Qian signaled Zhao Wei and He Fulin to push away Ende and the others, and walked outside.

Ende and the others didn't dare to stop them with their hands, so they could only get out of the way.

They have no doubt that once they really reach out to block people, a few security guards over there will definitely come over and put them down, and then call the police to arrest people...


Ender said hurriedly: "Mr. Wang, we like the song you sang tonight very much. We want to buy the copyright of this song, and we will reserve the right of authorship for you."

Wang Qian couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and he didn't stop on his feet.

He is really not interested in the other party's so-called cooperation.

selling songs?


People in the domestic entertainment industry have confirmed that Wang Qian will not sell songs, so there are very few people who have contacted him to invite songs recently!

Before, someone called Wang Qian's price to hundreds of millions, but Wang Qian ignored it.

Of course, tens of millions of dollars bought Wang Qian's famous works that had already been published.

It can only be said that Ende and others don't know Wang Qian well enough.

Perhaps, they didn't even think about getting to know Wang Qian in the past.

The arrogance when facing the Chinese is a deep-rooted thought of most people in North America.

He Fulin and Zhao Wei also gave Ender and the others a disdainful look.

Both Murong Yue and Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing!

Seeing that Wang Qian and the others didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

Ende caught up and said loudly: "Mr. Wang, we are a very famous band in Los Angeles. If you cooperate with us, you will definitely increase your international reputation. We can also give you dollars, a lot of dollars. This song we Like it so much, we can offer you a hundred thousand dollars."


From Ender's point of view, buying a new Chinese song is definitely a sky-high price.


Wang Qian was not even interested in listening, and had already walked out of the program live broadcast base.

Qin Xuerong hurried to the parking lot and drove the car over.

Jiang Yu and Murong Yue remained by Wang Qian's side, watching Ende and the others vigilantly.

The black guy next to Ende said: "Mr. Wang, we can pay up to 200,000 US dollars, and we can give you a follow-up income share. We can definitely make a big fire in Los Angeles, and bring you a lot of income, all in US dollars..."

Ende also continued: "Mr. Wang, I know you will continue to compete. We can provide you with free accompaniment in the future until you finish the competition. We are more professional than your current band. Plus two hundred thousand dollars, we I want to buy your song, can I?"

Ende's words directly offended Zhao Wei, He Fulin, Murong Yue, and Jiang Yu.

Murong Yue said directly and coldly: "As far as I know, your Splash Band has only just become famous in Los Angeles. Your lead singer had a falling out because he and the captain Ende robbed the same woman. And your accompaniment level is just now. It's just at the professional level, better than us? Mr. Ender, don't you talk through your brain?"

Murong Yue's words made Ende and the others quiet down instantly, and they all stared at Murong Yue with wide-eyed eyes.

Obviously, none of them expected that someone here would reveal their secrets!

The sense of superiority of Ende and the others disappeared in an instant, and they felt very embarrassed instead.

Wang Qian also said lightly: "I don't need your accompaniment, my own band is already perfect. I will let them succeed in the world. And you are already our defeat."


Qin Xuerong parked the car in front of Wang Qian.

Zhao Wei quickly opened the car door, and He Fulin stopped Ende outside.

Wang Qian ignored Ende and the others and got into the car directly.

Murong Yue and Jiang Yu also got into the car after Wang Qian.

Ende was in a hurry, and without embarrassment, he said loudly: "Mr. Wang, half a million dollars, we can only spend so much money. We really like your works, and we can bring your works to the world... ..."

Wang Qian closed his eyes gently, and when he heard Ende's words, he said softly: "I will bring my work to the world by myself, I don't need you, and you are not worthy! Please don't disturb us, thank you."


The doors close.

Qin Xuerong drove away quickly.

The five of Ende watched Wang Qian's car leave in a little surprise.

Ender said angrily, "Damn it!"

A white young man said: "My God, buy a Chinese song for $500,000, and if it gets out, Mike and the others will think we are crazy!"

The black guy said angrily: "What's even more crazy is that we didn't get half a million dollars! Ender, can we come up with half a million dollars?"

Ender shook his head: "We can't come up with half a million dollars, but if he agrees, I can go to the Southern Entertainment Group to pay us."

"God, the reward this time is the funds for us to prepare for a comeback. If this song fails, we will fall into the abyss, and there will be no possibility of rising again!"

Another white guy said dissatisfied.

Ende: "Obviously, he won't sell. I can see that he is very firm in his refusal. Then, what we gain from coming to China this time is only a sum of money and a failure!"

The five members of the Splash Band all looked very lonely!

It was only then that they remembered.

They are losers.

They came to Huaxia, and in their extremely confident rock field, they lost to a Chinese player with a good voice.

It seems that he is not a famous singer yet!

Moreover, they didn't have any temper when they lost, and they couldn't find an excuse.

Even they themselves thought that Wang Qian's singing was better than their own.

That song the Phoenix conquered them all.

Ender suddenly thought, maybe they are not suitable for playing rock and roll?


Qin Xuerong drove the car, looked at Wang Qian in the rearview mirror, lying on the chair with his eyes closed, and said softly, "These foreigners are really funny."

He Fulin said: "Yeah, I actually thought they could pick up the leak here, and I wanted to buy Professor Wang's new song at such a low price, haha."

Murong Yue studied at the Berklee Conservatory of Music in California for several years and knew the people there better. She said: "The price they offered may indeed be a very high price for them. In their view, it can cost dozens of dollars. It’s really crazy to come to China to buy a song for 10,000 U.S. dollars.”

"They are very arrogant, they don't like things from Huaxia, and they don't even like music works here, especially rock works!"

Once, a certain classic Chinese film had a domestic box office of more than two billion dollars, but Hollywood only paid one million dollars for the right to adapt it.

In this way, domestic film producers feel very honorable and hype it up.

The grade of this movie seems to have improved all of a sudden, and many viewers will also watch it curiously, wondering what movies can be adapted by Hollywood.

It is generally believed that being able to be bought by Hollywood for adaptation is definitely a matter of face.

Cultural confidence.

It is extremely lacking here.

On the other hand, it is blind self-confidence and arrogance.

Wang Qian wants to use Chinese songs to conquer the world and promote Chinese culture.


He knew that such a thing was absolutely impossible.

When Chinese songs are out of the Asian circle, few people listen to them.

Even, apart from Huaxia itself, very few people listened.

Those who listen to Chinese songs in Europe and America are all Chinese!

Those local people have no interest in your Chinese songs, and even despise them.

You think it's classic and nice, but people can't understand it, and they don't want to understand what you sing, and they don't feel any interest in knowing it.


Wang Qian is going to North America to participate in the Good Voice Competition, and the only way to get a good ranking is to sing English songs.


The last place can be pre-booked now.


Wang Qian continued to rest with his eyes closed, without speaking.

He took everyone to have dinner together, and then sent He Fulin and Zhao Wei home.

Qin Xuerong took Wang Qian, Murong Yue, and Jiang Yu home.

It's getting late.

After Murong Yue and Jiang Yu greeted each other, they went back to their room to rest. After a while, there was no sound, obviously they were sleeping and resting.

Qin Xuerong and Wang Qian also went upstairs to wash and took a hasty shower.

Really just a simple bath, no interactive games.

The two lay down next to each other.

Only now did Wang Qian have time to look at his phone!

Enter your main battlefield, the Weibo platform!

The number of followers has risen again, reaching more than 22 million.

After entering the super giant threshold, it can maintain the rapid growth of fans.

Wang Qian is the only one in the circle!

The other super giants have become super giants step by step after years of accumulation, and the number of fans has gradually accumulated.

Therefore, after reaching 20 million fans, the growth rate will be extremely slow, and it will not even increase by 2 million fans in a year or two.

Because, almost all the people who can be attracted by it have already been attracted to become its fans, and other people don't like this kind of star, no matter how much publicity they can't be attracted to become fans!

Therefore, Chaoju almost never hypes and promotes, because that is meaningless, and will only participate in the promotion unless there is a work that is about to be released and broadcast.

It is definitely the only one in the circle who can maintain rapid growth after the number of fans like Wang Qian exceeds 20 million.

Moreover, it is also an incredible thing!

If it continues to grow like this...

In a short time, won't he become the star entertainer with the most fans in the domestic entertainment industry?

This is something that many people do not want to see.

Therefore, the blockade and suppression that Wang Qian is facing recently is more powerful than others can imagine.

If it weren't for the good sound stage.

Wang Qian may be about to disappear into the world of passers-by!

Once on stage, Wang Qian's popularity will grow steadily, and he will be able to attract a lot of attention in a short period of time.

People from several major entertainment groups were very angry when they saw it!

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But for the time being, they have nothing to do.

We can only wait for Wang Qian to leave the stage of Good Voice.


Wang Qian's Weibo is extremely lively.

Many celebrities interacted with Wang Qian.

Liu Shengnan interacted with Wang Qian when the show first aired: "Last time I had a quick meeting with Professor Wang at Zhejiang University, but unfortunately I couldn't get a pair of calligraphy. I hope I can get Professor Wang's calligraphy next time!"

Then, an hour ago, Liu Shengnan sent another message to interact with Wang Qian: "This English rock song ignited me!"

Liu Shengnan's popularity is rising right now. He has just released a new song and it is still very popular. The fans are extremely active, and the growth rate of new fans has also increased a lot. It seems that he may be able to enter the super giant threshold in the near future!

Therefore, every time Liu Shengnan interacts with Wang Qian, it can bring a lot of heat to Wang Qian.

Wang Qian replied: "Thank you Sheng Nan for your support. If Mo Bao, I will definitely write a picture for you next time we meet! Seeing that you have entered the production of a new album, I don't know if I can release an album with you in time."

Liu Shengnan didn't reply online, and he may have gone to bed and rested.

Wang Qian continued to read.

Chen Xiaowen interacted with Wang Qian just now and said: "When it comes to rock and roll, I think Professor Wang is the only one in the domestic rock and roll circle."

Wang Qian simply replied with two words: "Thank you!"


Xueman commented on Wang Qian's new song: "Professor Wang's new song is obviously better than the two English rock songs. Even if I didn't understand it, but simply listening to the music and rhythm, Professor Wang's work surpassed Lin Gangjun's. Song. However, this program has a good voice, so I can clearly feel that Professor Wang’s voice and singing skills are a level better than Lin Gangjun’s. Therefore, Lin Gangjun’s loss is not at all Injustice! I hope that Professor Wang will bring more surprises next time."

Xueman's evaluation also attracted a lot of attention.

Wang Qian also replied two words: "Thank you!"


Liu Jifeng interacted with Wang Qian earlier: "Senior, I really want to collect a picture of your calligraphy!"

Wang Qian didn't reply, pretending he didn't see it.

The relationship between him and Liu Jifeng is not that good yet.

Although he doesn't care about his own handwriting, since others like it, it is impossible for him to give it away as soon as he sees it.


Zhao Lei: "Brother Wang, your handwriting is really buried. Even a calligrapher may become a master of a generation."



Wang Jingyu, Qin Han, Liu Junhua, and Cui Wenfeng all interacted with Wang Qian on Weibo, thank you!

Wang Jingyu posted a photo with Wang Qian's words hanging up: "A collection! Thank you, Professor Wang."

Qin Han: "I really didn't expect to get a piece of calligraphy from Professor Wang today. I must keep it well, and it may become a family heirloom of my Qin family in the future."

Liu Junhua: "Thank you Professor Wang, now Liu Yongde can't specialize in beauty!"

Many people in the circle know that Liu Junhua and Liu Yongde are relatives, a heavenly king and a super giant.

Cui Wenfeng: "I finally called Wang Qian and asked for a picture, and Lao Qin and Lao Liu followed suit!"

The four sparked a wave of enthusiasm, and the keywords of Wang Qian's calligraphy works also became a hot topic!

Fans of the four heavenly kings and queens spoke and interacted one after another.

It also attracted many calligraphers and people from the cultural field to come out and express their opinions!

Some praised Wang Qian's calligraphy works, while others belittled them, and there seemed to be another dispute.


Wang Qian smiled, and returned a smile to each of the four, and did not participate in the quarrel in the field of culture and art.

There are also many celebrities and Internet celebrities that Wang Qian doesn't know, who also come to catch the heat.

Wang Qian didn't reply, but looked at what his fans were saying.

He did not sign a brokerage company as a backer.

The family background is also very ordinary!

Now it is still facing the suppression and blockade of major companies.

The only thing Wang Qian can rely on now is his fans and the Good Voice program that can still be on stage for the time being.

Therefore, Wang Qian has always regarded fans as his foundation, and it is also the foundation for his future foothold in the entertainment industry.

"Professor Wang, upload a new song, I've been waiting for more than an hour."

"Professor Wang, can you make the two young ladies Murong Yue and Jiang Yu appear more? I really want to see the two young ladies."

"Professor Wang, I love this English rock song so much, please upload it quickly. I just ask you to go to the international competition soon, and I want to continue listening to your English rock songs."

"I've been sitting in the Internet cafe for more than an hour. I'm just waiting for Professor Wang to upload the battle song and start the boss. Hurry up."

"Congratulations to Professor Wang for becoming the first in the group, although this honor is not worth mentioning to Professor Wang!"

"Professor Wang, new song, new song! Upload it quickly."

"Refresh Qianqian Jingting every half a minute, waiting to download new songs."

"I'm so happy. I just listened to Liu Shengnan's new song, and soon I can hear Professor Wang's very nice new rock song."


no doubt.

Everyone is urging Wang Qian to upload new songs quickly.

Wang Qian picked up the computer, turned it on, and entered Qianqian Listening.


The Phoenix!

Upload finished.

Wang Qian refreshed.

Just a second passed.

The background shows that the download data has exceeded 10,000!

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